
贝罗索斯[a](?—前3世纪)是希腊化时代的一位巴比伦尼亚作家 [2]以及使用通用希腊语写作的巴比伦天文学家,他活跃于公元前3世纪初期。他出生于亚历山大大帝统治巴比伦期间或更早(公元前 330 – 前323 年)。晚年搬迁到托勒密一世统治的地区。去世时期不详。


  1. ^ /bəˈrɒsəs/ or Berosus (/bəˈrsəs/; name possibly derived from 阿卡德语Bēl-rē'u-šu, "Bel is his shepherd"; 希腊语Βηρωσσός)[1]


  1. ^ The suggestion was made by Heinrich Zimmern; cf. Lehmann-Haupt, "Neue Studien zu Berossos" Klio 22 (1929:29)
  2. ^ Seneca Nat. Questiones III.29: "Berosus, qui Belum interpretatus est...", "Berossus, who expounded the doctrine of Bel/Marduk" (interpretatus) as rendered by W. G. Lambert, "Berossus and Babylonian Eschatology" Iraq, 38.2 (Autumn 1976:171-173) p. 172.