


电影克隆人之战不适用2008年8月15日 (2008-08-15)戏院上映
1222008年10月3日 (2008-10-03)2009年3月20日 (2009-03-20)卡通频道
2赏金猎人的崛起222009年10月2日 (2009-10-02)2010年4月30日 (2010-04-30)
3秘密揭晓222010年9月17日 (2010-09-17)2011年4月1日 (2011-04-01)
4战线222011年9月16日 (2011-09-16)2012年3月16日 (2012-03-16)
5202012年9月29日 (2012-09-29)2013年3月2日 (2013-03-02)
6消失任务132014年3月7日 (2014-03-07)[a]Netflix
7最终季122020年2月21日 (2020-02-21)2020年5月4日 (2020-05-04)Disney+



Star Wars: The Clone Wars星球大战:克隆人战争戴夫·费罗尼英语Dave Filoni亨利·吉罗伊英语Henry Gilroy&史蒂芬·梅钦&史考特·墨菲22008年8月15日 (2008-08-15)1.01 / 1.03 / 1.04 / 1.18

克隆人之战波及的星系愈来愈多,绝地武士努力维持宇宙秩序。为离间赫特人和绝地武士,西斯武士杜库伯爵联合赫特人贾霸英语Jabba the Hutt的叔叔,谎称贾霸的儿子被绝地武士绑架。阿纳金·天行者与他的学徒阿索卡·塔诺接到任务,帮助贾霸找回儿子。与此同时,尤达大师和欧比旺·克诺比率领克隆人军队对抗黑暗面的力量。

片头语:很久以前,在一个遥远的银河系……(A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....


11Ambush十面埋伏戴夫·布洛克史蒂芬·梅钦52008年10月3日 (2008-10-03)1.083.99[2]

为了在托伊达里亚星系建立一座共和国的补给基地,绝地大师尤达带领一小队克隆人军前往一个偏僻的中立卫星进行秘密谈判。他们被西斯武士杜库伯爵派遣阿莎洁·凡翠丝英语Asajj Ventress率领的机器人大军伏击。为了证明共和国有能力抵抗杜库伯爵,尤达大师前往卫星与机器人大军正面交锋,并将意欲谋杀国王的凡翠丝击败。凡翠丝仓促逃走,共和国与该星球缔结协议。

片头语:伟大的领导者,能激发出他人的伟大力量。(Great leaders inspire greartness in others.
22Rising Malevolence狼毒汹涌戴夫·费罗尼英语Dave Filoni史蒂芬·梅钦62008年10月3日 (2008-10-03)1.074.92[2]


片头语:信念无关选择,贵在坚定不移。(Belief is not a matter of choice, but of conviction.
33Shadow of Malevolence狼毒之影布莱恩·卡林·奥康奈尔史蒂芬·梅钦72008年10月10日 (2008-10-10)1.092.8[3]


片头语:不为自身所蒙蔽者,易发现通向智慧之路。(Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by ego.
44Destroy Malevolence摧毁狼毒布莱恩·卡林·奥康奈尔史蒂芬·梅钦82008年10月17日 (2008-10-17)1.11待定


片头语:贯彻到底的计划才是好计划。(A plan is only as good as those who see it through.
55Rookies菜鸟新兵贾斯汀·里奇史蒂芬·梅钦92008年10月24日 (2008-10-24)1.14待定

为偷袭位于卡米诺的克隆人工厂,格里弗斯将军派出一队突击机器人攻破由克隆人新兵把守的一座哨站。这是共和国在该区的外环战略要地,克隆人指挥官雷克斯上尉英语Captain Rex和指挥官科迪(Cody)及时赶到援助,联手幸存的克隆人夺回基地。但是他们被随后而至的机器人大军再次击败。名叫海维的克隆人新兵牺牲自己炸毁哨站,向控制中心发出入侵警报。格里弗斯将军无功而退。

片头语:树立信心的最好方法就是依靠经验。(The best confidence builder is experience.
66Downfall of a Droid机器人落难记罗伯·科尔曼英语Rob Coleman乔治·科斯蒂奇英语George Krstic102008年11月7日 (2008-11-07)1.02待定


片头语:信任朋友,才会得到朋友的信任。(Trust in your friends, and they'll have reason to trust in you.
77Duel of the Droids机器人对决记罗伯·科尔曼凯文·坎贝尔&亨利·吉罗伊英语Henry Gilroy112008年11月14日 (2008-11-14)1.06待定


片头语:情大于理,友谊方能长存。(You hold onto friends by keeping your heart a little softer than your head.
88Bombad Jedi澎湃绝地杰西·叶凯文·鲁比奥英语Kevin Rubio&史蒂芬·梅钦&亨利·吉罗伊122008年11月21日 (2008-11-21)1.052.77[4]

帕德梅带着扎扎·宾客斯和C-3PO前往沼泽星球罗迪亚英语Rodia (Star Wars)进行外交访问。该星球的掌权者、共和国参议员奥纳康达·法尔(Onaconda Farr)由于缺乏食物补给,已经与分离势力结盟,他将帕德梅软禁,并通知纽特·冈雷总督。扎扎·宾客斯发觉帕德梅有危险,他披着一件绝地战袍,阴差阳错地被分离势力误认为是绝地武士。在法尔和沼泽中的怪物帮助下,他们控制住冈雷总督,将他投进监狱。

片头语:时势造英雄。(Heroes are made by the times.
99Cloak of Darkness黑幕笼罩戴夫·费罗尼保罗·迪尼英语Paul Dini132008年12月5日 (2008-12-05)1.101.95[5]

阿索卡和绝地大师卢米娜拉·昂杜利英语Luminara Unduli押解冈雷总督返回科洛桑星球受审,中途遭遇凡翠丝的偷袭。杜库伯爵派遣她来营救或杀死冈雷总督。在阿索卡联合卢米娜拉与凡翠丝缠斗之际,议会突击队的阿盖斯队长叛变共和国,与凡翠丝里应外合将冈雷总督救走。为了独占功劳,凡翠丝在途中杀死阿盖斯。

片头语:相信直觉,方可趋利避害。(Ignore your instincts at your peril.
1010Lair of Grievous格里弗斯之巢竹内敦志亨利·吉罗伊142008年12月12日 (2008-12-12)1.122.14[6]

绝地大师基特·费斯托英语Kit Fisto与旧徒纳达尔·维布(Nahdar Vebb)追踪逃跑的冈雷总督来到一个遥远星球。消灭机器人士兵之后,两人意识到进入杜库伯爵的陷阱。冈雷总督不见踪迹,这里是格里弗斯将军的巢穴。杜库伯爵为了惩罚屡败的格里弗斯,故意将绝地武士引至此地。崇尚武力的纳达尔不听费斯托的劝阻,正面对抗格里弗斯,被后者杀死。费斯托乘飞船逃离。

片头语:克己自制,天下至强。(Most powerful is he who controls his own power.
1111Dooku Captured杜库被俘杰西·叶朱莉·西格152009年1月2日 (2009-01-02)1.16待定

阿纳金和欧比旺追踪杜库伯爵来到外环星域的一个星球。杜库用计将两人困于洞穴之内,随后他被韩都·奥纳加英语Hondo Ohnaka率领一群海盗俘虏。海盗帮将杜库关押于弗洛鲁姆英语Florrum星球。奥纳加联系共和国议会,意图用杜库换取大笔赎金。阿纳金和欧比旺受命前去弗洛鲁姆核实信息准确之后,共和国计划派出卡勒斯议员和宾客斯送交赎金。

