用户:5ru8ek/焊料 (1)




一定成分比例组成的共熔合金拥有固定熔点。非共熔合金拥有分别的固相温度及液相温度,当处在固相温度及液相温度之间时,则呈现固态粒子散布在液态金属的膏状,若焊料仍未完全固化时受到扰动,则会造成不良的电路连结。因此,共熔合金则无此困扰。不过,拭接铅管的接头(wiped joint)则是趁焊料冷却至固液混合的膏状时,涂抹平整并确保无缝不渗水。

焊锡已达机械化量产规模,市面上有不同直径的松香芯焊丝可供手焊电子电路之用。 亦有膏状、片状等形式供不同情况使用。锡铅合金从以往至今即被广泛使用,尤其对手焊而言为优良的材料,但为避免铅废弃物危害环境,产业界逐渐改用无铅焊料 。




Sn60Pb40 焊线

锡铅焊料,别名软焊料。市场上普遍可以购得(以重量计)铅含量 5% 至 70%的焊料。铅含量越高,*[[强度|拉伸強度]]和[[抗剪強度]]有增加的趋势。 焊接电子电路常用的焊料为60/40 锡/铅及63/37 锡/铅 。63/37 锡/铅是共熔合金,在所有锡铅合金当中熔点最低,而且是一固定温度而非一范围。

水管施工则使用铅含量较高的50/50 锡/铅焊料,此比例的合金固化时间较长。焊接完后水电工会擦拭管线,以确保平整及无缝不渗水。虽然人们逐渐意识铅中毒的严重性,但起初认为释放至水中的铅量少可被忽略,直至1980年代才开始全面停用铅管。 铜与铅、锡存在电极电位差,若铜管与铅锡管相连输送自来水时,锡氧化产生不溶于水的氧化锡,铅氧化产生可溶于水的氧化铅。即使微量的血铅也有可能会对神经系统消化系统造成慢性的伤害,[1] 因此水管用焊料的"铅"成分改为和铜,而增加锡的比例。

锡价格比铅高,但可以增加合金焊料的浸润能力,弭补铅较差的浸润能力。高锡含量的锡铅焊料使用时机不多,多数情况使用高铅含量的锡铅焊料即可。 .[2]


锡铅焊料易溶解镀金层并形成质脆的金属互化物。 [3]

60/40 锡/铅焊料氧化后的结构主要可分为四层:最外层为二氧化锡, 次一层为氧化亚锡与少量的铅均匀分布,次一层为氧化亚锡与铅、锡均匀分布,最底层为未氧化的焊料合金。...[4]

焊膏含有量少,然而影响重大的铅(及一定程度的锡)放射性同位素. 放射性同位素放射的α粒子可能会造成晶片处理资料的软性错误。 钋-210(活跃的α粒子放射源) 为主要原凶,来源为铅-210 β衰变铋-210,再经β衰变为钋-210。 另外,铀-238 和 钍-232 亦为合金中重大的辐射源。.....[5][6]





