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蔥屬 Allium 果樹,[1] 茄科 (番茄,[2] 辣椒、菜椒,[3] 土豆[4]),蕓薹屬,[5] 胡蘿蔔[6][7] 胡蘿蔔,[7] 番茄,[8] 胡蘿蔔,白花菜萬壽菊屬,[9] 薄荷[9] 薊馬 -兔子,[5] 蛞蝓 (見蒜條目), -蚜蟲,[6] 胡蘿蔔蠅,[7] -粉紋夜蛾,[6] -甘藍種蠅,[6] -青菜蟲,[6] -日本金龜子[6] 四季豆,[10] 豌豆[11] 蔥屬包括洋蔥,蒜頭,韭蔥,紅蔥,蝦夷蔥等等。
蘆筍 Asparagus officinalis 番茄,[12] 歐芹[13][14] 紫菀屬, 蒔蘿, 芫荽, 番茄,[13][14] 歐芹,[13][14] 羅勒,[14] 聚合草, 萬壽菊屬, 旱金蓮[來源請求] 與羅勒同種會吸引七星瓢蟲[來源請求] 洋蔥, 大蒜, 土豆, 唐菖蒲屬[來源請求]
叢豆 Phaseolus vulgaris 黃瓜,[14] 草莓[15] 西芹,[5][14] 草莓,[10][14] 穀物[16] 茴香,[10] 大豆,[16] dry beans,[16] 紫苜蓿[16] "生菜, 土豆,番茄, other 豆類, 十字花科, or 葫蘆科 increase sclerotinia" in the soil and should be 避免ed before and after 豆角.[16] See the entry for "豆類" for more info
架豆 Phaseolus vulgaris 蘿蔔,玉米[10] 向日葵,[10] 甜菜,[10] 蕓薹屬,[12] 苤藍[17] the stalk of the 玉米provides a pole for the四季豆 to grow on, which then gives nitrogen to the soil of the corn.[18][自我引用] As for the 蘿蔔, see the entry for "豆類" for more info
蠶豆 Vicia faba 草莓, 西芹[19] See the entry for "豆類" for more info
俗名 學名 有益於 受益於 吸引 -驅趕/+引走(害蟲) 避免 腳註
甜菜 Beta vulgaris 西蘭花,[5] 叢豆,[10][20] 捲心菜,[20] 生菜,[20] 苤藍,[12][21]洋蔥,[12] 蕓薹屬,[20][17] 百香果[22] 叢豆,[12][20]洋蔥,[12] 苤藍,[12][21] catnip,[來源請求] 蒜,[12] 生菜,[10] 大多數蕓薹屬,[10] mint 彩豆或架豆[12] Good for adding minerals to the soil through composting leaves which have up to 25% magnesium. Runner or 架豆 and 甜菜 stunt each other's growth.
蕓薹屬 Brassica 甜菜,[10]洋蔥,[12] 土豆,[來源請求] cereals (e.g.玉米, wheat)[來源請求] 甜菜,[20][17] 菠菜,[17] 君達菜,[17] Aromatic plants or plants with many blossoms, such as 西芹,[17] chamomile,[12][17] and 萬壽菊屬.[9][23] 蒔蘿,[5][12] 鼠尾草,[5] 豌豆,[來源請求] 辣薄荷,[5][9] 綠薄荷,[來源請求] spurrey,[來源請求] 迷迭香,[5] 黑麥草屬,[來源請求] 蒜,[12]洋蔥[17][24] and 土豆.[5] 天竺葵, 蔥屬,[5] nasturtium,[24] borage, hyssop,[5] tansy,[來源請求] tomato,[來源請求] thyme,[5][24] wormwood,[5] southernwood,[5]四季豆,[16] clover[來源請求] Wireworms 芥菜, nightshades (tomatoes,[12][17] peppers, etc.), 架豆,[12][17] 草莓[12][17] 蕓薹屬 are a family of plants which includes 西蘭花, 抱子甘藍, 捲心菜, 花菜, 白菜, 苤藍, 蘿蔔, and 蕪菁. Thyme, nasturtiums, and 洋蔥 showed good resistance to 包菜 worm, weevil and 包菜 looper.[24]