片头语:和平之路千百转,赴汤蹈火也心甘。(The winding path to peace is always a worthy one, regardless of how many turns it takes.
1212The Gungan General刚耿将军贾斯汀·里奇朱莉·西格162009年1月9日 (2009-01-09)1.202.31[7]

韩都·奥纳加绑架阿纳金和欧比旺,将他们与杜库伯爵关押在同一牢房。三人前后两次策略逃跑,均未获成功。奥纳加计划向共和国索要更多的赎金,他的副手特克·法尔索(Turk Falso)怀有私心,暗中筹划抢劫共和国送来的香料。法尔索率人攻击共和国的飞船,致使卡勒斯议员在坠机时丧生,宾客斯成为最高级别的代表。他阴差阳错地战胜法尔索的部下,并造成海盗帮的基地大停电,杜库趁机独自逃走,阿纳金和欧比旺与宾客斯见面后一起离开。

片头语:宁可虽败犹荣,不要胜之不武。(Fail with honor rather than succeed by fraud.
1313Jedi Crash绝地遇险罗伯·科尔曼凯蒂·卢卡斯英语Katie Lucas172009年1月16日 (2009-01-16)1.222.35[8]

阿纳金和阿索卡驰援在外环星域被机器人大军围攻的绝地武士爱拉·赛库拉,阿纳金在援救中受伤。爱拉和阿索卡的飞船坠落在马里登英语Maridun星球,为了治愈受伤的阿纳金,她们与幸存的克隆人前去探索这个星球,发现一个勒明人英语Lurmen部落。部落首领蒂·瓦特·卡(Tee Watt Kaa)表示族人信奉和平,不参与战争,但是最终同意派遣医生治疗阿纳金。

片头语:贪婪与患失乃邪恶根源。(Greed and fear of loss are the roots that lead to the tree of evil.
1414Defenders of Peace和平卫士斯图尔特·李比尔·坎特伯雷182009年1月23日 (2009-01-23)1.242.17[9]

分离势力的机器人军队来到马里登星球。蒂·瓦特·卡担心将族人卷入战争之中,拒绝接受绝地武士的庇护。阿纳金、阿索卡、爱拉和幸存的克隆人尊重勒明人的意愿,独自逃入荒野。内莫伊迪亚人英语Neimoidian洛克·杜尔德(Lok Durd)将军率领军队来此的目的是测试新式武器,这种武器能够大范围消灭生物,而不损伤机器人,杜尔德打算以勒明人作为实验对象。阿纳金一行人予以坚决抵抗,在勒明人的帮助下,消灭机器人军队,俘虏杜尔德。

片头语:乱世岂能独善其身。(When surrounded by war, one must eventually choose a side.
1515Trespass非法侵入布莱恩·卡林·奥康奈尔史蒂芬·梅钦192009年1月30日 (2009-01-30)1.252.62[10]

阿纳金和欧比旺前往荒凉的冰雪星球奥托普卢托尼亚(Orto Plutonia)调查哨所中的克隆人士兵全部消失事件,他们陪同议员丽尤·丘奇(Riyo Chuchi)和临近卫星潘托拉星球(Pantora)高官乔主席(Chairman Cho)搜寻发现,克隆人士兵原是遭到土著部落塔尔兹人(Talz)的攻击。阿纳金和欧比旺希望与塔尔兹人进行和平谈判,乔主席则执意开战占领奥托普卢托尼亚。塔尔兹人击败了克隆人部队,乔主席最终因伤死亡。丘奇议员代表潘托拉星球与塔尔兹人达成和平协议。

片头语:傲慢使人愚昧。(Arrogance diminishes wisdom.
1616The Hidden Enemy内奸斯图尔特·李德鲁·Z·格林伯格英语Drew Z. Greenberg12009年2月6日 (2009-02-06)2.012.51[11]


片头语:真相使人醒悟,却未必使人快乐。(Truth enlightens the mind, but won't always bring happiness to your heart.
1717Blue Shadow Virus蓝影病毒吉安卡洛·沃尔佩英语Giancarlo Volpe克雷格·蒂特利英语Craig Titley202009年2月13日 (2009-02-13)1.262.94[12]

共和国在纳布星发现分离势力的生物武器实验室。帕德梅与扎扎·宾客斯率先前去调查,被机器人军队抓获。阿纳金、欧比旺、阿索卡和雷克斯赶来援助,他们发现实验室的首领是努沃·文迪博士(Nuvo Vindi),他研发出可以在空气中扩散的致命蓝影病毒,企图危害人类和生物安全。阿纳金与众人分头行动,解救出帕德梅,擒获文迪博士。

片头语:希望是治疗恐惧的唯一良药。(Fear is a disease; hope is its only cure.
1818Mystery of a Thousand Moons千月之谜杰西·叶布赖恩·拉森212009年2月20日 (2009-02-20)2.022.11[13]


片头语:一线机会,无限希望。(A single chance is a galaxy of hope.
1919Storm Over Ryloth赖洛思风暴布莱恩·卡林·奥康奈尔乔治·科斯蒂奇&史考特·墨菲&亨利·吉罗伊222009年2月27日 (2009-02-27)1.152.37[14]


片头语:成就伟业之路,充满艰难坎坷。(It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness.
2020Innocents of Ryloth赖洛思居民贾斯汀·里奇兰迪·斯特拉德利&亨利·吉罗伊232009年3月6日 (2009-03-06)1.172.49[15]


片头语:战争的代价永远不能确切衡量。(The costs of war can never be truly accounted for.
2121Liberty on Ryloth赖洛思解放罗伯·科尔曼亨利·吉罗伊242009年3月13日 (2009-03-13)1.193.01[16]

为解放赖洛思的首都,击败沃特·坦伯英语Wat Tambor率领的机器人军队,绝地大师梅斯·温杜带着克隆人士兵前去寻求自由战士查姆·辛杜拉英语Cham Syndulla的帮助。最初辛杜拉不愿伸出援手,当他意识到可以信任绝地大师后,他带领提列克人士兵支援梅斯·温杜,联手解放赖洛思的首都,抓获沃特·坦伯。

片头语:和解为贵,无可非议。(Compromise is a virtue to be cultivated, not a weakness to be despised.
2222Hostage Crisis人质危机吉安卡洛·沃尔佩安根·马洪尼英语Eoghan Mahony512009年3月20日 (2009-03-20)2.043.29[17]

为了从共和国监狱中救出赫特人基罗英语Ziro the Hutt,一群赏金猎人潜入参议院,挟持包括帕德梅·艾米达拉在内的参议员作为人质。赏金猎人由卡德·班恩英语Cad Bane担当首领,团伙中还有奥拉·辛英语Aurra Sing。卡德·班恩以参议员的性命要挟议长帕尔帕庭,帕尔帕庭只得将赫特人基罗释放。由于光剑在帕德梅的手中,阿纳金被赏金猎人抓获。卡德·班恩带着赫特人基罗离开之际,阿纳金使用光剑解救被绑架的参议员。

片头语:共享秘密,增强信任。(A secret shared is a trust formed.


