Mathematica 12.0 code
n = 2; (*Refractive index of the bottom medium*)
z = 5; (*The bottom of the plot is at zero. This set how high you want to plot*)
h[x_] := 1 + 0.03 Cos[x] + 0.1 Sin[2.1 x] + 0.11 Sin[2.8 x]; (*profile of the refractive medium*)
dh[x_] := Evaluate[D[h[x], x]]; (*Derivative of the profile (that locally determines how Snell law works*)
R[x_] := x + (z - h[x]) dh[x] (n Sqrt[1 - (n^2 - 1) dh[x]^2] - 1)/(1 - (n^2 - 1) dh[x]^2); (*Where the ray ends up*)
Plot[h[x], {x, 0, 2 \[Pi]}, Background -> Black, PlotStyle -> {Gray}, Filling -> Axis, PlotRange -> {0, z}, Axes -> False, FillingStyle -> Gray],
Yellow, Thick, Opacity[0.1], Table[{Line[{{y, 0}, {y, h[y]}}], Line[{{y, h[y]}, If[Im[R[y]] == 0, {R[y], z}, {y, h[y]}]}]}, {y, 0, 2 \[Pi], 0.02}]
, ImageSize -> Large
] (*Plot of the caustics*)
(*Generate the animation*)
listy = RandomSample@Table[y, {y, 0, 2 \[Pi], 0.015}]; (*Randomize the order the rays appear*)
dim = Dimensions[listy][[1]];
p1 = Table[
Plot[h[x], {x, 0, 2 \[Pi]}, Background -> Black, PlotStyle -> {Gray}, Filling -> Axis, PlotRange -> {0, z}, Axes -> False, FillingStyle -> Gray],
Yellow, Thick, Opacity[0.15], Table[{Line[{{y, 0}, {y, h[y]}}], Line[{{y, h[y]}, If[Im[R[y]] == 0, {R[y], z}, {y, h[y]}]}]}, {y, listy[[1 ;; k]]}]
, ImageSize -> Large ]
, {k, 1, dim, 2}]; (*Plot every two frames, otherwise the animation is too heavy*)
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英语 Refraction from a non-flat surface creates regions of high intensity, where many rays cross, known as caustics.