
亞美尼亞高原(Armenian Highlands,亞美尼亞語Հայկական լեռնաշխարհ羅馬化:Haykakan leṙnašxarh,英文名稱另有Armenian Upland, Armenian plateau,或是Armenian tableland,[1])是組成西亞北部的三個高原中,位居中央,高度最高的一座。[1]亞美尼亞高原從西方,順著時鐘方向,受安纳托利亞高原高加索庫拉-阿拉斯低地伊朗高原美索不達米亞所包圍。亞美尼亞高原受到亞拉拉特平原(其中有亞拉拉特山)所分隔,而分成東西兩個區域。所謂西亞美尼亞就是今日所稱的東部安那托利亞地區,而所謂的東亞美尼亞英语Eastern Armenia即為今日的小高加索山脈,也稱Caucasus Minor,或是古代所稱的Anti-Caucasus,[2][3]即“在高加索對面”的意思。

靠近伊朗和土耳其邊界英语Iran–Turkey border的亞美尼亞高原一景
39°43′N 44°16′E / 39.717°N 44.267°E / 39.717; 44.267
面积400,000 km2(150,000 sq mi)
國家亞美尼亞, 亞塞拜然, 喬治亞, 伊朗, 土耳其, 敘利亞 and 伊拉克


歷史學家假設,亞美尼亞人的名稱在歷史紀錄上出現之前,這個區域曾有幾個不同的族裔存在,這些族裔在亞美尼亞語通行後而統一。[6]在過去6,000多年來,亞美尼亞高原的人口似乎維持高度的區域性遺傳。[7]最近的研究顯示,亞美尼亞人是亞美尼亞高原的原住民,長期在這個地區形成一個獨特的遺傳隔離英语Genetic isolate群。[8]這個地區在古典時代也有亞述人喬治亞人希臘人猶太人、和伊朗人等少數民族居住。在中世紀阿拉伯人,以及特別是土庫曼人庫爾德人大量移入亞美尼亞高原定居。這個地區西半部的基督徒在1915年亞美尼亞種族滅絕時期受到滅絕。今天,這個地區東半部主要是居住著亞美尼亞人、亞塞拜然人、和喬治亞亞人。而西半部主要是居住庫爾德人(包括雅茲迪人)、土耳其人、亞塞拜然人、亞美尼亞人(包括隱性亞美尼亞人英语Hidden Armenians赫姆辛人)、和扎扎人

在大部分的已知歷史上,這個地區是由亞美尼亞貴族英语Armenian nobility和國家治理,這些治理階級或是獨立的亞美尼亞國的一部分、或是附庸、或是外國統治者的一部分。東亞美尼亞的大部分地區從16世紀開始受伊朗薩法維王朝統治,在1828年被俄羅斯帝國併吞,再成為蘇聯的一部分,而西亞美尼亞的大部分地區則由鄂圖曼帝國統治,後來併入土耳其。今日,這個高原地區分屬土耳其、喬治亞、亞美尼亞、亞塞拜然、和伊朗五個國家。


凡湖阿克達瑪島英语Akhtamar Island遠眺阿爾托斯山英语Mount Artos







根據H.F.B.林區英语H. F. B. Lynch(1901年)的資料,亞美尼亞高原自然邊界及其周邊地區。







塞爾柱突厥人於1040年代首次由鹹海地區侵入亞美尼亞高原,並向西擴張,征服土地,並在安納托利亞定居,到1299年滅亡,當時鄂圖曼帝國初成立。[19]塞爾柱人在曼齊刻爾特戰役中擊潰拜占庭帝國,取得亞美尼亞高原地區的主導地位。亞美尼亞王子魯本一世英语Ruben I, Prince of Armenia率領一批亞美尼亞人,逃往奇里乞亞山區,在那裡建立亞美尼亞奇里乞亞王國[20]