231Holocron Heist全息仪窃案Justin RidgePaul Dini2009年10月2日 (2009-10-02)1.232.58[18]

片头语:经一事,长一智。(A lesson learned is a lesson earned.
242Cargo of Doom末日货运Rob ColemanGeorge Krstic2009年10月2日 (2009-10-02)1.132.58[18]

片头语:大意失荆州。(Overconfidence is the most dangerous form of carelessness.
253Children of the Force原力的孩子Brian Kalin O'ConnellHenry Gilroy & Wendy Meracle2009年10月9日 (2009-10-09)2.032.8[19]

片头语:纠正错误,耐性为先。(The first step to correcting a mistake is patience.
264Senate Spy议会间谍Steward LeeMelinda Hsu2009年10月16日 (2009-10-16)2.05不适用

片头语:真爱永远不该被猜疑。(A true heart should never be doubted.
275Landing at Point Rain空降战略点Brian Kalin O'ConnellBrian Larsen2009年11月4日 (2009-11-04)2.07不适用

片头语:先相信自己,才能获得他人信任。(Believe in yourself or no one else will.
286Weapons Factory兵工厂Giancarlo VolpeBrian Larsen2009年11月13日 (2009-11-13)2.08不适用

片头语:最珍贵的礼物莫过于信任。(No gift is more precious than trust.
297Legacy of Terror魑魅魍魉Steward LeeEoghan Mahony2009年11月20日 (2009-11-20)2.09不适用

片头语:有时候,受惠比施恩更难。(Sometimes, accepting help is harder than offering it.
308Brain Invaders侵脑魔虫Steward LeeAndrew Kreisberg2009年12月4日 (2009-12-04)2.12不适用

片头语:感情的羁绊不等于同理心。(Attachment is not compassion.
319Grievous Intrigue格里弗斯的诡计Giancarlo VolpeBen Edlund2010年1月1日 (2010-01-01)2.14不适用

片头语:若有所得,必有所失。(For everything you gain, you lose something else.
3210The Deserter逃兵Robert DalvaCarl Ellsworth2010年1月1日 (2010-01-01)2.06不适用

片头语:追求荣誉者受人尊敬。(It is the quest for honor that makes one honorable.
3311Lightsaber Lost光剑失窃Giancarlo VolpeDrew Z. Greenberg2010年1月22日 (2010-01-22)2.11不适用

片头语:易事非简。(Easy isn't always simple.
3412The Mandalore Plot曼达洛阴谋Kyle DunlevyMelinda Hsu2010年1月29日 (2010-01-29)2.13不适用

片头语:若忽视过去,将危及未来。(If you ignore the past, you jeopardize the future.
3513Voyage of Temptation诱惑之旅Brian Kalin O' ConnellPaul Dini2010年2月5日 (2010-02-05)1.21不适用

片头语:不要为未来恐惧,不要为过去哭泣。(Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.
3614Duchess of Mandalore曼达洛女公爵Brian Kalin O' ConnellDrew Z. Greenberg2010年2月12日 (2010-02-12)2.16不适用

片头语:在战争中,最先伤及的就是真相。(In war, truth is the first casualty.
3715Senate Murders议会谋杀案Brian Kalin O' ConnellDrew Z. Greenberg2010年3月19日 (2010-03-19)[c]2.10不适用

片头语:寻找真相是容易的,接受真相是困难的。(Searching for the truth is easy. Accepting the truth is hard.
3816Cat and Mouse猫与鼠Kyle DunlevyBrian Larsen2010年3月26日 (2010-03-26)[d]2.172.02[20]

片头语:明智的领导人知道何时该服从。(A wise leader knows when to follow.
3917Bounty Hunters赏金猎人Steward LeeCarl Ellsworth2010年4月2日 (2010-04-02)[e]2.19不适用

片头语:勇气成就英雄,但信任才能成就友谊。(Courage makes heroes, but trust builds friendship.
4018The Zillo Beast斯洛怪兽Giancarlo VolpeCraig Titley2010年4月9日 (2010-04-09)[f]2.22不适用

片头语:行正道,而非轻松之道。(Choose what is right, not what is easy.
4119The Zillo Beast Strikes Back斯洛怪兽反击战Steward LeeSteven Melching2010年4月16日 (2010-04-16)[g]2.23不适用

片头语:最危险的野兽潜藏在我们心中。(The most dangerous beast is the beast within.
4220Death Trap死亡陷阱Steward LeeDoug Petrie2010年4月23日 (2010-04-23)[h]2.152.85[21]

片头语:无论父亲是怎样的人,他都活在我的记忆中。(Who my father was matters less than my memory of him.
4321R2 Come HomeR2回家Giancarlo VolpeEoghan Mahony2010年4月30日 (2010-04-30)[i]2.182.76[22]

片头语:患难见真情。(Adversity is a friendship's truest test.
4422Lethal Trackdown致命追查Dave FiloniDave Filoni & Drew Z. Greenberg2010年4月30日 (2010-04-30)2.202.76[22]

片头语:复仇是苦难的吿白。(Revenge is a confession of pain.


451Clone Cadets克隆人学员Dave FiloniCameron Litvack2010年9月17日 (2010-09-17)3.012.42[23]

片头语:一日战友,终身兄弟(Brothers in arms are brothers for life.
462ARC TroopersARC部队Kyle DunlevyCameron Litvack2010年9月17日 (2010-09-17)3.022.42[23]

片头语:冲锋陷阵显本领,保卫家园验真心。(Fighting a war tests a soldier's skills, defending his home tests a soldier's heart.
473Supply Lines供给线Brian Kalin O'ConnellSteven Melching & Eoghan Mahony2010年9月24日 (2010-09-24)2.241.69[24]

片头语:有志者,事竟成。(Where there's a will, there's a way.
484Sphere of Influence势力范围Kyle DunlevyKatie Lucas & Steven Melching2010年10月1日 (2010-10-01)2.251.88[25]

片头语:偷走的是孩子,盗走的是希望。(A child stolen is a hope lost.
495Corruption腐败Giancarlo VolpeCameron Litvack2010年10月8日 (2010-10-08)3.041.78[26]

片头语:反贪腐是未来的希望。(The challenge of hope is to overcome corruption.
506The Academy学院Giancarlo VolpeKatie Lucas & Steven Melching2010年10月15日 (2010-10-15)2.261.79[27]

片头语:执法者必须守法。(Those who enforce the law must obey the law.
517Assassin刺客Kyle DunlevyKatie Lucas2010年10月22日 (2010-10-22)2.211.85[28]

片头语:未来道路多,抉择需明智。(The future has many paths – choose wisely.
528Evil Plans邪恶计划Brian Kalin O'ConnellSteve Mitchell & Craig Van Sickle2010年11月5日 (2010-11-05)3.031.84[29]

片头语:失败的计划使计划失败。(A failure in planning is a plan for failure.
539Hunt for Ziro追捕齐罗Steward LeeSteve Mitchell & Craig Van Sickle2010年11月12日 (2010-11-12)3.051.76[30]

片头语:爱情跨越种族不论外表。(Love comes in all shapes and sizes.
5410Heroes on Both Sides各方英雄Kyle DunlevyDaniel Arkin2010年11月19日 (2010-11-19)3.061.75[31]

片头语:恐惧是巨大的动力。(Fear is a great motivator.
5511Pursuit of Peace追求和平Duwayne DunhamDaniel Arkin2010年12月3日 (2010-12-03)3.071.61[32]

片头语:真相可以击散恐惧的幽魂。(Truth can strike down the spectre of fear.
5612Nightsisters夜姐妹Giancarlo VolpeKatie Lucas2011年1月7日 (2011-01-07)3.081.86[33]

片头语:通往毁灭的捷径是复仇。(The swiftest path to destruction is through vengeance.
5713Monster怪物Kyle DunlevyKatie Lucas2011年1月14日 (2011-01-14)3.10不适用

片头语:邪恶不是天生的,而是后天习得的。(Evil is not born, it is taught.
5814Witches of the Mist迷雾女巫Giancarlo VolpeKatie Lucas2011年1月21日 (2011-01-21)3.122.21[34]