Composition M.P. °C


Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.
Sn50Zn49Cu1 200/300[7] no Galvanite Lead free galvanizing solder formulation designed specifically for high quality repairs to galvanized Steel surfaces. Simple, effective and easy to use, in both manufacturing and field applications. Metallurgically bonds to the Steel, for a seamless protective barrier.[7] 50 1 49
Sn95.5Cu4Ag0.5 226/260[8] no KappFree provides good joint strength, vibration resistance, and thermal cycle fatigue resistance in both piping and electrical products as opposed to tin-lead solders. Higher working temperature. Wets well to brass, copper, and stainless steel. Good electrical conductivity.[8] 95.5 .5 4
Sn90Zn7Cu3 200/222[9] no Kapp Eco-Babbitt[9] Commonly used in capacitor manufacturing as protective coating to shield against electromotive force (EMF) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) with the specified performance of the capacitor, to prevent current and charge leakage out of and within the layers of the capacitor, and to prevent the development of electron flows within the coating material itself, that would dimminish capacitor performance, coating, and capacitor life.[9] 90 3 7
Pb90Sn10 268/302[10] 275/302[11] Pb no Sn10, UNS L54520, ASTM10B. Balls for CBGA components, replaced by Sn95.5Ag3.9Cu0.6.[12] Low cost and good bonding properties. Rapidly dissolves gold and silver, not recommended for those.[13] Used for fabrication of car radiators and fuel tanks, for coating and bonding of metals for moderate service temperatures. Body solder.[14] Has low thermal EMF, can be used as an alternative to Cd70 where parasitic thermocouple voltage has to be avoided.[15] 10 90
Pb88Sn12 254/296[14] Pb no Used for fabrication of car radiators and fuel tanks, for coating and bonding of metals for moderate service temperatures. Body solder. 12 88
Pb85Sn15 227/288[14] Pb no Used for coating tubes and sheets and fabrication of car radiators. Body solder. 15 85
Pb80Sn20 183/280[11] Pb no Sn20, UNS L54711. Used for coating radiator tubes for joining fins.[14] 20 80
Pb75Sn25 183/266[10] Pb no Crude solder for construction plumbing works, flame-melted. Used for soldering car engine radiators. Used for machine, dip and hand soldering of plumbing fixtures and fittings. Superior body solder.[14] 25 75
Pb70Sn30 185/255[10] 183/257[11] Pb no Sn30, UNS L54280, crude solder for construction plumbing works, flame-melted, good for machine and torch soldering.[16] Used for soldering car engine radiators. Used for machine, dip and hand soldering of plumbing fixtures and fittings. Superior body solder.[14] 30 70
Pb68Sn32 253 Pb no "Plumber solder", for construction plumbing works[17] 32 68
Pb68Sn30Sb2 185/243[11] Pb no Pb68 30 68 2
Sn30Pb50Zn20 177/288[18] Pb no Kapp GalvRepair Economical solder for repairing & joining most metals including Aluminum and cast Iron. Have been the used for cast Iron and galvanized surface repair.[18] 30 50 20
Sn33Pb40Zn28 230/275[18] Pb no Economical solder for repairing & joining most metals including Aluminum and cast Iron. Have been the used for cast Iron and galvanized surface repair.[18] 33 40 28
Pb67Sn33 187–230 Pb no PM 33, crude solder for construction plumbing works, flame-melted, temperature depends on additives 33 67
Pb65Sn35 183/250[11] Pb no Sn35. Used as a cheaper alternative of Sn60Pb40 for wiping and sweating joints.[14] 35 65
Pb60Sn40 183/238[10] 183/247[11] Pb no Sn40, UNS L54915. For soldering of brass and car radiators.[16] For bulk soldering, and where wider melting point range is desired. For joining cables. For wiping and joining lead pipes. For repairs of radiators and electrical systems.[14] 40 60
Pb55Sn45 183/227[14] Pb no For soldering radiator cores, roof seams, and for decorative joints. 45 55
Sn50Pb50 183/216[10] 183–212[11] Pb no Sn50, UNS L55030. "Ordinary solder", for soldering of brass, electricity meters, gas meters, formerly also tin cans. General purpose, for standard tinning and sheetmetal work. Becomes brittle below −150 °C.[3][17] Low cost and good bonding properties. Rapidly dissolves gold and silver, not recommended for those.[13] For wiping and assembling plumbing joints for non-potable water.[14] 50 50
Sn50Pb48.5Cu1.5 183/215[19] Pb no Savbit, Savbit 1, Sav1. Minimizes dissolution of copper. Originally designed to reduce erosion of the soldering iron tips. About 100 times slower erosion of copper than ordinary tin/lead alloys. Suitable for soldering thin copper platings and very thin copper wires.[20] 50 48.5 1.5
Sn60Pb40 183/190[10] 183/188[11] Pb near Sn60, ASTM60A, ASTM60B. Common in electronics, most popular leaded alloy for dipping. Low cost and good bonding properties. Used in both SMT and through-hole electronics. Rapidly dissolves gold and silver, not recommended for those.[13] Slightly cheaper than Sn63Pb37, often used instead for cost reasons as the melting point difference is insignificant in practice. On slow cooling gives slightly duller joints than Sn63Pb37.[20] 60 40
Sn60Pb38Cu2 183/190[11][21] Pb Cu2. Copper content increases hardness of the alloy and inhibits dissolution of soldering iron tips and part leads in molten solder. 60 38 2