近代早期起,這個地區由伊朗薩法維王朝統治。伊朗的薩法維王朝與其宿敵鄂圖曼帝國間的激烈競爭,曾在這個地區發生無數場戰役,伊朗在鄂圖曼-薩法維戰爭(1623-1639)英语Ottoman–Safavid War (1623–1639)後簽署的祖哈布條約英语Treaty of Zuhab,把西亞美尼亞的大部分拱手讓予鄂圖曼帝國。東亞美尼亞地區則在1828年簽署的土庫曼恰伊條約後割讓給俄羅斯帝國。[24]






羅馬人把稱為亞美尼亞李(Prunus armenicus,the Armenian plum), 這種水果被人由亞美尼亞高原帶到歐洲種植。[1]


Rank Mountain Elevation Location
1 阿勒山 5,137公尺  土耳其 阿勒省
2 阿拉加茨山 4,095公尺  亞美尼亞 阿拉加措特恩州
3 敘普漢山英语Mount Süphan 4,058公尺  土耳其 比特利斯省
4 卡普德朱克山英语Mount Kapudzhukh 3,906公尺   亞美尼亞休尼克州 /   阿塞拜疆奧都巴德區英语Ordubad
5 阿弗林山(Mount Avrin) 3,650公尺   伊朗西阿塞拜疆省
6 阿日達哈克山英语Azhdahak (volcano) 3,597公尺   亞美尼亞格加爾庫尼克州
7 克茲伯伽茲山(Mount Kezelboghaz) 3,594公尺   亞美尼亞休尼克州
8 阿托斯山 3,515公尺   土耳其凡省



