
固特异邓禄普轮胎运营公司诉布朗案,Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations, S.A. v. Brown,564 US 915(2011),是美国最高法院审理的关于全面管辖权(general jurisdiction)问题的一个重要判例,法院裁定固特异及其子公司与北卡罗来纳州之间的联系不足以对这些公司建立全面属人管辖权(general personal jurisdiction)。 [1]


两名来自北卡罗来纳州的13岁男孩在巴黎郊外的一场巴士事故中丧生。 [2]男孩的父母认为事故是由于固特异轮胎橡胶公司一家外国子公司生产的轮胎存在缺陷造成的,并向北卡罗来纳州法院提起诉讼,要求赔偿损失。 [3]该外国子公司声称北卡罗来纳州法院对它们没有管辖权,并请求驳回诉讼。北卡罗来纳州初审法院驳回了动议,北卡罗来纳州上诉法院维持了原判。 [4]






  1. ^ Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations, S. A. v. Brown页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆United States Supreme Court, Opinion p. 3, "A connection so limited between the forum and the foreign corporation, we hold, is an inadequate basis for the exercise of general jurisdiction. Such a connection does not establish the “continuous and systematic” affiliation necessary to empower North Carolina courts to entertain claims unrelated to the foreign corporation’s contacts with the State."
  2. ^ Brown v. Meter 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2011-05-16. North Carolina Court of Appeals, Opinion p. 3, "Matthew Helms and Julian Brown (Decedents), two thirteen-year-old soccer players who resided in North Carolina, died from injuries suffered in a bus wreck on 18 April 2004 outside Paris, France. Decedents were traveling to Charles de Gaulle Airport in preparation for returning to North Carolina at the time of the accident."
  3. ^ Brown v. Meter 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2011-05-16. North Carolina Court of Appeals, Opinion p. 3, "Plaintiffs sought relief from a series of Goodyear affiliates, including Goodyear France, Goodyear Luxembourg, and Goodyear Turkey on a number of theories arising from an alleged negligent “design, construction, testing, and inspection” of and a failure to warn about alleged latent defects in the Goodyear Regional tire in question."
  4. ^ Brown v. Meter 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2011-05-16. North Carolina Court of Appeals, Opinion p. 4, "On 1 May 2008, the trial court entered an order denying Defendants’ dismissal motions." Opinion, p. 29, "The trial court did not err in exercising general jurisdiction over Defendants and denying their dismissal motion... the trial court’s order should be, and hereby is, affirmed."


  • Text of Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations, S.A. v. Brown, 564 U.S. 915 (2011) is available from: Google Scholar  Justia  Oyez (oral argument audio)  Supreme Court (slip opinion) (archived)