中文(繁體):《但丁,附克里斯多福羅·蘭迪諾與亞歷山德羅·維爾盧泰洛之地獄、煉獄、天堂註解》(Dante, with the Exposition of Cristoforo Landino, and Alessandro Vellutello over His Comedy of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven),臺北市士林區陽明山次分區臨溪里(雙溪庄外雙溪)
English: This edition illustrated with woodcuts, presents handwritten notes by poet Torquato Tasso (1544-1595), which confer the greatest value of the copy. It is a collection precious for the reconstruction of Tasso's learning and to understand his tastes and preferences in philosophy and literature. Tasso was a passionate reader for the Divina Commedia (Divine Comedy) and from that he drew inspiration for his own works.