喀邁拉鱷科![]() 化石时期:
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獅鼻鱷 | |
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科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 脊索动物门 Chordata |
纲: | 爬行綱 Reptilia |
演化支: | 真爬行動物 Eureptilia |
演化支: | 卢默龙类 Romeriida |
亚纲: | 双孔亚纲 Diapsida |
演化支: | 新双弓类 Neodiapsida |
演化支: | 蜥类 Sauria |
演化支: | 主龜龍類 Archelosauria |
下纲: | 主龍形下綱 Archosauromorpha |
演化支: | 鱷腳類 Crocopoda |
演化支: | 主龍型類 Archosauriformes |
演化支: | 真鱷腳類 Eucrocopoda |
演化支: | 镶嵌踝类 Crurotarsi |
演化支: | 主龍類 Archosauria |
演化支: | 偽鱷類 Pseudosuchia |
演化支: | 鳄类 Suchia |
演化支: | 副鱷形類 Paracrocodylomorpha |
演化支: | 铠鳄类 Loricata |
总目: | 鱷形超目 Crocodylomorpha |
演化支: | 坚颅类 Solidocrania |
演化支: | 鱷型類 Crocodyliformes |
演化支: | 中真鱷類 Mesoeucrocodylia |
演化支: | 後鱷類 Metasuchia |
亚目: | †诺托鳄亚目 Notosuchia |
科: | †喀邁拉鱷科 Chimaerasuchidae Carvalho et al., 2004 |
屬 | |
- Pol, Diego. New remains of Sphagesaurus huenei (Crocodylomorpha: Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 2003-12-24, 23 (4): 817–831. ISSN 0272-4634. doi:10.1671/A1015-7 (英语).
- Carvalho, Ismar de Souza; Borges Ribeiro, Luiz Carlos; Avilla, Leonardo dos Santos. Uberabasuchus terrificus sp. nov., a New Crocodylomorpha from the Bauru Basin (Upper Cretaceous), Brazil. Gondwana Research. 2004-10, 7 (4): 975–1002 [2021-09-14]. doi:10.1016/S1342-937X(05)71079-0. (原始内容存档于2020-06-04) (英语).
- Candeiro, Carlos Roberto A.; Martinelli, Agustín G. A review of paleogeographical and chronostratigraphical distribution of mesoeucrocodylian species from the upper Cretaceous beds from the Bauru (Brazil) and Neuquén (Argentina) groups, Southern South America. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 2006-11, 22 (1-2): 116–129 [2021-09-14]. doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.08.001. (原始内容存档于2022-03-08) (英语).
- Kuhn, O. 1968. Die Vortzeitlichen Krokodile. Verlag Oeben, Krailing, München, 124 p.
- Marinho, T.S. & Carvalho, I.S. (2007). Revision of the Sphagesauridae Kuhn, 1968 (Crocodyliformes, Mesoeucrocodylia). In: Paleontologia: Cenários de Vida. Vol. 1:581-591.
- Taxon Feedback
- Wu, C. Ancient Crocodile Chomped on Plants. Science News. 1995-08-26, 148 (9): 132 [2021-09-13]. doi:10.2307/3979388. (原始内容存档于2021-09-13).
- Buckley, Gregory A.; Brochu, Christopher A.; Krause, David W.; Pol, Diego. A pug-nosed crocodyliform from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar. Nature. 2000-06, 405 (6789): 941–944 [2021-09-13]. ISSN 1476-4687. doi:10.1038/35016061. (原始内容存档于2022-03-02) (英语).