
丁二烯酸是一种有机化合物,化学式为C4H4O2。它可由3-丁炔酸和18%碳酸钾溶液于40 °C反应,再酸化后制得。[1]它和碘化钠乙酸中反应,可以得到3-碘-3-丁烯酸。[2]它和环戊二烯乙醚中反应,可以得到3-亚甲基双环[2.2.1]辛-5-烯-2-甲酸,内型(endo)与外型(exo)异构体之比为68:32。[3]

CAS号 5732-10-5  checkY
  • O=C(O)C=C=C
化学式 C4H4O2
摩尔质量 84.07 g·mol−1
熔点 65-66 °C[1]
若非注明,所有数据均出自标准状态(25 ℃,100 kPa)下。


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 G. Eglinton, E. R. H. Jones, G. H. Mansfield and M. C. Whiting. Researches on acetylenic compounds. Part XLV. The alkaline isomerisation of but-3-ynoic acid. J. Chem. Soc., 1954, 3197-3200. doi:10.1039/JR9540003197.
  2. ^ Shengming Ma, Zhangjie Shi, and Lintao Li. Efficient Synthesis of 4-Halo-4-penten-2-ones and 3-Halo-3-butenoic Acids/Esters via Hydrohalogenation Reaction of 3,4-Pentadien-2-one and 2,3-Butadienoic Acid/Methyl Ester. J. Org. Chem. 1998, 63, 13, 4522–4523. doi:10.1021/jo980129f.
  3. ^ Z. M. Ismail and H. M. R. Hoffmann. Endo selectivity of allenic esters in Diels-Alder additions to cyclopentadiene. The effect of added aluminum trichloride and an approach to dehydrosantalene analogs. J. Org. Chem. 1981, 46, 17, 3549–3550. doi:10.1021/jo00330a036.