

对于消费者和企业来说,買了新计算机或舊電腦升级到新操作系统後,原本用戶環境的去留的確是一大问题,這就催生了用户环境轉移這一需求[2][3] [4]



  1. ^ Staff. Definition of: PC migration. PCMag.com. Ziff Davis, Inc. 1981–2012 [29 May 2012]. (原始内容存档于10 October 2012). 
  2. ^ Compumate. www.compumate.ae. [2023-12-21]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-21). 
  3. ^ Rick Broida. Migrate to Windows 7--Slowly. PCWorld. PCWorld Communications, Inc. 21 October 2009 [29 May 2012]. (原始内容存档于30 April 2012). 
  4. ^ JamesHolder; Jeff Schertz. Computer Migration problem. Microsoft Exchange Server TechCenter. Microsoft. 6 August 2008 [29 May 2012]. (原始内容存档于24 February 2012). 
  5. ^ Reviewers, Top 10. " PC Migration Software Review 2015 – Reviews and comparisons. Top Ten. July 2015 [August 14, 2015]. 
  6. ^ Breeden, John. Life after XP: Zinstall helps tame migration monsters. Government Computing News. August 27, 2013 [July 6, 2014]. (原始内容存档于July 14, 2014).