Sn60Pb39Cu1 Pb no 60 39 1
Sn62Pb38 183 Pb near "Tinman's solder", used for tinplate fabrication work.[17] 62 38
Sn63Pb37 183[22] Pb yes Sn63, ASTM63A, ASTM63B. Common in electronics; exceptional tinning and wetting properties, also good for stainless steel. One of most common solders. Low cost and good bonding properties. Used in both SMT and through-hole electronics. Rapidly dissolves gold and silver, not recommended for those.[13] Sn60Pb40 is slightly cheaper and is often used instead for cost reasons, as the melting point difference is insignificant in practice. On slow cooling gives slightly brighter joints than Sn60Pb40.[20] 63 37
Sn63Pb37P0.0015–0.04 183[23] Pb yes Sn63PbP. A special alloy for HASL machines. Addition of phosphorus reduces oxidation. Unsuitable for wave soldering as it may form metal foam. 63 37 P
Sn62Pb37Cu1 183[21] Pb yes Similar to Sn63Pb37. Copper content increases hardness of the alloy and inhibits dissolution of soldering iron tips and part leads in molten solder. 62 37 1
Sn70Pb30 183/193[10] Pb no Sn70 70 30
Sn90Pb10 183/213[11] Pb no formerly used for joints in food industry 90 10
Sn95Pb5 238 Pb no plumbing and heating 95 5
Pb92Sn5.5Ag2.5 286/301[21] Pb no For higher-temperature applications. 5.5 92 2.5
Pb80Sn12Sb8 Pb no Used for soldering iron and steel[17] 12 80 8
Pb80Sn18Ag2 252/260[11] Pb no Used for soldering iron and steel[17] 18 80 2
Pb79Sn20Sb1 184/270 Pb no Sb1 20 79 1
Pb55Sn43.5Sb1.5 Pb no General purpose solder. Antimony content improves mechanical properties but causes brittleness when soldering cadmium, zinc, or galvanized metals.[17] 43.5 55 1.5
Sn43Pb43Bi14 144/163[10] Pb no Bi14. Good fatigue resistance combined with low melting point. Contains phases of tin and lead-bismuth.[24] Useful for step soldering. 43 43 14
Sn46Pb46Bi8 120/167[11] Pb no Bi8 46 46 8
Bi52Pb32Sn16 96 Pb yes? Bi52. Good fatigue resistance combined with low melting point. Reasonable shear strength and fatigue properties. Combination with lead-tin solder may dramatically lower melting point and lead to joint failure.[24] 16 32 52
Bi46Sn34Pb20 100/105[11] Pb no Bi46 34 20 46
Sn62Pb36Ag2 179[10] Pb yes Sn62. Common in electronics. The strongest tin-lead solder. Appearance identical to Sn60Pb40 or Sn63Pb37. Crystals of Ag3Sn may be seen growing from the solder. Extended heat treatment leads to formation of crystals of binary alloys. Silver content decreases solubility of silver, making the alloy suitable for soldering silver-metallized surfaces, e.g. SMD capacitors and other silver-metallized ceramics.[3][20][24] Not recommended for gold.[13] General-purpose. 62 36 2
Sn62.5Pb36Ag2.5 179[10] Pb yes 62.5 36 2.5
Pb88Sn10Ag2 268/290[10] 267/299[25] Pb no Sn10, Pb88. Silver content reduces solubility of silver coatings in the solder. Not recommended for gold.[13] Forms a eutectic phase, not recommended for operation above 120 °C. 10 88 2
Pb90Sn5Ag5 292[10] Pb yes 5 90 5
Pb92.5Sn5Ag2.5 287/296[10] 299/304[11] Pb no Pb93. 5 92.5 2.5
Pb93.5Sn5Ag1.5 296/301[10] 305/306[11] Pb no Pb94, HMP alloy, HMP. Service temperatures up to 255 °C. Useful for step soldering. Also can be used for extremely low temperatures as it remains ductile down to −200 °C, while solders with more than 20% tin become brittle below −70 °C. Higher strength and better wetting than Pb95Sn5.[20] 5 93.5 1.5
Pb95.5Sn2Ag2.5 299/304[10] Pb no 2 95.5 2.5
In97Ag3 143[26] yes Wettability and low-temperature malleability of indium, strength improved by addition of silver. Particularly good for cryogenic applications. Used for packaging of photonic devices. 3 97
In90Ag10 143/237[27] no Nearly as wettable and low-temperature malleable as indium. Large plastic range. Can solder silver, fired glass and ceramics. 10 90
In75Pb25 156/165[13] Pb no Less gold dissolution and more ductile than lead-tin alloys. Used for die attachment, general circuit assembly and packaging closures.[13] 25 75
In70Pb30 160/174[10] 165/175[11][28] Pb no In70. Suitable for gold, low gold-leaching. Good thermal fatigue properties. 30 70
In60Pb40 174/185[10] 173/181[11] Pb no In60. Low gold-leaching. Good thermal fatigue properties. 40 60
In50Pb50 180/209[13] 178/210[11] Pb no In50. Only one phase. Resoldering with lead-tin solder forms indium-tin and indium-lead phases and leads to formation of cracks between the phases, joint weakening and failure.[24] On gold surfaces gold-indium intermetallics tend to be formed, and the joint then fails in the gold-depleted zone and the gold-rich intermetallic.[29] Less gold dissolution and more ductile than lead-tin alloys.[13] Good thermal fatigue properties. 50 50
In50Sn50 118/125[30] no Cerroseal 35. Fairly well wets glass, quartz and many ceramics. Malleable, can compensate some thermal expansion differences. Low vapor pressure. Used in low temperature physics as a glass-wetting solder.[31] 50 50
In70Sn15Pb9.6Cd5.4 125[32] Pb,Cd 15 9.6 70 5.4
Pb75In25 250/264[13] 240/260[33] Pb no In25. Low gold-leaching. Good thermal fatigue properties. Used for die attachment of e.g. GaAs dies.[29] Used also for general circuit assembly and packaging closures. Less dissolution of gold and more ductile than tin-lead alloy.[13] 75 25
Sn70Pb18In12 162[10]


