

化石时期:晚中新世 - 晚更新世
~10.3–0.011 Ma
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 哺乳纲 Mammalia
目: 偶蹄目 Artiodactyla
科: 西猯科 Tayassuidae
属: 平頭豬屬 Platygonus
LeConte 1848
Platygonus compressus
LeConte 1848
  • P. compressus
  • P. bicalcaratus
  • P. brachirostris
  • P. oregonensis
  • P. pearcei
  • P. vetus




  1. ^ Platygonus. Paleobiology Database. [2017-10-17]. 
  • Wagner, George (1903) "Observations on Platygonus Compressus Leconte" The Journal of Geology University of Chicago. Dept. of Geology and Paleontology, University of Chicago Press. Journals Division, 11: pp. 777–782;
  • Hoare, Richard D. et al. (May 1964) "Pleistocene Peccary Platygonus Compressus Leconte from Sandusky County, Ohio" The Ohio Journal of Science 64(3): pp. 207–214;
  • Ray, Clayton E.; Denny, Charles S. and Rubin, Meyer (January 1970) "A peccary, Platygonus Compressus LeConte, from drift of Wisconsian age in Northern Pennsylvania" The American Journal of Science Yale University 268: pp.78–94;
  • Wilson, Ronald C.; Guilday, John E. and Branstetter, John A. (October 1975) "Extinct Peccary (Platygonus compressus LeConte) From a Central Kentucky Cave" The NSS Bulletin 37(4): pp. 83–87;
  • Kurtén, Björn; and Anderson, Elaine (1980) Pleistocene Mammals of North America Columbia University Press, New York ISBN 0-231-03733-3 ;
  • Murray, Lyndon K. et al. (September 2005) "Late Pleistocene Fauna from the Southern Colorado Plateau, Navajo County, Arizona" The Southwestern Naturalist 50(3): pp. 363–374;