片头语:邪门歪道换得到力量,却换不到忠诚。(The path to evil may bring great power, but not loyalty.
5915Overlords霸主Steward LeeChristian Taylor2011年1月28日 (2011-01-28)3.091.74[35]

片头语:直面罪恶,方得心安。(Balance is found in the one who faces his guilt.
6016Altar of Mortis魔提斯祭坛Brian Kalin O'ConnellChristian Taylor2011年2月4日 (2011-02-04)3.112.29[36]

片头语:放弃希望就等于放弃生命。(He who surrenders hope, surrenders life.
6117Ghosts of Mortis魔提斯的鬼魂Steward LeeChristian Taylor2011年2月11日 (2011-02-11)3.132.24[37]

片头语:企图掌控命运的人将永远不得安宁。(He who seeks to control fate shall never find peace.
6218The Citadel城堡监狱Kyle DunlevyMatt Michnovetz2011年2月18日 (2011-02-18)3.141.84[38]

片头语:适者生存。(Adaptation is the key to survival.
6319Counter Attack反击Brian Kalin O'ConnellMatt Michnovetz2011年3月4日 (2011-03-04)3.151.87[39]

片头语:有可能出错的事定会出错。(Anything that can go wrong will.
6420Citadel Rescue城堡救援Steward LeeMatt Michnovetz2011年3月11日 (2011-03-11)3.171.55[40]

片头语:失去荣誉,胜利毫无意义。(Without honor, victory is hollow.
6521Padawan Lost迷失的徒弟Dave FiloniBonnie Mark2011年4月1日 (2011-04-01)[j]3.162.31[41]

片头语:匹夫之勇,终成祸患。(Without humility, courage is a dangerous game.
6622Wookiee Hunt狩猎伍基人Dave FiloniBonnie Mark2011年4月1日 (2011-04-01)[k]3.182.31[41]

片头语:何谓佳徒,师之期许。(A great student is what the teacher hopes to be.


671Water War水之战Duwayne DunhamJose Molina2011年9月16日 (2011-09-16)3.221.93[42]

片头语:命运召唤,责无旁贷。(When destiny calls, the chosen have no choice.
682Gungan Attack冈根人的攻击Brian Kalin O'ConnellJose Molina2011年9月16日 (2011-09-16)3.231.93[42]

片头语:宝剑锋从磨砺出。(Only through fire is a strong sword forged.
693Prisoners囚犯Danny KellerJose Molina2011年9月23日 (2011-09-23)3.241.61[43]

片头语:王位可继,王国需争。(Crowns are inherited, kingdoms are earned.
704Shadow Warrior影子武士Brian Kalin O'ConnellDaniel Arkin2011年9月30日 (2011-09-30)3.191.56[44]

片头语:人不可貌相。(Who a person truly is cannot be seen with the eye.
715Mercy Mission仁慈的使命Danny KellerBonnie Mark2011年10月7日 (2011-10-07)3.201.35[45]

片头语:理解是尊重表面背后的真相。(Understanding is honoring the truth beneath the surface.
726Nomad Droids流浪机器人Steward LeeSteve Mitchell & Craig Van Sickle2011年10月14日 (2011-10-14)3.211.67[46]

片头语:傻子与追随傻子的人,谁更傻?(Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
737Darkness on Umbara昂巴拉的黑暗Steward LeeMatt Michnovetz2011年10月28日 (2011-10-28)3.251.78[47]

片头语:迈向忠诚的第一步是信任。(The first step toward loyalty is trust.
748The General将军Walter MurchMatt Michnovetz2011年11月4日 (2011-11-04)3.261.56[48]

片头语:无知之路由恐惧指引。(The path of ignorance is guided by fear.
759Plan of Dissent异议计划Kyle DunlevyMatt Michnovetz2011年11月11日 (2011-11-11)4.011.80[49]

片头语:智者领导,壮士追随。(The wise man leads, the strong man follows.
7610Carnage of Krell克瑞尔的暴行Kyle DunlevyMatt Michnovetz2011年11月18日 (2011-11-18)4.021.62[50]

片头语:行动造就传奇。(Our actions define our legacy.
7711Kidnapped绑架Kyle DunlevyHenry Gilroy2011年11月25日 (2011-11-25)4.031.57[51]

片头语:未来的路途总会反映我们的过去。(Where we are going always reflects where we came from.
7812Slaves of the Republic共和国奴隶Brian Kalin O'ConnellHenry Gilroy2011年12月2日 (2011-12-02)4.041.37[52]

片头语:奴役他人者,自己也必将沦为奴隶。(Those who enslave others inevitably become slaves themselves.
7913Escape from Kadavo逃离卡达沃Danny KellerHenry Gilroy2012年1月6日 (2012-01-06)4.051.39[53]

片头语:小小的牺牲能带来巨大的希望。(Great hope can come from small sacrifices.
8014A Friend in Need患难之交Dave FiloniChristian Taylor2012年1月13日 (2012-01-13)4.061.51[54]

片头语:友情让我们看到真正的自己。(Friendship shows us who we really are.
8115Deception欺骗Kyle DunlevyBrent Friedman2012年1月20日 (2012-01-20)4.072.12[55]

片头语:所有战争都建基于骗局。(All warfare is based on deception.
8216Friends and Enemies朋友和敌人Bosco NgBrent Friedman2012年1月27日 (2012-01-27)4.081.62[56]

片头语:亲近你的朋友,但要更亲近你的敌人。(Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.
8317The Box杀人宝盒Brian Kalin O'ConnellBrent Friedman2012年2月3日 (2012-02-03)4.091.80[57]

片头语:强者胜,仁者生。(The strong survive, the noble overcome.
8418Crisis on Naboo纳布危机Danny KellerBrent Friedman2012年2月10日 (2012-02-10)4.101.86[58]

片头语:信任是最棒的礼物,但需要争取。(Trust is the greatest of gifts, but it must be earned.
8519Massacre大屠杀Steward LeeKatie Lucas2012年2月24日 (2012-02-24)4.111.46[59]

片头语:人必须放开过去才能抓牢未来。(One must let go of the past to hold onto the future.
8620Bounty赏金Kyle DunlevyKatie Lucas2012年3月2日 (2012-03-02)4.122.07[60]

片头语:本性难移,自知可变。(Who we are never changes, who we think we are does.
8721Brothers兄弟Bosco NgKatie Lucas2012年3月9日 (2012-03-09)4.131.99[61]

片头语:败将可再起,降服方克敌。(A fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled one is truly vanquished.
8822Revenge复仇Brian Kalin O'ConnellKatie Lucas2012年3月16日 (2012-03-16)4.142.03[62]

片头语:敌人的敌人就是朋友。(The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


891Revival复兴Steward LeeChris Collins2012年9月29日 (2012-09-29)4.261.94[63]

片头语:人格力量可以战胜人数的优势。(Strength of character can defeat strength in numbers.
902A War on Two Fronts两线做战Dave FiloniChris Collins2012年10月6日 (2012-10-06)4.151.71[64]

片头语:恐惧是一种可塑的武器。(Fear is a malleable weapon.
913Front Runners领军者Steward LeeChris Collins2012年10月13日 (2012-10-13)4.161.75[65]

片头语:搜寻某件东西是因为相信它的可能性。(To seek something is to believe in its possibility.
924The Soft War软战争Kyle DunlevyChris Collins2012年10月20日 (2012-10-20)4.171.57[66]

片头语:挣扎往往从真相开始,也从真相结束。(Struggles often begin and end with the truth.
935Tipping Points临界点Bosco NgChris Collins2012年10月27日 (2012-10-27)4.181.42[67]