西蘭花 Brassica oleracea 生菜[25] Mixture of 芥菜, pac choi, and rabe.[來源請求] 甜菜, 蒔蘿,[5] 生菜,[25] 芥菜,[來源請求]洋蔥,[20]番茄,[26] 蕪菁,[27] clover[26] 西蘭花 as a main crop intercropped with 生菜 was shown to be more profitable than either crop alone.[25] 蕪菁 acts as a trap crop.[27] See 蕓薹屬 entry for more info
抱子甘藍 Brassica oleracea 鼠尾草,[28] thyme,[28] clover,[28] malting barley[來源請求]
包菜/捲心菜 Brassica oleracea / Brassica chinensis 四季豆,[10] 西芹[5] 四季豆,[14] clover,[29][30] calendula/pot marigold,[31] chamomile,[20] larkspur,[12] nasturtiums,[20] 蒔蘿,[20][32] coriander,[33] hyssop,[12]洋蔥,[12][20] 甜菜,[20] 萬壽菊屬,[來源請求] mint,[12][20] 迷迭香,[20] 鼠尾草,[12][20] thyme,[20]番茄,[來源請求] lacy phacelia,[來源請求] 蔥 with 白菜.[來源請求] Snails and slugs[34] Grapes[35] See 蕓薹屬 entry for more info. If using clover as an intercrop it should be sown after 包菜 transplant so as not to affect crop yield. Nasturtiums repel 包菜 moths[20]
胡蘿蔔 Daucus carota 番茄,[36] 蔥屬,[7]四季豆,[10] 韭蔥,[11] 生菜,[12][37]洋蔥,[7] 百香果[22] 生菜,[37] 蔥屬 (chives,[12] 韭蔥,[12]洋蔥,[7][12][13] shallots, etc.), 迷迭香,[12] wormwood,[12] 鼠尾草,[12]四季豆, flax Assassin bug, lacewing, parasitic wasp, yellow jacket and other predatory wasps 韭蔥 moth,[13] onion fly[7][13] 蒔蘿, parsnip, 蘿蔔 番茄 grow better with胡蘿蔔, but may stunt the胡蘿蔔' growth.四季豆 provide the nitrogen胡蘿蔔 need more than some other vegetables. Aromatic companion plants repel carrot fly. 鼠尾草, 迷迭香, and 蘿蔔 are recommended by some as companion plants, but listed by others as incompatible. 蔥屬 inter-planted with胡蘿蔔 confuse 洋蔥 and 胡蘿蔔flies. For the beneficial insect-attracting properties of胡蘿蔔 to work, they need to be allowed to flower; Otherwise, use the wild carrot, Queen Anne's Lace, for the same effect. Flax produces an oil that may protect root vegetables like胡蘿蔔 from some pests.
花菜 Brassica oleracea 四季豆,[10] 西芹,[5] 菠菜,[來源請求] 豌豆[38] Mixture of 白菜, 萬壽菊屬, rape, and sunflower.[來源請求] 菠菜,[來源請求] 豌豆[38] One row of 菠菜 alternating at 60 cm from each row of 花菜 proved mutually beneficial.[來源請求] See 蕓薹屬 for more info. See 豌豆 regarding their mutualism with 花菜.
