
纽约市芭蕾舞团New York City Ballet),成立于1948年,乃世界著名芭蕾舞蹈团,及美国表演美国派芭蕾 的主要团体之一(而此团体现转以商业原则运作)。





  • 艺术总监 - Peter Martins
  • 编舞家师 - Jerome Robbins
  • 舞团导师 - Rosemary Dunleavy


姓名 国籍 训练
Jared Angle   美国 School of American Ballet
Tyler Angle   美国 School of American Ballet
Charles Askegard   美国 Minnesota Dance Theatre
School of American Ballet
Ashley Bouder   美国 Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet
School of American Ballet
Joaquín De Luz   西班牙 Victor Ullate School
Megan Fairchild   美国 Ballet West Conservatory
School of American Ballet
Robert Fairchild   美国 Ballet West Conservatory
School of American Ballet
Gonzalo Garcia   西班牙 Maria Avilla's School
San Francisco Ballet School
Stephen Hanna   美国 School of American Ballet
Sterling Hyltin
  美国 Dallas Metropolitan Ballet
School of American Ballet
Maria Kowroski   美国 School of Grand Rapids Ballet
School of American Ballet
Sébastien Marcovici   法国 School of the Paris Opéra Ballet
Chautauqua School of Dance
Sara Mearns
  美国 School of American Ballet
Benjamin Millepied   法国 Conservatoire National
School of American Ballet
Tiler Peck   美国 Westside School of Ballet
School of American Ballet
Amar Ramasar   美国 School of American Ballet
Teresa Reichlen   美国 Russell School of Ballet
School of American Ballet
Jenifer Ringer   美国 Washington School of Ballet
School of American Ballet
Jennie Somogyi   美国 School of American Ballet
Abi Stafford   美国 Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet
School of American Ballet
Jonathan Stafford   美国 Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet
School of American Ballet
Janie Taylor   美国 Giacobbe Academy of Dance
School of American Ballet
Daniel Ulbricht   美国 Judith Lee Johnson Studio of Dance
School of American Ballet
Andrew Veyette   美国 Westside Ballet
School of American Ballet
Wendy Whelan   美国 Louisville Ballet Academy
School of American Ballet

