
绿带彩蚴吸虫学名Leucochloridium paradoxum),属于彩蚴吸虫属,是以蜗牛为中间宿主的寄生虫,常发现于Succinea属蜗牛。部分网络来源称之为双盘吸虫,但本种并不属于拟异双盘属Paradistomoides)或异双盘属Paradistomum)。

寄生于蜗牛Succinea putris的绿带彩蚴吸虫
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 扁形动物门 Platyhelminthes
纲: 吸虫纲 Trematoda
亚纲: 复殖亚纲 Digenea
目: 有壁目 Diplostomida
科: 彩蚴科 Leucochloridiidae
属: 彩蚴属 Leucochloridium
绿带彩蚴吸虫 L. paradoxum
Leucochloridium paradoxum
(Carus, 1835)
陆地蜗牛Succinea putris的左眼柄中有绿带彩蚴吸虫





  1. ^ Casey, S.P.; Bakke, T.A.; Harris, P.D.; Cable, J. Use of ITS rDNA for discrimination of European green- and brown-banded sporocysts within the genus Leucochloridium Carus, 1835 (Digenea: Leucochloriidae). Systematic Parasitology. 2003, 56: 163–168. doi:10.1023/B:SYPA.0000003809.15982.ca. 
  2. ^ Nakao, Minoru; Sasaki, Mizuki; Waki, Tsukasa; Iwaki, Takashi; Morii, Yuta; Yanagida, Kazumi; Watanabe, Megumi; Tsuchitani, Yoshikazu; Saito, Takumi; Asakawa, Mitsuhiko. Distribution records of three species of Leucochloridium (Trematoda: Leucochloridiidae) in Japan, with comments on their microtaxonomy and ecology. Parasitology International. October 2019, 72: 101936. doi:10.1016/j.parint.2019.101936. 
  3. ^ Castillo, V.M.; González, H. Evidence of parasitism in the semi-slug Omalonyx gayana d’Orbigny, 1835 with Leucochloridium paradoxum (Carus, 1835) sporocysts on Robinson Crusoe Island (PDF). Tentacle. 2021, 29: 34–35 [2021-05-12]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2021-08-30). 
  4. ^ Bakke, T. A. A revision of the family Leucochloridiidae Poche (Digenea) and studies on the morphology of Leucochloridium paradoxum Carus, 1835. Systematic Parasitology. April 1980, 1 (3-4): 189–202. doi:10.1007/BF00009845.