西芹 Apium graveolens 叢豆,[5][14] 蕓薹屬,[5][17] 黃瓜[39] Cosmos, daisies, snapdragons, 韭蔥,[5]番茄,[5] 花菜,[5] 包菜,[5] 叢豆[5] Whiteflies[39] 玉米, aster flowers Aster flowers, can transmit the aster yellows disease
俗名 學名 有益於 受益於 吸引 -驅趕/+引走(害蟲) 避免 腳註
君達菜 Beta vulgaris ssp. cicla 蕓薹屬,[17] 百香果[22]
玉米 Zea mays 四季豆,[14][20] 葫蘆科,[12] 大豆,[40]番茄[41] 向日葵, 蒔蘿,[20] 豆類 (beans,[12][14][20] 豌豆,[12] 大豆 etc.), peanuts, 葫蘆科,[12] clover,[42] amaranth,[43] 白天竺葵, pigweed,[12] lamb's quarters, morning glory, parsley, and 土豆,[12] field 芥菜,[44] Sudan grass[來源請求] Tomato,[45] 西芹 Provides四季豆 with a trellis, is protected from predators and dryness by cucurbits, in the three sisters technique
黃瓜 Cucumis sativus 四季豆,[10][20] 苤藍,[21] 生菜[12] 苤藍,[21] nasturtiums,[12] 蘿蔔,[45] 萬壽菊屬, 向日葵,[45] 豌豆,[45]四季豆,[14][20][45] chamomile,[12] 甜菜,胡蘿蔔, 蒔蘿,[20]洋蔥,[46] 蒜,[46][47] amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus),[48] 西芹,[39] 木耳菜[39] Beneficial for ground beetles Raccoons,[12] ants[12] 土豆,[12] aromatic herbs[12] Sow 2 or 3 蘿蔔 seeds in with 黃瓜 to repel 黃瓜 beetles.[12] One study showed a 75% reduction in 黃瓜 beetles with the concurrent seeding of amaranth.[48] Various sprays from 生菜, 蘆筍, 木耳菜, and 西芹 were found to reduce whiteflies.[39] See 葫蘆科 entry for more info
葫蘆科 Cucurbitaceae 玉米[12] 玉米,[12] grain sorghum[49] Cucurbits are a family of plants that includes melons, 黃瓜, gourds, pumpkins, and 南瓜屬
茄子 Solanum melongena 四季豆, peppers,番茄,[50] 百香果[22] 萬壽菊屬, catnip,[20] 蒔蘿,[來源請求] redroot pigweed,[45] green四季豆,[45] tarragon, mints, thyme[12] 萬壽菊屬 will deter nematodes.
苤藍 Brassica oleracea v. gongylodes 洋蔥,[12][21] 甜菜,[21] aromatic plants,[21] 黃瓜[21] 甜菜,[12][21] 黃瓜[21] See 蕓薹屬 entry for more info
韭蔥 ''Allium ampeloprasum'' v. ''porrum'' 胡蘿蔔,[12] 西芹,[21]洋蔥,[21] tomato,[51] 百香果[22] Carrots[11] clover,[52] 君達菜 See 蔥屬 entry for more info
豆類 Phaseolus and Vicia 甜菜,[12][20] 生菜,[53] 秋葵,[53] 土豆,[14][54][55][56] 菠菜,[來源請求] 蒔蘿,[來源請求] 捲心菜,[14]胡蘿蔔, 君達菜, 茄子,[45] 豌豆,番茄,[14] 蕓薹屬,[16]玉米,[12][14][20] 黃瓜,[20][45] grapes Summer savory,[10][14] 甜菜,[10][20] 黃瓜,[10][20] borage,[12] 捲心菜,[10]胡蘿蔔,[10] 花菜,[10]玉米,[14][20] larkspur,[12] lovage,[12] 萬壽菊屬,[10][20] 芥菜,[12] 蘿蔔,[10][20] 土豆,[54][55][56] 辣薄荷,[16] 迷迭香,[12][20][16] 生菜,[53] 洋蔥,[來源請求] 南瓜屬,[53] lacy phacelia[57] Snails and slugs[34] Colorado potato beetle[10][55] 蔥屬,[10][20] gladiolas[10][17] Hosts nitrogen-fixing bacteria, a good fertiliser for some plants, too much for others. 迷迭香 and 辣薄荷 extracts are used in organic sprays for四季豆.[16] Summer savory[20] and 土豆[55] repel bean beetles.
生菜 Lactuca sativa 甜菜,[10]四季豆,[53] 秋葵,[53]洋蔥,[21] 蘿蔔,[12] 西蘭花,[25]胡蘿蔔,[37] 百香果[22] 蘿蔔, 甜菜,[20] 蒔蘿,[12][20] 苤藍,洋蔥,[12][21][24]四季豆,[53]胡蘿蔔,[12][37] 黃瓜,[12] 草莓,[12] 西蘭花[25] thyme,[24] nasturtiums,[24] alyssum,[58] cilantro[58] Slugs and snails.[34] 西芹, 捲心菜, cress, parsley Mints (including hyssop, 鼠尾草, and various "balms") repel slugs, a bane of 生菜 and 捲心菜.[來源請求] 西蘭花 when intercropped with 生菜 was shown to be more profitable then either crop alone.[25]
芥菜 Sinapis alba/Brassica nigra/Brassica juncea 四季豆,[12] 西蘭花,[來源請求] 捲心菜, 花菜, fruit trees,[12] grapes,[12] 蘿蔔, 抱子甘藍, 蕪菁 Various pests See 蕓薹屬 entry for more info. 芥菜 acts as a trap crop in 西蘭花.[來源請求]
俗名 學名 有益於 受益於 吸引 -驅趕/+引走(害蟲) 避免 腳註
Nightshades Solanaceae 胡蘿蔔, 蔥屬, mints (basil, oregano, etc.) 四季豆, black walnuts,玉米, 茴香, 蒔蘿, 蕓薹屬 Nightshades are a family of plants which include番茄, tobacco, chili peppers (including bell peppers), 土豆, 茄子, and others
秋葵 Abelmoschus esculentus 番薯,番茄,[50] peppers[59] 四季豆,[53] 生菜,[53] 南瓜屬,[53] 番薯, peppers[59] 秋葵 and 番薯 are mutually beneficial when planted simultaneously.
