

  1. ^ Sandpit Owners Ordered to Take Corrective Steps. Los Angeles Times. 15 July 1969: OC–A1 [2021-03-01]. (原始內容 (Subscription required)存檔於2009-08-07). ; Lubasch, Arnold H. $75-Million Industry Park Planned for L.I. Sandpit. The New York Times. 8 October 1967: R1 [2021-03-01]. (原始內容 (Subscription required)存檔於2013-10-21). 
  2. ^ The messy business of sand mining explained. [21 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2021-03-05). 
  3. ^ Battle lines in the sand. The Sydney Morning Herald. 2 November 2005 [2021-03-01]. (原始內容存檔於2017-09-10).