礼该戏泰语ลิเก 发音:[líʔ.kēː]皇家转写like爪夷文جيكيي‎;高棉语យីកេ [ˈjiːkeː][1],又称梨伽戏[2],流行于泰国[3]柬埔寨[4][5][6][7][8]马来西亚,兴起于19世纪晚期[9],一般认为起源于泰国南部马来人聚居地区。


礼该戏多为即兴表演,以地方传说故事为主题,并注重滑稽情节,结合器乐与声乐。礼该戏一般以佛教故事、民间传说为主题,如泰国的昆昌昆平英语Khun Chang Khun Phaen鬼妻娜娜。其戏服装饰华丽,演员涂深色眼线和浓艳口红,舞蹈动作和其他泰国舞剧类似,唱白一韵到底[3]泰国南部的礼该戏则有更浓郁的伊斯兰波斯文化特色,用到如铃鼓等西亚乐器[3]。如今在泰国,礼该戏主要在乡村地区庙会庆典等场合表演,已不如往日在大众中间流行[3]


  1. ^ 段立生. 泰国文化艺术史. 北京: 商务印书馆. 2005: 331. ISBN 7100042860. 
  2. ^ 泰传统梨伽戏新潮亮相. 泰国世界日报. [2024-10-26]. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Sukphisit, Suthon. The vanishing of Thailand: Folk Arts and Folk Culture. 1995. 
  4. ^ Se, Sio. All The World's A Stage. Leisure Cambodia. August 2002 [2018-10-25]. [Web content originally part of Leisure Camobodia (tabloid), Volume 2, Number 8, August 2002.] 
  5. ^ Khean, Yun; Dorivan, Keo; Lina, Y; Lenna, Mao. Traditional Musical Instruments of Cambodia (PDF). Kingdom of Cambodia: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. : 246–247. 
  6. ^ Terry Miller & Sean Williams. The Garland Handbook of Southeast Asian Music. Routledge. 2008: 228. ISBN 978-0-415-96075-5. 
  7. ^ Rehabilitation and Preservation of Cambodian Performing Arts. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 
  8. ^ Inventory List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Kingdom of Cambodia (PDF). United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 2015. 
  9. ^ Asia⁄Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU). Lakhon Chatri.