片头语:不服从就是要求改变。(Disobedience is a demand for change.
946The Gathering集训Kyle DunlevyChristian Taylor2012年11月3日 (2012-11-03)4.221.66[68]

片头语:面对自己的人,发现自己。(He who faces himself, finds himself.
957A Test of Strength勇气的考验Bosco NgChristian Taylor2012年11月10日 (2012-11-10)4.231.74[69]

片头语:年轻人往往会被低估。(The young are often underestimated.
968Bound for Rescue驰援Brian Kalin O'ConnellChristian Taylor2012年11月17日 (2012-11-17)4.241.96[70]

片头语:拯救他人之时,我们也拯救了自己。(When we rescue others, we rescue ourselves.
979A Necessary Bond统一战线Danny KellerChristian Taylor2012年11月24日 (2012-11-24)4.251.39[71]

片头语:明智地选择你的敌人,因为他们可能是你最后的希望。(Choose your enemies wisely, as they may be your last hope.
9810Secret Weapons秘密武器Danny KellerBrent Friedman2012年12月1日 (2012-12-01)5.041.46[72]

片头语:唯有谦卑方能抵御屈辱。(Humility is the only defense against humiliation.
9911A Sunny Day in the Void虚无中的晴天Kyle DunlevyBrent Friedman2012年12月8日 (2012-12-08)5.051.43[73]

片头语:当一切像是绝望时,一位真正的英雄带来希望。(When all seems hopeless, a true hero gives hope.
10012Missing in Action战地失踪Steward LeeBrent Friedman2013年1月5日 (2013-01-05)5.061.74[74]

片头语:唯有勇气,才能让任何一位士兵所向披靡。(A soldier's most powerful weapon is courage.
10113Point of No Return有进无退Bosco NgBrent Friedman2013年1月12日 (2013-01-12)5.071.47[75]

片头语:给予他人信任才会帮助你达到成功。(You must trust in others, or success is impossible.
10214Eminence巨头Kyle DunlevyChris Collins2013年1月19日 (2013-01-19)5.011.85[76]

片头语:每个人看事情都有不同的见解。(One vision can have many interpretations.
10315Shades of Reason道不相谋Bosco NgChris Collins2013年1月26日 (2013-01-26)5.021.83[77]

片头语:联盟能掩盖真正意图。(Alliances can stall true intentions.
10416The Lawless无法无天Brian Kalin O'ConnellChris Collins2013年2月2日 (2013-02-02)5.031.86[78]

片头语:道德区分英雄和恶棍。(Morality separates heroes from villains.
10517Sabotage破坏Brian Kalin O'ConnellCharles Murray2013年2月9日 (2013-02-09)5.082.02[79]

片头语:有时甚至是最小的疑虑也可以动摇最大的信念。(Sometimes even the smallest doubt can shake the greatest belief.
10618The Jedi Who Knew Too Much知情太多的绝地Danny KellerCharles Murray2013年2月16日 (2013-02-16)5.091.64[80]

片头语:勇气源于信任自己。(Courage begins by trusting oneself.
10719To Catch a Jedi追捕绝地Kyle DunlevyCharles Murray2013年2月23日 (2013-02-23)5.102.06[81]

片头语:永远别因为太绝望而相信不可靠之辈。(Never become desperate enough to trust the untrustworthy.
10820The Wrong Jedi绝地伸冤Dave FiloniCharles Murray2013年3月2日 (2013-03-02)5.112.18[82]

片头语:无论事情看起来有多黑暗,永远都别放弃希望。(Never give up hope, no matter how dark things seem.


1091The Unknown情况不明Bosco NgKatie Lucas2014年3月7日 (2014-03-07)5.12

片头语:关于自我认知的真相往往最难接受。(The truth about yourself is always the hardest to accept.
1102Conspiracy密谋Brian Kalin O'ConnellKatie Lucas2014年3月7日 (2014-03-07)5.13

片头语:智者集思广益。(The wise benefit from a second opinion.
1113Fugitive亡命Danny KellerKatie Lucas2014年3月7日 (2014-03-07)5.14

片头语:寻根要究底。(When in doubt, go to the source.
1124Orders命令Kyle DunlevyKatie Lucas2014年3月7日 (2014-03-07)5.15

片头语:大众的观点不一定是正确的。(The popular belief isn't always the correct one.
1135An Old Friend旧友Brian Kalin O'ConnellChristian Taylor2014年3月7日 (2014-03-07)4.19

片头语:爱就是信任,信任就是相信。(To love, is to trust. To trust is to believe.
1146The Rise of Clovis克洛维斯的崛起Danny KellerChristian Taylor2014年3月7日 (2014-03-07)4.20

片头语:妒忌是混乱的起因。(Jealousy is the path to chaos.
1157Crisis at the Heart心灵危机Steward LeeChristian Taylor2014年3月7日 (2014-03-07)4.21

片头语:欺骗是贪婪的武器。(Deceit is the weapon of greed.
1168The Disappeared, Part I失踪(上)Steward LeeJonathan W. Rinzler2014年3月7日 (2014-03-07)5.16

片头语:没有黑暗就没有光明。(Without darkness there cannot be light.
1179The Disappeared, Part II失踪(下)Bosco NgJonathan W. Rinzler2014年3月7日 (2014-03-07)5.17

片头语:智慧既生于智者,也生于愚人。(Wisdom is born in fools as well as wise men.
11810The Lost One迷失Brian Kalin O'ConnellChristian Taylor2014年3月7日 (2014-03-07)5.18

片头语:失踪的总会被找到。(What is lost is often found.
11911Voices声音Danny KellerChristian Taylor2014年3月7日 (2014-03-07)5.19

片头语:疯狂有时是通向真理的道路。(Madness can sometimes be the path to truth.
12012Destiny命运Kyle DunlevyChristian Taylor2014年3月7日 (2014-03-07)5.20

片头语:死亡只是开始。(Death is just the beginning.
12113Sacrifice牺牲Steward LeeChristian Taylor2014年3月7日 (2014-03-07)5.21

片头语:直面你的所有恐惧,解放你的心灵。(Facing all that you fear will free you from yourself.


代码 [83]
1221The Bad Batch异等小队Kyle DunlevyMatt Michnovetz & Brent Friedman2020年2月21日 (2020-02-21)[l]6.09

片头语:包容别人差异,成就完整自己。(Embrace others for their differences, for that makes you whole.
1232A Distant Echo战俘的呼唤Steward LeeMatt Michnovetz & Dave Filoni & Brent Friedman2020年2月28日 (2020-02-28)[l]6.10

片头语:怀着信念始寻真。(The search for truth begins with belief.
1243On the Wings of Keeradaks异域救援Bosco NgMatt Michnovetz & Brent Friedman2020年3月6日 (2020-03-06)[l]6.11

片头语:生存是活着的一部分。(Survival is one step on the path to living.
1254Unfinished Business未完的任务Brian Kalin O'ConnellMatt Michnovetz & Brent Friedman2020年3月13日 (2020-03-13)[l]6.12

片头语:要获取自信,先要信任别人。(Trust placed in another is trust earned.
1265Gone with a Trace人过留痕Saul Ruiz & Kyle DunlevyDave Filoni & Charles Murray2020年3月20日 (2020-03-20)6.05

片头语:如果前无去路,亲自开辟新途。(If there is no path before you, create your own.
1276Deal No Deal大生意Nathaniel Villanueva & Steward LeeDave Filoni & Charles Murray2020年3月27日 (2020-03-27)6.06

片头语:错误总是来得太迟的珍贵一课。(Mistakes are valuable lessons often learned too late.
1287Dangerous Debt危险债务Saul Ruiz & Bosco NgDave Filoni & Charles Murray2020年4月3日 (2020-04-03)6.07

