



在2015年12月,Linux基金會宣佈了Hyperledger項目的啟動。創始成員於2016年2月公佈,隨後在3月29日,另外10名成員以及治理理事會被公開。[2]在5月19日,Brian Behlendorf被任命為項目的執行總監。[3]



Hyperledger Burrow


Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric是一個許可的區塊鏈架構。其由IBM[8]和Digital Asset最初貢獻給Hyperledger項目。它提供一個模塊化的架構,把架構中的節點、智能合約的執行(Fabric項目中稱為"chaincode")以及可配置的共識和成員服務。 一個Fabric網絡包含同伴節點(Peer nodes)執行chaincode合約,訪問賬本數據,背書交易並稱為應用程式的接口。排序節點(Orderer nodes)負責確保此區塊鏈的一致性並傳達被背書的交易給網絡中的同伴們;以及MSP服務,主要作為證書權威(Certificate Authority)管理X.509證書用於驗證成員身份以及角色[9]

Hyperledger Iroha

Iroha是一個基於Hyperledger Fabric主要面向移動應用的協議,由Soramitsu貢獻。[10]

Hyperledger Sawtooth

英特爾貢獻的Sawtooth利用一種新型共識機制稱為時間流逝證明(Proof of Elapsed Time)一種基於可信的執行環境的彩票設計模式的共識協議由英特爾的Software Guard Extensions (SGX)提供。[11][12]


  1. ^ Linux Foundation Unites Industry Leaders to Advance Blockchain Technology. 2015-12-17 [2018-03-21]. (原始內容存檔於2017-07-17). 
  2. ^ Open Source Blockchain Effort for the Enterprise Elects Leadership Positions and Gains New Investments. 2016-03-29. (原始內容存檔於2016-04-13). 
  3. ^ Founder of the Apache Software Foundation Joins Linux Foundation to Lead Hyperledger Project. 2016-05-19. (原始內容存檔於2016-06-10). 
  4. ^ Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger Project Announces 30 Founding Members and Code Proposals To Advance Blockchain Technology. 2016-02-09 [2016-02-17]. (原始內容存檔於2016-02-25). 
  5. ^ Burrow repository on Github. [2018-03-21]. (原始內容存檔於2021-04-20). 
  6. ^ Monax website. [2022-03-06]. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-13). 
  7. ^ Keirns, Garrett. Monax Adds Blockchain Code to Hyperledger GitHub Repository. Coindesk. [12 April 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-11). 
  8. ^ Hyperledger Fabric Website. [2018-02-07]. (原始內容存檔於2020-05-04). 
  9. ^ Androulaki. Hyperledger Fabric: A Distributed Operating System for Permissioned Blockchains. arXiv:1801.10228 . ;
  10. ^ Higgins, Stan. Hyperledger Eyes Mobile Blockchain Apps With 'Iroha' Project. Coindesk. [18 May 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-27). Iroha was first unveiled during a meeting of the project’s Technical Steering Committee last month. Iroha is being pitched as both a supplement to other Hyperledger-tied infrastructure projects like IBM’s Fabric (on which it is based) and Intel’s Sawtooth Lake. 
  11. ^ Bucci, Debbie. Blockchain and Its Emerging Role in Health IT and Health-related research. (PDF). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. [18 May 2017]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2020-11-21). 
  12. ^ Bollen, Benjamin. Introduce a start for Burrow EVM as Sawtooth Transaction Processor. Hyperledger. [18 May 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-27). 
