
The Salt Lake Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the largest attraction in the city's Temple Square.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, widely known as the LDS Church or the Mormon Church, is the largest and best known denomination within the Latter Day Saint movement and views itself as the restoration of original Christianity (see Restorationism).

耶稣基督后期圣徒教会(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints),或称称作摩门教(Mormonism),是世界上一个著名基督教派的分支之一。在教会的观点来看,教会的复兴代表了最原始的基督教义的复兴

Members of the Church—known as Latter-day Saints or Mormons—regard Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior, who overcame death, atoned for the sins of all humanity, and invites everyone to be redeemed through him. They believe that Jesus Christ appeared with God the Father to Joseph Smith, Jr. and called him to be a prophet and to organize the original church established by Jesus Christ on Earth through a restoration which included the return of priesthood authority and the calling of new Apostles. They also believe that Jesus Christ, as head of the Church, is actively leading them through ongoing revelation. They accept the Bible to be scripture, "as far as it is translated correctly",[1] and use the King James Version of the Bible.[2] In addition to the Bible, they accept additional writings such as the Book of Mormon as inspired scripture (see Standard Works), and do not consider the canon to be closed. Thus, they consider themselves Christians, but not part of the Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant traditions.

该教会中的教友被人们称做“后期圣徒”(Latter-day Saints or LDS) 或者“摩门教徒”(Mormons)。教友们相信耶稣基督是上帝的儿子,人类的救主,为了帮助全人类赎罪,从死中复活,人们要通过他才能得到罪的赦免。 他们相信上帝和耶稣基督出现在斯密约瑟面前,并且召唤他为先知,去复兴和组织耶酥基督上地上的教会,复兴也包括了圣职权柄的回归以及十二使徒的从新召唤。他们同时也相信耶稣基督是教会的首领,现在通过不断启示领导着众教友。教会使用“翻译正确”的圣经(詹姆斯亲王版本)和摩门经为教会经典经文,因此,教会的教友认为自己是基督徒,但并非天主教东正教新教传统意义上的基督徒

The Church is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, and its current president is Gordon B. Hinckley. The Church reports a worldwide membership of 12,560,869 as of December 31, 2005[3], with 6.7 million members residing outside the United States. It is the fourth largest religious body in the United States[4]. The Church membership report includes all baptized members, and also "children of record", i.e., unbaptized children of baptized members. Members living in the US and Canada constitute 47% of membership, Latin America 36%, and members in the rest of the world 17%. (See membership distribution and growth history). A Survey by the City College of New York in 2001 extrapolated that there were 2,787,000 self-identified LDS adults in the United States in 2001, an increase of 1.3% over their 1991 survey, making the LDS Church the 10th-largest religious body in their phone survey of over 50,000 households.[5]

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教会总部设立在美国犹他州盐湖城,现任教会主席是兴格莱戈登(Gordon B. Hinckley)。根据教会成员的一份报告指出,到2005年12月31日为止,教会是美国本土第四大宗教,全世界的教会教友人数达到了12,560,869 人,这其中的670万教友居住在美国以外的地区。这份报告包括了所有已受洗的教友,和一些“记录在案”的儿童,即受洗教友还未受洗的子女。47%的教会成员居住在美国加拿大,36%在拉丁美洲,另外17%的教会成员分居在世界各地。(参见成员分布和发展历史)。纽约市学院在2001年的一份调查报告中作出指出,在美国,一共有2,787,000自认的教会成年教友,比1991年的调查报告的数据增长了1.3%,使之成为电话调查报告中50,000个家庭中的第十大宗教信仰


Members believe their church to be the divine restoration of the church established by Jesus Christ in New Testament times. They believe that following the ascension of Jesus into heaven, He continued to direct His church through His Apostles, but that as men rejected them and began to kill them, the authentic Christian church, along with its authority and many of its teachings, began to disappear. This led ultimately to the Great Apostasy. The original teachings of Christ were thereafter corrupted by Hellenistic philosophy and false doctrines which led to the misinterpretation and misteaching of many scriptures. By the fourth century, the Priesthood — or the authority to act in the name of God — had been lost from the Earth completely, meaning that no man thereafter had valid authority from God to baptize, and perform other sacred ordinances. Under these circumstances the growth of the "true" church came to a halt, despite continued teachings about Christ in the world. Thus, in the Latter-day Saint view, a restoration was required to bring back the true Church of Jesus Christ.



Restoration by Joseph Smith, Jr.

Movement of Church headquarters

Practice of Polygamy

  1. ^ The Articles of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  2. ^ The Official Scriptures of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  3. ^ Statistical Report 2005, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  4. ^ 2005 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches, National Council of Churches. See article by Information Please® Database, Pearson Education, Inc.
  5. ^ Egon Mayer, Ph.D.; Barry A. Kosmin, Ph.D.; Ariela Keysar, Ph.D. American Religious Identification Survey. [2006-07-27].