片头语:过去的你不代表将来的你。(Who you were does not have to define who you are.
1298Together Again再度携手Nathaniel VillanuevaDave Filoni & Charles Murray2020年4月10日 (2020-04-10)6.08

片头语:你可改变自己,但无法逃避自我。(You can change who you are, but you cannot run from yourself.
1309Old Friends Not Forgotten未忘旧友Saul RuizDave Filoni2020年4月17日 (2020-04-17)7.21
13110The Phantom Apprentice魅影徒弟Nathaniel VillanuevaDave Filoni2020年4月24日 (2020-04-24)7.22
13211Shattered克隆人之变Saul RuizDave Filoni2020年5月1日 (2020-05-01)7.23
13312Victory and Death胜利与死亡Nathaniel VillanuevaDave Filoni2020年5月4日 (2020-05-04)7.24


季数 集数 DVD发行日期 蓝光影碟发行日期
区域1 区域2 区域4 A区 B区
1 22 2009年11月3日 (2009-11-03)[85] 2009年11月16日 (2009-11-16)[86] 待公布 2009年11月3日 (2009-11-03)[87] 2009年11月2日 (2009-11-02)[88]
2 22 2010年10月26日 (2010-10-26)[89] 2010年11月15日 (2010-11-15)[90] 待公布 2010年10月26日 (2010-10-26)[91] 2010年11月15日 (2010-11-15)[92]
3 22 2011年10月18日 (2011-10-18)[93] 2011年10月17日 (2011-10-17)[94] 待公布 2011年10月18日 (2011-10-18)[95] 2011年10月17日 (2011-10-17)[96]
4 22 2012年10月23日 (2012-10-23)[97] 2012年10月22日 (2012-10-22)[98] 待公布 2012年10月23日 (2012-10-23)[99] 2012年10月22日 (2012-10-22)[100]
5 20 2013年10月15日 (2013-10-15)[101] 2013年10月14日 (2013-10-14)[102] 待公布 2013年10月15日 (2013-10-15)[103] 2013年10月14日 (2013-10-14)[104]
6 13 2014年11月11日 (2014-11-11)[105] 2014年11月11日 (2014-11-11)[106] 2015年4月29日 (2015-04-29)[107] 2014年11月11日 (2014-11-11)[108] 2014年11月11日 (2014-11-11)[109]



  1. ^ 第六季于2014年2月15日在德国电视台Super RTL英语Super RTL提前播出。
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 依据剧情发展的时间先后排序。由于将戏院上映的电影《星球大战:克隆人战争》包含在内,排序数从0开始标记,见第二季第16集[1]
  3. ^ "Senate Murders" aired on March 12, 2010 in Canada and on March 13, 2010 in the United Kingdom, ahead of its original broadcast in the United States.
  4. ^ "Cat and Mouse" aired on March 20, 2010 in the United Kingdom, ahead of its original broadcast in the United States.
  5. ^ "Bounty Hunters" aired on March 27, 2010 in the United Kingdom, ahead of its original broadcast in the United States.
  6. ^ "The Zillo Beast" aired on April 3, 2010 in the United Kingdom, ahead of its original broadcast in the United States.
  7. ^ "The Zillo Beast Strikes Back" aired on April 10, 2010 in the United Kingdom, ahead of its original broadcast in the United States.
  8. ^ "Death Trap" aired on April 17, 2010 in the United Kingdom, ahead of its original broadcast in the United States.
  9. ^ "R2 Come Home" aired on April 24, 2010 in the United Kingdom, ahead of its original broadcast in the United States.
  10. ^ "Padawan Lost" aired on March 19, 2011 in the United Kingdom, ahead of its original broadcast in the United States.
  11. ^ "Wookiee Hunt" aired on March 26, 2011 in the United Kingdom, ahead of its original broadcast in the United States.
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Screened as a story reel on April 17, 2015, at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim, and released on StarWars.com later that month.[84]