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Hewsen, Robert H. "The Geography of Armenia" in The Armenian People From Ancient to Modern Times Volume I: The Dynastic Periods: From Antiquity to the Fourteenth Century. Richard G. Hovannisian (ed.) New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997, pp. 1-17
  2. ^   Chisholm, Hugh (编). Caucasia. Encyclopædia Britannica 5 (第11版). London: Cambridge University Press: 547. 1911. 
  3. ^ Reclus, Onésime. A Bird's-eye View of the World. Ticknor. 1892: 264 (英语). anti caucasus. 
  4. ^ Adalian, Rouben Paul. Historical dictionary of Armenia 2nd. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. 2010: 336–8 [2020-02-07]. ISBN 978-0810874503. (原始内容存档于2017-10-19). 
  5. ^ Grierson, Otto Mørkholm; edited by Philip; Westermark, Ulla. Early Hellenistic coinage : from the accession of Alexander to the Peace of Apamea (336-188 B.C.) Repr. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1991: 175 [2020-02-07]. ISBN 0521395046. (原始内容存档于2020-03-17). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 La Porta, Sergio. Nicholson, Oliver , 编. The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2018. (原始内容使用|archiveurl=需要含有|url= (帮助)存档于2021-06-06). Among the diversity of ethnicities residing on the Armenian plateau in Antiquity, the Armenian-speakers came to prominence during the Achaemenid period.  |chapter=被忽略 (帮助);
  7. ^ Hovhannisyan, Anahit; Jones, Eppie; Delser, Pierpaolo Maisano; Schraiber, Joshua; Hakobyan, Anna; Margaryan, Ashot; Hrechdakian, Peter; Sahakyan, Hovhannes; Saag, Lehti; Khachatryan, Zaruhi; Yepiskoposyan, Levon. AN ADMIXTURE SIGNAL IN ARMENIANS AROUND THE END OF THE BRONZE AGE REVEALS WIDESPREAD POPULATION MOVEMENT ACROSS THE MIDDLE EAST. bioRxiv. 2020-06-24: 2020.06.24.168781 [2021-06-05]. S2CID 220253091. doi:10.1101/2020.06.24.168781. (原始内容存档于2020-08-15) (英语). We show that Armenians have indeed remained unadmixed through the Neolithic and at least until the first part of the Bronze Age, and fail to find any support for historical suggestions by Herodotus of an input from the Balkans. However, we do detect a genetic input of Sardinian-like ancestry during or just after the Middle-Late Bronze Age. A similar input at approximately the same time was detected in East Africa, suggesting large-scale movement both North and South of the Middle East. Whether such large-scale population movement was a result of climatic or cultural changes is unclear, as well as the true source of gene flow remains an open question that needs to be addressed in future ancient DNA studies. [...] We focused on solving a long-standing puzzle regarding Armenians’ genetic roots. Although the Balkan hypothesis has long been considered the most plausible narrative on the origin of Armenians, our results strongly reject it, showing that modern Armenians are genetically distinct from both the ancient and present-day populations from the Balkans. On the contrary, we confirmed the pattern of genetic affinity between the modern and ancient inhabitants of the Armenian Highland since the Chalcolithic, which was initially identified in previous studies. [...] Sardinians have the highest affinity to early European farmers [...] 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Haber, Marc; Mezzavilla, Massimo; Xue, Yali; Comas, David; Gasparini, Paolo; Zalloua, Pierre; Tyler-Smith, Chris. Genetic evidence for an origin of the Armenians from Bronze Age mixing of multiple populations. European Journal of Human Genetics. 21 October 2015, 24 (6): 931–936. PMC 4820045 . PMID 26486470. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2015.206 . Our tests suggest that Armenians had no significant mixture with other populations in their recent history and have thus been genetically isolated since the end of the Bronze Age, 3000 years ago. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 "Armenian Highland." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia. [2020-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2008-06-16). 
  10. ^ Volcanoes, their structure and significance Thomas George Bonney - 1912 - Page 243
  11. ^ Emerald Network Pilot Project in Armenia页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Council of Europe.
  12. ^ Der Völkermord an den Armeniern, Nikolaĭ Oganesovich Oganesian - 2005- Page 6
  13. ^ Strabo. The geography of Strabo. H. G. Bohn. 1856: 260. 
  14. ^ Barbara A. West. Encyclopedia of the Peoples of Asia and Oceania. Infobase Publishing. 2009: 47 [20 September 2011]. ISBN 978-0-8160-7109-8. (原始内容存档于2019-12-31). 
  15. ^ Armenian Origins: An Overview of Ancient and Modern Sources and Theories. [4 June 2021]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-28). 
  16. ^ Mesopotamian Trade. Noah's Flood: The Garden of Eden, W. Willcocks, H. Rassam pp. 459-460
  17. ^ Lang, David M. Armenia: Cradle of Civilization. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1970, pp. 50-51, 58-59.
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Encyclopedia of the Peoples of Asia and Oceania, By Barbara A. West, 2009, p. 47
  19. ^ Ghaplanyan, Irina. Post-Soviet Armenia: The New National Elite and the New National Narrative. Routledge. 2017-11-01 [2020-02-07]. ISBN 978-1-315-28267-1. (原始内容存档于2020-05-02). 
  20. ^ T.S.R. Boase, ed. The Cilician Kingdom of Armenia (Edinburgh : Scottish Academic Press, 1978).
  21. ^ Robert Bedrosian,"Armenia during the Seljuk and Mongol Periods," in The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times: Volume I: The Dynastic Periods: From Antiquity to the Fourteenth Century, ed. Richard G. Hovannisian. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997), pp. 241-272.
  22. ^ Adalian, Rouben Paul. Historical Dictionary of Armenia. Scarecrow Press. 2010-05-13 [2020-02-07]. ISBN 978-0-8108-7450-3. (原始内容存档于2020-05-02). 
  23. ^ Peimani, Hooman. Conflict and Security in Central Asia and the Caucasus. 2009 [26 December 2014]. ISBN 9781598840544. (原始内容存档于2020-05-02). 
  24. ^ Holding, Deirdre. Armenia: with Nagorno Karabagh. September 2014 [26 December 2014]. ISBN 9781841625553. (原始内容存档于2020-05-02). 
  25. ^ Dowling, Timothy C. Russia at War: From the Mongol Conquest to Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Beyond .... 2014-12-02 [26 December 2014]. ISBN 9781598849486. (原始内容存档于2017-02-08). 
  26. ^ The Armenian Genocide: Cultural and Ethical Legacies - Page 3, by Richard G. Hovannisian - 2011
