

《内心之光》(英語:The Inner Light)是美国科幻电视剧星际旅行:下一代》的第125集和第五季的第25集。剧集由自由编剧摩根·根德尔英语Morgan Gendel撰写。摩根被记为故事编剧,并与彼得·艾伦·菲尔德斯英语Peter Allan Fields一同被记为合作电视剧本编剧。剧集是第五季的倒数第二集,于1992年6月1日首播。剧集被评论家和爱好者广泛地认为是全《星际旅行》系列中最好的一集。[1][2][3][4]1993年,《内心之光》获得了雨果奖最佳戏剧表现奖英语Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation。作为重要剧情之一的笛子旋律由杰伊·查塔韦英语Jay Chattaway谱写,并为管弦乐队进行了改编。[5]


星历45944.1,企业号 has just finished a magnetic wave survey of the Parvenium System英语List of Star Trek planets (M–Q)#P, when they encounter an unknown probe英语Bracewell probe which scans the ship and directs an energy beam at Captain Picard, rendering him unconscious.

Picard wakes up to find himself on the surface of Kataan, a 非联邦 planet. A woman identifies herself as his wife, Eline, telling Picard that he is Kamin, an iron weaver recovering from a feverish sickness. Picard talks of his memories on the Enterprise, but Eline and their close friend Batai try to convince Picard that his memories were only dreams, and acclimatize him into their society as Kamin. Picard begins living out his life as Kamin in the village of Ressik, starting a family with Eline, and learning to play the flute. Kamin spends much time outdoors studying nature. As the years pass, he begins to notice that the planet is suffering a worldwide drought owing to increased radiation from the planet's sun. He sends reports to the planet's leaders, who seem to ignore his concerns. Ultimately, Kamin confronts a government official who privately admits to him that the government already knows this but wish to keep it a secret to avoid a panic. The official points out to Kamin that they only just recently managed to successfully launch artificial satellites using primitive rockets: their race simply does not possess the technology level needed to evacuate even a small colony's worth of people before their planet is rendered uninhabitable.

Meanwhile, on board the Enterprise, the crew continues attempts to revive Picard. They try to block the influence of the probe, but this only makes Picard worse, leaving them no choice but to let it continue. They trace the rocket's trajectory to a system whose sun had gone nova 1,000 years before, eradicating all life in the system.

Years pass and Kamin grows old, outliving his wife. Kamin and his daughter Meribor continue their study of the drought. They find that it is not temporary; extinction of all life on the planet is inevitable. One day, while playing with his grandson, Kamin is summoned by his adult children to watch the launch of a rocket, which everyone seems to know about except him. As he walks outside into the glaring sunlight, Kamin sees Eline and Batai, as young as when he first saw them. They explain that he has already seen the rocket, just before he came there. Knowing that the planet was doomed, the planet's leaders placed the memories of their culture into a probe and launched it into space, in the hope that it would find someone who could tell others about their species. Picard then realizes the entire context: "Oh, it's me, isn't it?", he says, "I'm the someone...I'm the one it finds."

Picard wakes up on the bridge of the Enterprise to discover that only 25 minutes have passed. The now inactive probe is brought aboard the Enterprise and the crew finds a small box within it. A somber Riker gives the box to Picard who opens it to find Kamin's flute. Picard, now adept at the instrument, plays the melody he learned during his life as Kamin.


Morgan Gendel named the episode after "The Inner Light英语The Inner Light (song)," a song written by George Harrison and released by The Beatles as a B-side to "Lady Madonna英语Lady Madonna:"

Without going out of my door

I can know all things on earth
Without looking out of my window

I could know the ways of heaven

The lyrics of Harrison's song are in turn based on the 47th chapter of the Taoist Tao Te Ching:

Without going outside his door, one understands (all that takes place) under the sky; without looking out from his window, one sees the Tao of Heaven. The farther that one goes out (from himself), the less he knows. Therefore the sages got their knowledge without travelling; gave their (right) names to things without seeing them; and accomplished their ends without any purpose of doing so.

According to Gendel, the song "captured the theme of the show: that Picard experienced a lifetime of memories all in his head."[6]

Ressikan flute

The brass Ressikan flute resembles, and has a similar sound to, a penny whistle or a tin whistle. It is considered a lasting reminder of Picard's virtual life on the planet throughout the rest of the series. Picard's flute could occasionally be seen in its box sitting on his desk. It plays a role in the episode "Lessons英语Lessons (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" where Picard develops a romantic relationship with a stellar cartographer assigned to the Enterprise, Nella Daren, who encourages his musical side, and with whom he performs a duet version of the "Inner Light" theme.[7] Earlier in the season, a scene shows Picard practicing Mozart on the flute in the beginning of "A Fistful of Datas英语A Fistful of Datas". Its final appearance was in a deleted scene英语deleted scene from Star Trek Nemesis; Lieutenant Commander Data picks it up and examines it while discussing human life with Picard. The original placement of this scene was to have been immediately following the wedding ceremony shown in the opening scenes. The simple theme that Picard plays on the flute was later developed into a full orchestral suite for the 30th anniversary of Star Trek.[8]