洋蔥 Allium cepa 甜菜,[12]四季豆,[來源請求] 蕓薹屬,[17][24] 捲心菜,[12][20] 西蘭花,[20] 胡蘿蔔,[7][12][13] 生菜,[12][21] 黃瓜,[46] peppers,[3] 百香果,[22] 草莓.[12] 蔥 with 白菜.[來源請求] 胡蘿蔔,[7] 甜菜,[12] 蕓薹屬,[12] 蒔蘿,[12] 生菜,[12] 草莓,[12] 萬壽菊屬,[來源請求] mints,[來源請求]番茄,[12] summer savory,[12] chamomile,[12][20] pansy Lentils, 豌豆,[12] See 蔥屬 entry for more info
Parsnip Pastinaca sativa Fruit trees A variety of predatory insects The flowers of the parsnip plant left to seed will attract a variety of predatory insects to the garden, they are particularly helpful when left under fruit trees, the predators attacking codling moth and light brown apple moth. The root also contains Myristricin, which is toxic to fruit flies, house flies, red spider mite, pea aphids, a simple blender made extraction of three blended parsnips roots to one litre of water through a food processor (not one for preparing food) and left overnight, strained and use within a few days.
豌豆 蕓薹屬,[來源請求] 蕪菁,[38] 花菜,[38] 蒜,[38] 蕪菁,[38] 花菜,[38] 蒜,[38] mints[12] Colorado potato beetle[7] 豌豆 when intercropped with 蕪菁, 花菜, or 蒜 showed mutual suppression of growth however their profit per land area used was increased.[38]
Peppers Solanaceae, Capsicum 秋葵[59] 四季豆,[60]番茄, marjoram,[來源請求] 秋葵,[59] 天竺葵, petunias, 向日葵,[61][62]洋蔥[3] crimson clover,[63] basil,[12] field 芥菜[44] 四季豆, kale (捲心菜, 抱子甘藍, etc.) Pepper plants like high humidity, which can be helped along by planting with some kind of dense-leaf or ground-cover companion, like marjoram and basil; they also need direct sunlight, but their fruit can be harmed by it...pepper plants grown together, or with番茄, can shelter the fruit from sunlight, and raises the humidity level. 向日葵, when in bloom at the right time, sheltered beneficial insects which lowered thrips populations.[61]
土豆 Solanum tuberosum 蕓薹屬,[5]四季豆,[54][55][56]玉米,[12] 豌豆,[64] 百香果[22] 辣根,[12][20]四季豆,[14][54][55][56] dead nettle,[12] 萬壽菊屬,[12] 豌豆,[7][64] 洋蔥,[4] 蒜,[4][65] thyme,[12] clover[66] Mexican bean beetle[55] Atriplex, carrot, 黃瓜,[12] pumpkin,[67] raspberries, 南瓜屬, sunflower, tomato 辣根 increases the disease resistance of 土豆. It repels the potato bug.[20] 蒜 was shown to be more effective than fungicides on late potato blight.[65] 豌豆 were shown to reduce the density of Colorado potato beetles.[7]
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Pumpkin Cucurbita pepo 玉米,[67]四季豆 Buckwheat, Jimson weed,[67] catnip, oregano,[12] tansy, 蘿蔔, nasturtiums spiders, ground beetles 土豆[67] 蘿蔔 can be used as a trap crop against flea beetles, cucurbita can be used in the three sisters technique. Nasturtiums repel 南瓜屬 bugs.[12]
蘿蔔 Raphanus sativus 南瓜屬[12] 茄子, 黃瓜,[12] 生菜,[20] 豌豆,[20]四季豆,[10][20] 架豆,[10] Chervil,[12][20] 生菜,[12] nasturtiums[12][20] flea beetles, 黃瓜 beetles[20] Grapes 蘿蔔 can be used as a trap crop against flea beetles. 蘿蔔 grown with 生菜 taste better.[12]