  1. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order. StarWars.com. 2014-03-17 [2020-08-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-11). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Gorman, Bill. Football, Veep Debate, Baseball Playoffs Lead Weekly Cable Viewing. TV by the Numbers. 2008-10-07 [2010-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-01). 
  3. ^ Seidman, Robert. Updated: NFL, Future President and Boston Red Sox lead Weekly Cable Viewing. TV by the Numbers. 2008-10-14 [2010-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-21). 
  4. ^ Seidman, Robert. Updated: Weekly Top Cable Shows. TV by the Numbers. 2008-11-25 [2010-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-27). 
  5. ^ Seidman, Robert. NFL, Drake & Josh, The Librarian, WWE Raw and Leverage lead cable. TV by the Numbers. 2008-12-09 [2010-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2009-01-03). 
  6. ^ Seidman, Robert. Monday Night Football, WWE RAW and SpongeBob lead weekly cable viewing. TV by the Numbers. 2008-12-16 [2010-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-17). 
  7. ^ Seidman, Robert. Monk, WWE RAW, Secret Life and iCarly lead weekly cable viewing. TV by the Numbers. 2008-01-13 [2010-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2010-02-16). 
  8. ^ Seidman, Robert. Updated: WWE RAW, Cinderella, iCarly and Monk lead weekly cable viewing. TV by the Numbers. 2009-01-21 [2010-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-31). 
  9. ^ Seidman, Robert. Updated: Obama inauguration, WWE RAW and Burn Notice lead weekly cable viewing. TV by the Numbers. 2009-01-27 [2010-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2009-02-24). 
  10. ^ Seidman, Robert. The Closer, Monk and Burn Notice lead weekly cable viewing. TV by the Numbers. 2009-02-03 [2010-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2010-03-27). 
  11. ^ Seidman, Robert. Monk, WWE RAW, The Closer and Burn Notice lead cable viewing. TV by the Numbers. 2009-02-10 [2010-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2010-08-22). 
  12. ^ Seidman, Robert. Updated: NBA All-Star festivities, The Closer, WWE RAW, and Monk lead week, Damages to return despite ratings. TV by the Numbers. 2009-02-18 [2009-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2010-08-22). 
  13. ^ Seidman, Robert. WWE RAW, The Closer and Monk lead weekly cable viewing. TV by the Numbers. 2009-02-24 [2009-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-27). 
  14. ^ Seidman, Robert. WWE RAW, The Closer and President Obama lead cable viewing. TV by the Numbers. 2009-03-03 [2009-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2010-07-29). 
  15. ^ Seidman, Robert. iCarly, Burn Notice and WWE RAW top cable charts. TV by the Numbers. 2009-03-10 [2009-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-27). 
  16. ^ Seidman, Robert. WWE RAW, Cars, Hannah Montana and SpongeBob Lead Weekly Cable Viewing. TV by the Numbers. 2009-03-17 [2010-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-06). 
  17. ^ Seidman, Robert. WWE RAW, Hannah Montana and Northern Lights lead cable show rankings. TV by the Numbers. 2009-03-24 [2010-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2009-03-27). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 引用错误:没有为名为s2premiere的参考文献提供内容
  19. ^ Hibberd, James. Smackdown ratings grow; Clone Wars drops. The Hollywood Reporter. Nielsen Business Media. October 13, 2008 [July 30, 2010]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2012). 
  20. ^ Seidman, Robert. Spartacus: Blood and Sand Sees Series Highs + Ben 10 and Clone Wars. TV by the Numbers. March 22, 2010 [July 30, 2010]. (原始内容存档于March 26, 2010). 
  21. ^ Gorman, Bill. Friday Cable Ratings: Stargate Universe, NBA Playoffs And More…. TV by the Numbers. April 26, 2010 [July 30, 2010]. (原始内容存档于May 1, 2010). 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Seidman, Robert. Stargate Universe Up + Wizards of Waverly Place & Other Friday Cable Finals. TV by the Numbers. May 3, 2010 [July 30, 2010]. (原始内容存档于May 7, 2010). 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable: Without Eureka, Haven Slips + Real Time With Bill Maher & More. TV by the Numbers. September 20, 2010 [October 14, 2010]. (原始内容存档于September 23, 2010). 
  24. ^ Gorman, Bill. Friday Cable Ratings: Haven Stable, Real Time With Bill Maher, College Football & More. TV by the Numbers. September 27, 2010 [October 14, 2010]. (原始内容存档于September 29, 2010). 
  25. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: Viewers Not Holding Closer Teach: Tony Danza; Haven Still Stable + Friday Night Smackdown & More. TV by the Numbers. October 5, 2010 [October 14, 2010]. (原始内容存档于October 7, 2010). 
  26. ^ Gorman, Bill. Friday Cable Ratings: Haven Finale Up; MLB Playoffs, Smackdown! & More!. TV by the Numbers. October 11, 2010 [October 12, 2010]. (原始内容存档于October 13, 2010). 
  27. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: Suite Life on Deck, Wizards of Waverly Place, Big Time Rush, Sanctuary, Swamp Loggers & More. TV by the Numbers. October 18, 2010 [October 20, 2010]. (原始内容存档于October 22, 2010). 
  28. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: Sanctuary Down + Yankees/Rangers, Suite Life on Deck, Pair of Kings, Big Time Rush & Much More. TV by the Numbers. October 25, 2010 [October 28, 2010]. (原始内容存档于October 27, 2010). 
  29. ^ Gorman, Bill. Friday Cable Ratings: Sanctuary, WWE Smackdown!, Swamp Loggers, NBA, Tony Danza & More. TV by the Numbers. November 8, 2010 [November 8, 2010]. (原始内容存档于November 10, 2010). 
  30. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: Sanctuary Rises +Friday Night Smackdown!, Avalon High, NBA, Wizards of Waverly & More. TV by the Numbers. November 15, 2010 [November 16, 2010]. (原始内容存档于November 17, 2010). 
  31. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: iCarly > Celtics-Thunder; Sanctuary, Friday Night Smackdown! Drop Back + Big Time Rush & More. TV by the Numbers. November 22, 2010 [November 23, 2010]. (原始内容存档于November 26, 2010). 
  32. ^ Gorman, Bill. Friday Cable Ratings: NBA Tops; Gold Rush: Alaska Premiere; Plus Conspiracy Theory, Sanctuary, Smackdown & More. TV by the Numbers. December 6, 2010 [December 7, 2010]. (原始内容存档于December 8, 2010). 
  33. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: Gold Rush Alaska, Suite Life on Deck, Wizards of Waverly, Merlin and More. TV by the Numbers. January 10, 2011 [January 19, 2011]. (原始内容存档于January 22, 2011). 
  34. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: 'Gold Rush: Alaska,' & NBA Lead Night +'Smackdown,' 'Spartacus,' 'Victorious,' 'Merlin' & More. TV by the Numbers. January 24, 2011 [January 25, 2011]. (原始内容存档于January 27, 2011). 
  35. ^ Gorman, Bill. Friday Cable Ratings: 'Gold Rush: Alaska' Leads Night, 'Spartacus' Steady, + 'Smackdown,' 'Winter X-Games,' & More. TV by the Numbers. January 31, 2011 [February 1, 2011]. (原始内容存档于February 2, 2011). 
  36. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: 'Gold Rush: Alaska,' 'Wizards of Waverly Place' Lead Night, 'Merlin' Down + 'Smackdown' & More. TV by the Numbers. February 7, 2011 [February 8, 2011]. (原始内容存档于February 9, 2011). 
  37. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: 'Gold Rush: Alaska,' Leads Night; 'Merlin' Steady; + 'Spartacus: GotA,' 'Smackdown' & More. TV by the Numbers. February 14, 2011 [February 15, 2011]. (原始内容存档于February 16, 2011). 
  38. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: 'Gold Rush: Alaska' Ends Season on Top; 'Merlin' & 'Spartacus: Gods of The Arena' Rise + 'Wizards of Waverly' & More. TV by the Numbers. February 22, 2011 [February 23, 2011]. (原始内容存档于February 26, 2011). 
  39. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: NBA on ESPN Tops Night + 'Suite Life on Deck,' 'Smackdown' 'Merlin' & More. TV by the Numbers. March 7, 2011 [March 8, 2011]. (原始内容存档于March 11, 2011). 
  40. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: 'WWE Smackdown' Up, Leads Night + 'Flying Wild Alaska,' 'Merlin' & More. TV by the Numbers. March 14, 2011 [March 15, 2011]. (原始内容存档于March 16, 2011). 
  41. ^ 41.0 41.1 Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: Starz Crowned King Of 'Camelot,' Bests Syfy's 'Merlin' in Demo + 'Friday Night Smackdown,' NBA and More. TV by the Numbers. April 4, 2011 [April 4, 2011]. (原始内容存档于April 7, 2011). 
  42. ^ 42.0 42.1 Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable: College Football, Sponge Bob, Smackdown!, Star Wars: Clone Wars, Haven & More. TV by the Numbers. September 19, 2011 [September 20, 2011]. (原始内容存档于September 23, 2011). 
  43. ^ Gorman, Bill. Friday Cable: Smackdown! Tops; Plus College Football, Haven, Star Wars: Clone Wars & More. TV by the Numbers. September 26, 2011 [September 26, 2011]. (原始内容存档于September 29, 2011). 
  44. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable: Rain-Shortened Yankees/Tigers Tops Night + 'Haven,' 'Clone Wars,' 'Smackdown!' & Much More. TV by the Numbers. October 3, 2011 [October 4, 2011]. (原始内容存档于October 6, 2011). 
  45. ^ Gorman, Bill. Friday Cable: Cardinals/Phillies Tops Night, Plus 'Smackdown!,' 'Sanctuary,' 'Jessie' & Much More. TV by the Numbers. October 10, 2011 [October 11, 2011]. (原始内容存档于October 11, 2011). 
  46. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable: NLCS Leads Night Plus 'Smackdown!,' 'Sanctuary,' 'Make Your Mark,' 'Jessie' & More. TV by the Numbers. October 17, 2011 [October 18, 2011]. (原始内容存档于October 19, 2011). 
  47. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: Discovery's 'Gold Rush' Tops Cable + 'Friday Night Smackdown,' 'Sanctuary,' 'Boss' & More. TV by the Numbers. October 31, 2011 [November 1, 2011]. (原始内容存档于November 2, 2011). 