Pb yes General purpose. Good physical properties. 70 18 12
Sn37.5Pb37.5In25 134/181[13] Pb no Good wettability. Not recommended for gold.[13] 37.5 37.5 25
Pb90In5Ag5 290/310[10] Pb no 90 5 5
Pb92.5In5Ag2.5 300/310[10] Pb no UNS L51510. Minimal leaching of gold, good thermal fatigue properties. Reducing atmosphere frequently used.. 92.5 2.5 5
Pb92.5In5Au2.5 300/310[11] Pb no In5 92.5 5 2.5
Pb94.5Ag5.5 305/364[11] 304/343[35] Pb no Ag5.5, UNS L50180 94.5 5.5
Pb95Ag5 305/364[36] Pb no 95 5
Pb97.5Ag2.5 303[10] 304[11] 304/579[37] Pb yes no Ag2.5, UNS L50132. Used during World War II to conserve tin. Poor corrosion resistance; joints suffered corrosion in both atmospheric and underground conditions, all had to be replaced with Sn-Pb alloy joints.[38] Torch solder. 97.5 2.5
Sn97.5Pb1Ag1.5 305 Pb yes Important for hybrid circuits assembly.[3] 97.5 1 1.5
Pb97.5Ag1.5Sn1 309[10] Pb yes Ag1.5, ASTM1.5S. High melting point, used for commutators, armatures, and initial solder joints where remelting when working on nearby joints is undesirable.[16] Silver content reduces solubility of silver coatings in molten solder. Not recommended for gold.[13] Standard PbAgSn eutectic solder, wide use in semiconductor assembly. Reducing protective atmosphere (e.g. 12% hydrogen) often used. High creep resistance, for use at both elevated and cryogenic temperatures. 1 97.5 1.5
Pb54Sn45Ag1 177–210 Pb exceptional strength, silver gives it a bright long-lasting finish; ideal for stainless steel[16] 45 54 1
Pb96Ag4 305 Pb high-temperature joints[16] 96 4
Pb96Sn2Ag2 252/295[11] Pb Pb96 2 96 2
Sn61Pb36Ag3 Pb [3] 61 36 3
Sn56Pb39Ag5 Pb [3] 56 39 5
Sn98Ag2 [3] 98 2
Sn65Ag25Sb10 233 yes Very high tensile strength. For die attachment. Very brittle. Old Motorola die attach solder. 65 25 10
Sn96.5Ag3.0Cu0.5 217/220 217/218[11][39] near SAC305. It is the JEITA recommended alloy for wave and reflow soldering, with alternatives SnCu for wave and SnAg and SnZnBi for reflow soldering. Usable also for selective soldering and dip soldering. At high temperatures tends to dissolve copper; copper buildup in the bath has detrimental effect (e.g. increased bridging). Copper content must be maintained between 0.4–0.85%, e.g. by refilling the bath with Sn97Ag3 alloy. Nitrogen atmosphere can be used to reduce losses by dross formation. Dull, surface shows formation of dendritic tin crystals. 96.5 3 0.5
Sn95.8Ag3.5Cu0.7 217–218 near SN96C-Ag3.5 A commonly used alloy. Used for wave soldering. Usable also for selective soldering and dip soldering. At high temperatures tends to dissolve copper; copper buildup in the bath has detrimental effect (e.g. increased bridging). Copper content must be maintained between 0.4–0.85%, e.g. by refilling the bath with Sn96.5Ag3.5 alloy (designated e.g. SN96Ce). Nitrogen atmosphere can be used to reduce losses by dross formation. Dull, surface shows formation of dendritic tin crystals. 95.8 3.5 0.7
Sn95.6Ag3.5Cu0.9 217 yes Determined by NIST to be truly eutectic. 95.6 3.5 0.9
Sn95.5Ag3.8Cu0.7 217[40] almost SN96C. Preferred by the European IDEALS consortium for reflow soldering. Usable also for selective soldering and dip soldering. At high temperatures tends to dissolve copper; copper buildup in the bath has detrimental effect (e.g. increased bridging). Copper content must be maintained between 0.4–0.85%, e.g. by refilling the bath with Sn96.2Ag3.8 alloy (designated e.g. SN96Ce). Nitrogen atmosphere can be used to reduce losses by dross formation. Dull, surface shows formation of dendritic tin crystals. 95.5 3.8 0.7
