
大小-重量錯覺,也被稱為夏蓬特錯覺,由法國物理學家奥古斯丁 ‧ 夏蓬特的名字命名[1] [2] [3] [4]


这种错觉主要來自在人類大腦錯估了相同質量但不同體積的物體。例如一公斤的鐵與一公斤的棉花理論上重量相等,但如果兩者皆被裝進不透明盒中時,人們會誤以為體積較大的一公斤棉花比較重 [5],這樣的錯覺也會因為顏色或材質兒有差異:相同大小和质量的金属容器感觉起来比木制容器輕[6] ,相同大小和质量的深色物体感觉起来比亮色物体重[7] [8] 。這些錯覺都是因為人們對預這些物質有著一定的既定印象[9][10] 對於客觀的重量或形狀有錯誤的預測[11]


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  2. ^ Koseleff, P. Studies in the perception of heaviness. Acta Psychol. 1957, 13: 242–252. doi:10.1016/0001-6918(57)90023-9. 
  3. ^ Murray, D J; Ellis, R R; Bandomir, C A; Ross, H E. Charpentier (1891) on the size-weight illusion. Percept Psychophys. 1999, 61 (8): 1681–1685. PMID 10598479. doi:10.3758/bf03213127 . 
  4. ^ Nicolas, S; Ross, H E; Murray, D J. Charpentier's papers of 1886 and 1891 on weight perception and the size-weight illusion. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2012, 115 (1): 1–23. PMID 23033750. S2CID 35509359. doi:10.2466/24.22.27.PMS.115.4.120-141. 
  5. ^ Plaisier, Myrthe A.; Smeets, Jeroen B. J. Paul, Friedemann , 编. Mass Is All That Matters in the Size–Weight Illusion. PLOS ONE. 2012-08-09, 7 (8): e42518. Bibcode:2012PLoSO...742518P. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 3415412 . PMID 22912704. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042518 . 
  6. ^ Seashore, C E. Some psychological statistics.2. The material weight illusion. Univ Iowa Stud Psychol. 1899, 2: 36–46. 
  7. ^ De Camp, J E. The influence of color on apparent weight: a preliminary study. J Exp Psychol. 1917, 2 (5): 347–370 [2024-04-20]. doi:10.1037/h0075903. (原始内容存档于2022-10-07). 
  8. ^ Payne Jr., M. Carr. Apparent weight as a function of color. The American Journal of Psychology. 1958, 71 (4): 725–730. JSTOR 1420330. PMID 13627281. doi:10.2307/1420330. 
  9. ^ Jones, LA. Perception of force and weight: theory and research. Psychol Bull. 1986, 100 (1): 29–42. PMID 2942958. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.100.1.29. 
  10. ^ Plaisier, Myrthe A.; Smeets, Jeroen B.J. Object size can influence perceived weight independent of visual estimates of the volume of material. Scientific Reports. November 2016, 5 (1): 17719. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 4667212 . PMID 26626051. doi:10.1038/srep17719. 
  11. ^ Plaisier, Myrthe A.; Kuling, Irene A.; Brenner, Eli; Smeets, Jeroen B. J. When Does One Decide How Heavy an Object Feels While Picking It Up?. Psychological Science. June 2019, 30 (6): 822–829. ISSN 0956-7976. PMC 6560521 . PMID 30917092. doi:10.1177/0956797619837981.