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斯托雷加滑坡(挪威语:Storeggaraset )是已知规模最大的海底滑坡之一,大约公元前6225年至前6170年发生于挪威海挪威大陆架边缘。 此次海底滑坡涉及的沿海陆架长度约290 km(180 mi),总体积为3,500 km3(840 cu mi) ,并在北大西洋引起了一场古海啸。

斯托雷加(挪威语:Storegga )位于挪威海挪威大陆架边缘,位于默勒郡海岸西北100 km(62 mi)处。 公元前6200年左右,大陆棚的结构性破坏引发了三起水下山崩,引发了北大西洋的超大海啸。 塌陷涉及估计长度为290 km(180 mi)的沿海陆架,碎片总体积为3,500 km3(840 cu mi)[2] 。
根据从海啸沉积物中回收的植物材料的放射性碳定年法,最近一次事件发生在大约公元前6225年-6170年左右[3][4]。 在苏格兰,随后发生的海啸留下了痕迹,在蒙特罗斯盆地和福斯湾内陆深处发现了沉积物,内陆深达29 km(18 mi),且比当前正常潮位高出4米(13英尺)[5]。
多格兰位于山体滑坡发生地的西侧,由于海平面上升,目前已被淹没在水中,现在是一个名为Dogger Bank的河岸,但在斯托雷加海底山体滑坡发生时,这里是陆地。 这里居住着中石器时代的人们,是现代英国、丹麦和荷兰之间的陆桥。据信,该地区包括潟湖、沼泽、泥滩和海滩的海岸线,并且是一个丰富的狩猎、捕鸟和渔场,居住着中石器时代人类文化,但人们认为海啸导致了人口的显著下降[6][7][8]。
- ^ P.C. Marrow, "Seismic Monitoring of the North Sea", Global Seismology Research Group, British Geological Society, HSE, 1992
- ^ Bondevik, S.; Mangerud, J.; Dawson, S.; Dawson, A.; Lohne, Ø. Record-breaking Height for 8000-Year-Old Tsunami in the North Atlantic. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 5 August 2003, 84 (31): 289, 293. Bibcode:2003EOSTr..84..289B. doi:10.1029/2003EO310001 . hdl:1956/729.
- ^ Bondevik, S; Lovholt, F; Harbitz, C; Stormo, S; Skjerdal, G. The Storegga Slide Tsunami – Deposits, Run-up Heights and Radiocarbon Dating of the 8000-Year-Old Tsunami in the North Atlantic. American Geophysical Union meeting. 2006. Bibcode:2006AGUFMOS34C..01B.
- ^ Bondevik, S; Stormo, SK; Skjerdal, G. Green mosses date the Storegga tsunami to the chilliest decades of the 8.2 ka cold event. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2012, 45: 1–6. Bibcode:2012QSRv...45....1B. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.04.020.
- ^ Brooks, Libby. Ancient tsunami could have wiped out Scottish cities today, study finds. The Guardian. 4 June 2021 [2024-01-05]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-05).
- ^ Bryony Coles, "Doggerland Project", University of Exeter Department of Archaeology. [2014-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2015-08-17).
- ^ Vincent Gaffney, "Global Warming and the Lost European Country". [2024-01-05]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-24).
- ^ Tony Robinson, "Britain's Stone Age Tsunami", Time Team specials, Channel 4 Television, 30 May 2013. [2024-01-05]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-26).
- Williams, Sarah C. P. News Feature: Skimming the surface of underwater landslides. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 16 February 2016, 113 (7): 1675–78. Bibcode:2016PNAS..113.1675W. PMC 4763740 . PMID 26884637. doi:10.1073/pnas.1524012113 .
- Walker, James; Gaffney, Vincent; Fitch, Simon; Muru, Merle; Fraser, Andrew; Bates, Martin; Bates, Richard. A great wave: the Storegga tsunami and the end of Doggerland?. Antiquity. 2020, 94 (378): 1409–1425. ISSN 0003-598X. doi:10.15184/aqy.2020.49 . hdl:10454/18239 (英语).
- Woodroffe, Sarah A.; Hill, Jon; Bustamante‐Fernandez, Emmanuel; Lloyd, Jerry M.; Luff, Jake; Richards, Sarah; Shennan, Ian. On the varied impact of the Storegga tsunami in northwest Scotland. Journal of Quaternary Science. 2023. ISSN 0267-8179. doi:10.1002/jqs.3539 .
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