
热经济学英语Thermoeconomics),也被称为生物物理经济学英语Biophysical economics),是一种非主流经济学,它把热力学定律应用到经济理论中来[1]。术语“热经济学”是由美国工程师梅伦‧翠柏斯创造于1962年[2][3][4],热经济学可以被看作是经济价值统计物理学[5]









  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Sieniutycz, Stanislaw; Salamon, Peter. Finite-Time Thermodynamics and Thermoeconomics. Taylor & Francis. 1990. ISBN 0-8448-1668-X. 
  2. ^ Yehia M. El-Sayed (2003). The Thermoeconomics of Energy Conversions (pg. 4). Pergamon.
  3. ^ A. Valero, L. Serra, and J. Uche (2006). Fundamentals of Exergy Cost Accounting and Thermoeconomics. Part I: Theory, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Volume 128, Issue 1, pp. 1-8.
  4. ^ Gong, Mei, Wall, Goran. (1997). On Exergetics, Economics and Optimization of Technical Processes to Meet Environmental Conditions. Exergy Studies.
  5. ^ Chen, Jing. The Physical Foundation of Economics - an Analytical Thermodynamic Theory. World Scientific. 2005. ISBN 981-256-323-7. 
  6. ^ Peter A. Corning 1*, Stephen J. Kline. (2000). Thermodynamics, information and life revisited, Part II: Thermoeconomics and Control information, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Apr. 07, Volume 15, Issue 6 , Pages 453 – 482
  7. ^ Corning, P. (2002). “Thermoeconomics – Beyond the Second Law”
  8. ^ Burley, Peter; Foster, John. Economics and Thermodynamics – New Perspectives on Economic Analysis. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1994. ISBN 0-7923-9446-1. 
  9. ^ Baumgarter, Stefan. (2004). Thermodynamic Models, Modeling in Ecological Economics (Ch. 18)
  10. ^ Raine, Alan; Foster, John; and Potts, Jason. The new entropy law and the economic process. Ecological Complexity. 2006, 3: 354–360. 
  11. ^ Annila, A. and Salthe, S., Arto; Salthe, Stanley. Economies evolve by energy dispersal. Entropy. 2009, 11 (4): 606–633.