
仇葡萄牙情緒(英語 : Lusophobia),是指對葡萄牙、葡萄牙人或葡萄牙語言和文化的敵意、種族主義、憎恨或歧視。


像"盧西塔尼亞"(音譯,原文 : Lusophobia )一詞是源自古羅馬書籍中的「盧西塔尼亞」,當時這是一個羅馬行省,位於今天的葡萄牙中南部和埃斯特雷馬杜拉地域內,再加上「phobia」,意思是「恐懼」。







2007年,三歲的瑪德琳·麥克坎在葡萄牙南部阿尔加维大区的普拉亞達盧斯失踪後,許多英國媒體對葡萄牙和葡萄牙警方進行了高度批評,描繪葡萄牙為「落後的香蕉共和國」。[4] 其他媒體則通過呼籲抵制葡萄牙作為度假目的地來宣揚反葡萄牙情緒,但這在一般公眾意見中未能反映出來,英國遊客數創下紀錄。[5][6] 據估計,2007年有紀錄的200萬英國遊客到訪葡萄牙度假。[7] 由於批評人士如托尼·帕森斯發表的顯著反葡萄牙文章,當年的投訴數創下歷史記錄。[8][9][10]


  1. ^ Mosher, Jeffrey C. "Political Mobilization, Party Ideology, and Lusophobia in Nineteenth-Century Brazil: Pernambuco, 1822-1850" Hispanic American Historical Review - 80:4, November 2000, pp. 881-912
  2. ^ Jacobinos versus Galegos: Urban Radicals versus Portuguese Immigrants in Rio de Janeiro in the 1890s, June E. Hahner - Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 18, No. 2 (May, 1976), pp. 125-15, [1], JSTOR
  3. ^ Instructional Support Center. [9 May 2015]. (原始内容存档于21 November 2011). 
  4. ^ Berlins, Marcel. Media have rushed to judge Portuguese police. The Guardian (London). 10 September 2007 [2007-09-10]. 
  5. ^ Paulo Reis. Madeleine McCann Disappearance: Algarve Tourism Board: Increase of UK tourists is the answer to the boycott appeal from Telegraph. [9 May 2015]. 
  6. ^ Região de Turismo do Algarve : Aumento do número de turistas britanicos é a resposta ao boicote do Telegraph[永久失效連結]
  7. ^ "Caso Madeleine" não tem efeito negativo em ano com número recorde de turistas britânicos
  8. ^ mirror Administrator. OH, UP YOURS, SENOR. mirror. 29 October 2007 [9 May 2015]. 
  9. ^ Press Complaints At All Time High
  10. ^ Caitlin Fitzsimmons. McCann piece and Heat stickers propel PCC complaints to record high. The Guardian. 16 January 2008 [9 May 2015].