强人 (政治)









  1. ^ For example: Sinclair, Barbara. The Emergence of Strong Leadership in the 1980s House of Representatives. The Journal of Politics. 1992, 54 (3): 657–684 [27 October 2013]. doi:10.2307/2132306. An explanation for the emergence of strong leadership is offered and tested. I argue that, during the period under study, the costs and benefits to majority party members of strong leadership changed significantly. 
  2. ^ See for example:Rao, Mumtaz Hamid (编). David Cameron takes the reins in UK; Vows strong leadership. Pakistan Times (Islamabad). Pakistan Times UK Bureau. May 2010 [27 October 2013]. ISSN 1729-7915. (原始内容存档于2013年10月29日). Prime Minister David Cameron has said the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition will be united to give Britain a strong and stable leadership for the long term. [...] 'And it will be an administration united behind one key purpose and that is to give our country the strong and stable and determined leadership that we need for the long term.' [...] New Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled more details of his historic coalition on Wednesday, vowing "strong" government after ending 13 years of Labour rule. [...] New Foreign Secretary William Hague insisted the coalition agreement [...] would stand the test of time. [...] 'It will be a strong government,' said Hague. 
  3. ^ “若借用英文媒体常形容蒋经国的‘强人’一词,亦可说李登辉此时已获得国民党“小强人”的权威。”〈“小强人”李登辉的形成与“总统直选”的实现——第三次修宪〉,若林正丈著,《战后台湾政治史:中华民国台湾化的历程》。台北:台大出版中心出版。2014年3月出版。isbn: 978-986-350-003-2。页247-252
  4. ^ “超级主席”习近平:强人政治引发的忧虑和危险. 纽约时报中文网. [2021-09-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-01). 
  5. ^ 越南保守派连任,在中美之间寻求平衡. 纽约时报中文网. [2021-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-26). 
  6. ^ 陈峰君. 论印度模式及其转型. 中国日报. [2021-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-01).