大豆 Glycine max 玉米,[40] 豆角,[來源請求] sunflower[40] A mixture of玉米, mungbean, and sunflower was found to rid 大豆 of aphids.[40] 豆角 act as a trap crop for Mexican bean beetles in 大豆.[來源請求]
菠菜 Spinacia oleracea 蕓薹屬,[17] 花菜,[來源請求] 百香果[22] 草莓,[68] 豌豆,四季豆, 花菜[來源請求] The 豌豆 and四季豆 provide natural shade for the 菠菜. See 花菜 notes regarding mutualism with 菠菜.[來源請求]
南瓜屬 Cucurbita spp. 玉米,四季豆,[53] 秋葵,[53] 四季豆,[53] buckwheat, borage,[12][20] catnip, tansy, 蘿蔔,[12] 萬壽菊屬,[24] nasturtiums[12][55] Spiders, ground beetles 蘿蔔 can be used as a trap crop against flea beetles, cucurbita can be used in the three sisters technique. 萬壽菊屬[24] and nasturtiums repel 南瓜屬 bugs.[12][55] 萬壽菊屬 repel 黃瓜 beetles.[24]
番薯 Ipomoea batatas 秋葵 秋葵 秋葵 and 番薯 are mutually beneficial when planted simultaneously.
番茄 Solanum lycopersicum 蕓薹屬,[來源請求] 西蘭花,[26] 捲心菜,[來源請求] 西芹,[5] 薔薇屬,[12] peppers, 蘆筍[68] 蘆筍,[13] basil,[20][24][51][69]四季豆,[14] bee balm (Monarda),[10][12] oregano, parsley, marigold,[12] 蔥屬, 蒜,[2][12] 韭蔥,[51] 西芹, 天竺葵, petunias, nasturtium, borage,[12][20] coriander,[36][70] chives,[12]玉米,[41] 蒔蘿,[36] 芥菜,[36] fenugreek,[36] barley,[36] 胡蘿蔔,[36] 茄子,[50] mints,[12] 秋葵,[50] 鼠尾草,[12] thyme,[12][24] "flower strips"[71] 蘆筍蟲[68] Black walnut,[12] 紫苜蓿,[72]玉米,[45] 茴香,[12] chili peppers,[50] 豌豆,[41] 蒔蘿, 土豆,[12] beetroot, 蕓薹屬,[12] 迷迭香 Black walnuts inhibit tomato growth,[12] in fact they are negative allelopathic to all other nightshade plants (chili pepper, 土豆, tobacco, petunia) as well, because it produces a chemical called juglone. 蒔蘿 吸引 tomato hornworm.

Growing番茄 with Basil does not appear to enhance tomato flavour but studies have shown that growing them around 10 inches apart can increase the yield of番茄 by about 20%.[69] One study shows that growing chili peppers near番茄 in greenhouses increases tomato whitefly on the番茄.[50]
蕪菁蕪菁甘藍 Brassica rapa and Brassica napobrassica 豌豆,[38][68] 西蘭花[27] Hairy vetch,[68] 豌豆[38][68] hedge 芥菜,[68] knotweed[68] 蕪菁可以作為保護西蘭花的犧牲作物。[27] See 豌豆 regarding their mutualism with turnips.
  1. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為whatAroundFruitTrees的參考文獻提供內容
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Nassef, Dalia; El-Gaid, M.A. Abd. Evaluation of yield and its components of intercropped tomato – garlic in New Valley Governorate (PDF). Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. 2012, 8 (2): 256–260. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Kahn, Brian A. Intercropping for field production of peppers (PDF). HortTechnology. June 2010, 20 (3): 530–532. doi:10.21273/HORTTECH.20.3.530 . 
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