

John Spilsbury (1739 – 3 April 1769)[2] was a British mapmaker and engraver. He is credited as the inventor of the jigsaw puzzle.



父親湯瑪斯·史皮爾斯布里育有三子,約翰·史皮爾斯布里排行第二,兄長是雕刻師喬納森·史皮爾斯布里英语Jonathan Spilsbury[3],約翰.史皮爾斯布里曾經當過英皇喬治三世皇家繪圖員湯瑪斯·杰弗里斯英语Thomas Jefferys的學徒。

He was the second of three sons of Thomas Spilsbury; the engraver Jonathan Spilsbury was his elder brother, and the two have sometimes been confused.[4] He served as an apprentice to Thomas Jefferys, the Royal Geographer to King George III.


Spilsbury created the first puzzle in 1767 as an educational tool to teach geography. He affixed a world map to wood and carved each country out to create the first puzzle. Sensing a business opportunity, he created puzzles on eight themes - the World, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, England and Wales, Ireland and Scotland.

1761年,約翰·史皮爾斯布里與薩福克郡紐馬基特的莎拉·梅結婚。在約翰·史皮爾斯布里過逝後,莎拉·梅接手經營一陣子約翰·史皮爾斯布里遺留的事業;而後,莎拉·梅與曾是約翰·史皮爾斯布里學徒的哈利·阿什比英语Harry Ashby結婚,哈利·阿什比仍繼續販售拼圖。[3]

Spilsbury married Sarah May of Newmarket, Suffolk in 1761. After his death she ran his business for a period, then marrying Harry Ashby who had been apprentice to Spilsbury, and who continued to sell puzzles.[3]





  1. ^ Hannas, Linda. The English jigsaw puzzle, 1760-1890. Wayland, 1972, p. 20 (preview,第20頁,載於Google圖書)
  2. ^ Hannas, Linda. The English jigsaw puzzle, 1760-1890. Wayland, 1972, p. 20 (preview,第20頁,載於Google圖書)
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Sloman, Susan. Spilsbury, Jonathan. 《牛津国家人物传记大辞典》 線上版. 牛津大學出版社. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/26154.  需要订阅或英国公共图书馆会员资格
  4. ^ Sloman, Susan. Spilsbury, Jonathan. 《牛津国家人物传记大辞典》 線上版. 牛津大學出版社. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/26154.  需要订阅或英国公共图书馆会员资格