  48. ^ Yanan, Travis. Friday's Cable Ratings: "Jessie" Leads Viewers for Disney Channel. The Futon Critic. November 7, 2011 [November 8, 2011]. 
  49. ^ Gorman, Bill. Friday Cable Ratings: Discovery's 'Gold Rush', UNC/MSU BBall Top Cable + 'Friday Night Smackdown,' 'Sanctuary,' 'Flying Wild Alaska' & More. TV by the Numbers. November 14, 2011 [November 15, 2011]. (原始内容存档于November 19, 2011). 
  50. ^ Gorman, Bill. Friday Cable Ratings: 'Gold Rush' Tops Cable + Okla. St./Iowa St., 'Friday Night Smackdown,' 'Sanctuary,' 'Flying Wild Alaska' & More. TV by the Numbers. November 21, 2011 [November 22, 2011]. (原始内容存档于November 23, 2011). 
  51. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: 'Gold Rush,' 'For Better or Worse' Lead Night + 'Smackdown,' 'Clone Wars' & More. TV by the Numbers. November 29, 2011 [November 30, 2011]. (原始内容存档于December 2, 2011). 
  52. ^ Gorman, Bill. Friday Cable Ratings: 'Gold Rush' Keeps Rising, Leads Night; 'For Better Or Worse' Falls Hard + 'Smackdown,' 'Flying Wild' & More. TV by the Numbers. December 5, 2011 [December 6, 2011]. (原始内容存档于January 7, 2012). 
  53. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: 'Wizards of Waverly Place Finale,' 'Gold Rush' Lead + 'Jessie,' 'Smackdown!,' 'Merlin' & More. TV by the Numbers. January 9, 2012 [January 10, 2012]. (原始内容存档于January 11, 2012). 
  54. ^ Yanan, Travis. Friday's Cable Ratings: "Gold Rush" Climbs to Series High for Discovery. The Futon Critic. January 17, 2012 [January 19, 2012]. 
  55. ^ Seidman, Robert. Friday Cable Ratings: 'Gold Rush' Less Gold, Still Golden + 'Smackdown!,' 'Merlin,' 'Real Time With Bill Maher' & More. TV by the Numbers. January 23, 2012 [January 24, 2012]. (原始内容存档于January 25, 2012). 
  56. ^ Yanan, Travis. Friday's Cable Ratings: Discovery's "Gold Rush," "Bering Sea Gold" Take Top Spots. The Futon Critic. January 31, 2012 [February 1, 2012]. 
  57. ^ Yanan, Travis. Friday's Cable Ratings: No Stopping "Gold Rush" on Discovery. The Futon Critic. February 6, 2012 [February 7, 2012]. 
  58. ^ Yanan, Travis. Friday's Cable Ratings: Gold Rush holds off ESPN NBA doubleheader. The Futon Critic. February 13, 2012 [February 14, 2012]. 
  59. ^ Yanan, Travis. Friday's Cable Ratings: "Gold Rush" Wraps Season on Top. The Futon Critic. February 27, 2012 [February 28, 2012]. 
  60. ^ Bibel, Sara. Friday Cable Ratings: 'Gold Rush' & 'Robot Chicken' & 'UFC Fight Night' & More. TV by the Numbers. March 5, 2012 [March 6, 2012]. (原始内容存档于March 7, 2012). 
  61. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. Friday Cable Ratings: 'Gold Rush' on Top Again, 'SmackDown', 'Bering Sea Gold' Round out Original Programming. TV by the Numbers. March 12, 2012 [March 13, 2012]. (原始内容存档于March 16, 2012). 
  62. ^ Bibel, Sara. Friday Cable Ratings: NCAA Basketball on TNT Wins the Night, 'Bering Sea Gold', 'In Plain Sight' And More. TV by the Numbers. March 19, 2012 [March 20, 2012]. (原始内容存档于March 21, 2012). 
  63. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (September 24-30, 2012). Son of the Bronx. March 7, 2013 [October 5, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-23). 
  64. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (October 1-7, 2012). Son of the Bronx. March 7, 2013 [October 12, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-21). 
  65. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (October 8-14, 2012). Son of the Bronx. March 7, 2013 [October 18, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-21). 
  66. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (October 15-21, 2012). Son of the Bronx. March 7, 2013 [October 25, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-23). 
  67. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (October 22-28, 2012). Son of the Bronx. March 7, 2013 [November 1, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-25). 
  68. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (October 29-November 4, 2012). Son of the Bronx. March 7, 2013 [November 10, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-29). 
  69. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (November 5-11, 2012). Son of the Bronx. March 7, 2013 [November 15, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-25). 
  70. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (November 12-18, 2012). Son of the Bronx. March 7, 2013 [November 24, 2012]. (原始内容存档于December 25, 2014). 
  71. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (November 19-25, 2012). Son of the Bronx. March 7, 2013 [December 2, 2012]. (原始内容存档于December 25, 2014). 
  72. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (November 26-December 2, 2012). Son of the Bronx. March 7, 2013 [December 6, 2012]. (原始内容存档于December 25, 2014). 
  73. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (December 3-9, 2012). Son of the Bronx. March 7, 2013 [December 13, 2012]. (原始内容存档于December 25, 2014). 
  74. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (December 31, 2012-January 6, 2013). Son of the Bronx. January 11, 2013 [January 14, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-22). 
  75. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (January 7-13, 2013). Son of the Bronx. January 18, 2013 [January 18, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-06). 
  76. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (January 14-20, 2013). Son of the Bronx. January 25, 2013 [January 24, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-06). 
  77. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (January 21-27, 2013). Son of the Bronx. January 31, 2013 [January 30, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-25). 
  78. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (January 28-February 3, 2013). Son of the Bronx. March 7, 2013 [February 8, 2013]. (原始内容存档于December 25, 2014). 
  79. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (February 4-10, 2013). Son of the Bronx. February 13, 2013 [February 13, 2013]. (原始内容存档于December 25, 2014). 
  80. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (February 11-17, 2013). Son of the Bronx. February 13, 2013 [February 13, 2013]. (原始内容存档于December 25, 2014). 
  81. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (February 18-24, 2013). Son of the Bronx. February 13, 2013 [February 13, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-07-07). 
  82. ^ Bronx, Son of the. Cartoon Network ratings (February 25-March 3, 2013). Son of the Bronx. March 8, 2013 [March 8, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-07-07). 
  83. ^ Bell, Matt. What are we getting from The Clone Wars Season 7?. Fantha Tracks. January 29, 2020 [April 10, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-16). 
  84. ^ Tveit, Elaine. New The Clone Wars Story Reel Will Premiere At Celebration. Dorksideoftheforce.com. 2015-04-09 [2016-12-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-13). 
  85. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 1. [2020-10-17] –通过Amazon. 
  86. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 1. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-19) –通过Amazon. 
  87. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 1 [Blu-ray]. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-26) –通过Amazon. 
  88. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 1 [Blu-ray]. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-17) –通过Amazon. 
  89. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 2. [2020-10-17] –通过Amazon. 
  90. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 2. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-17) –通过Amazon. 
  91. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 2 [Blu-ray]. [2020-10-17] –通过Amazon. 
  92. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 2 [Blu-ray]. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-17) –通过Amazon. 
  93. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 3. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-08) –通过Amazon. 
  94. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 3. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-19) –通过Amazon. 
  95. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 3 [Blu-ray]. [2020-10-17] –通过Amazon. 
  96. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 3 [Blu-ray]. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-20) –通过Amazon. 
  97. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4. [2020-10-17] –通过Amazon. 
  98. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-18) –通过Amazon. 
  99. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 [Blu-ray]. [2020-10-17] –通过Amazon. 
  100. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 [Blu-ray]. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-18) –通过Amazon. 
  101. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 5. [2020-10-17] –通过Amazon. 
  102. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 5. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-17) –通过Amazon. 
  103. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 5 [Blu-ray]. [2020-10-17] –通过Amazon. 
  104. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 5 [Blu-ray]. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-17) –通过Amazon. 
  105. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 6. [2020-10-17] –通过Amazon. 
  106. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 6. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-17) –通过Amazon. 
  107. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Lost Missions. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-17) –通过JB Hi-Fi. 
  108. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 6 [Blu-ray]. [2020-10-17] –通过Amazon. 
  109. ^ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 6 [Blu-ray]. [2020-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-19) –通过Amazon. 