From October 5–7, 2006, the Ressikan flute was one of the items up for bid at the Christie's official studio auction of Star Trek memorabilia. The prop flute, which cannot actually be played, was originally estimated to have a sale price of US$300. Auction directors admitted that their estimates for many items did not "factor in that emotional fury generated around this kind of material".[9] The estimate was later raised to $800–$1,200 on Christie's web site.[10] In the days leading up to the auction, Denise Okuda英语Denise Okuda, former Trek scenic artist and video supervisor, as well as co-writer of the auction catalog, said: "That's the item people say they really have to have, because it's so iconic to a much-beloved episode."[11] The final bid for the flute at the auction was US$40,000. Including the additional 20% fee Christie's collected on all items from the winning bidder, the total price for the flute was $48,000.[10]


This episode won the 1993 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation英语Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation.[12] The award was given at the World Science Fiction Convention in San Francisco. "The Inner Light" was the first television program to be so honored since the original Star Trek: The Original Series episode "The City on the Edge of Forever" won in 1968. The other Hugo Award-winning Star Trek episodes are "The Menagerie" (the only two-part episode of the original series) and "All Good Things...英语All Good Things..." (the series finale for The Next Generation).

The episode is considered by fans to be the most touching of the series' episodes, along with the similar "Family英语Family (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" episode. It is the favorite episode of actors Patrick Stewart,[13] who played Captain Jean-Luc Picard, and Wil Wheaton英语Wil Wheaton, who played Ensign Wesley Crusher英语Wesley Crusher. Star Trek writer Susan Sackett英语Susan Sackett notes that it is also her favorite episode even though it is not one she wrote.[14] "The Inner Light" was ranked among the top five episodes in a "viewers' choice" marathon that was broadcast just prior to the premiere of the series finale.[15]


  1. ^ 巴泰,卡明之子,由帕特里克·斯图尔特(卡明/皮卡尔)现实之子丹尼尔·斯图尔特客串出演。在剧中,卡明之子因卡明的老朋友巴泰而得名。


  1. ^ Jammer's Review: "The Inner Light". [2012-11-17]. 
  2. ^ Handlen, Zack. "The Inner Light"/"Time's Arrow, Part I" | Star Trek: The Next Generation | TV Club | TV. The A.V. Club. 2011-05-12 [2012-11-17]. 
  3. ^ Five Big Issues Raised by "The Inner Light". 2012-05-16 [2012-11-17]. 
  4. ^ Garmon, Jay. The five best 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' episodes of all time. TechRepublic. 2012-03-15 [2012-11-17]. 
  5. ^ Video of the Day: Orchestral Inner Light. [2012-11-17]. 
  6. ^ Gendel, Morgan. Comments on "Inner Light Sources". Soul of Star Trek. 2006. 
  7. ^ Nemecek, Larry. Sixth Season: Lessons. The Star Trek, The Next Generation Companion. Simon and Schuster. 2003: 241. ISBN 0-7434-5798-6. 
  8. ^ The Best Of Star Trek: 30th Anniversary Special! Gnp Crescendo
  9. ^ Two to bid up! First auction of ‘Star Trek’ stuff MSNBC [失效連結]
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Christie's 1778-0537, Picard's Ressikan Flute, Star Trek at the Star Trek Auction Listings Archive
  11. ^ Puente, Maria. Boldly bid where no fan has bid before. USA Today. 2006-09-26 [2011-06-24]. 
  12. ^ Chronicle. The New York Times. 1993-09-07.  See also: 1993 Hugo Awards. World Science Fiction Society. 
  13. ^ Harris, Will. A Chat with Patrick Stewart. [2010-04-28]. 
  14. ^ Sackett, Susan Presenter: D. J. Grothe英语D. J. Grothe, Producers: Thomas Donnelly and Paul Kurtz英语Paul Kurtz. The Secular Humanism of Star Trek. Point of Inquiry. 24:11 记录于. 29 May 2009.  已忽略未知参数|firstname= (帮助); 已忽略未知参数|lastname= (帮助)
  15. ^ "Star Trek: The Next Generation Viewers Choice Marathon".


  • Bond, Jeff. The Music of Star Trek. Lone Eagle Publishing Co. 1999. ISBN 1-58065-012-0. 
  • Gendel, Morgan; Peter Allan Fields. Star Trek: The Next Generation - "The Inner Light" #40275-225. Paramount Pictures Corporation. 1992-03-24. 
  • Richards, Thomas. The Meaning of Star Trek. Doubleday. 1997. ISBN 0-385-48437-2. 


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