Sn95.25Ag3.8Cu0.7Sb0.25 Preferred by the European IDEALS consortium for wave soldering. 95.25 3.8 0.7 0.25
Sn95.5Ag3.9Cu0.6 217[41] yes Recommended by the US NEMI consortium for reflow soldering. Used as balls for BGA/CSP and CBGA components, a replacement for Sn10Pb90. Solder paste for rework of BGA boards.[12] Alloy of choice for general SMT assembly. 95.5 3.9 0.6
Sn95.5Ag4Cu0.5 217[42] yes Lead Free, Cadmium Free formulation designed specifically to replace Lead solders in Copper and Stainless Steel plumbing, and in electrical and electronic applications.[8] 95.5 4 0.5
Sn96.5Ag3.5 221[10] yes Sn96, Sn96.5, 96S. Fine lamellar structure of densely distributed Ag3Sn. Annealing at 125 °C coarsens the structure and softens the solder.[12] Creeps via dislocation climb as a result of lattice diffusion.[6] Used as wire for hand soldering rework; compatible with SnCu0.7, SnAg3Cu0.5, SnAg3.9Cu0.6, and similar alloys. Used as solder spheres for BGA/CSP components. Used for step soldering and die attachment in high power devices. Established history in the industry.[12] Widely used. Strong lead-free joints. Silver content minimizes solubility of silver coatings. Not recommended for gold.[13] Marginal wetting. Good for step soldering. Used for soldering stainless steel as it wets stainless steel better than other soft solders. Silver content does not suppress dissolution of silver metallizations.[20] High tin content allows absorbing significant amount of gold without embrittlement.[43] 96.5 3.5
Sn96Ag4 221–229 no ASTM96TS. "Silver-bearing solder". Food service equipment, refrigeration, heating, air conditioning, plumbing.[16] Widely used. Strong lead-free joints. Silver content minimizes solubility of silver coatings. Not recommended for gold.[13] 96 4
Sn95Ag5 221/254[44] no Widely used. Strong lead-free joints. Silver content minimizes solubility of silver coatings. Not recommended for gold. Produces strong and ductile joints on Copper and Stainless Steel. The resulting joints have high tolerance to vibration and stress, with tensile strengths to 30,000 psi on Stainless.[44] 95 5
Sn94Ag6 221/279[44] no Produces strong and ductile joints on Copper and Stainless Steel. The resulting joints have high tolerance to vibration and stress, with tensile strengths to 30,000 psi on Stainless.[44] 94 6
Sn93Ag7 221/302[44] no Produces strong and ductile joints on Copper and Stainless Steel. The resulting joints have high tolerance to vibration and stress, with tensile strengths to 31,000 psi on Stainless.[44] Audio industry standard for vehicle and home theater speaker installations. Its 7% Silver content requires a higher temperature range, but yields superior strength and vibration resistance.[45] 93 7
Sn95Ag4Cu1 95 4 1
Sn 232 pure Sn99. Good strength, non-dulling. Use in food processing equipment, wire tinning, and alloying.[16] Susceptible to tin pest. 99.99
Sn99.3Cu0.7 227 yes Sn99Cu1. Also designated as Sn99Cu1. Cheap alternative for wave soldering, recommended by the US NEMI consortium. Coarse microstructure with ductile fractures. Sparsely distributed Cu6Sn5.[46] Forms large dendritic ß-tin crystals in a network of eutectic microstructure with finely dispersed Cu6Sn5. High melting point unfavorable for SMT use. Low strength, high ductility. Susceptible to tin pest.[6] Addition of small amount of nickel increases its fluidity; the highest increase occurs at 0.06% Ni. Such alloys are known as nickel modified or nickel stabilized.[47] 99.3 0.7 (Ni)
Sn99Cu0.7Ag0.3 217/228[48] no SCA, SAC, or SnAgCu. Tin-silver-copper alloy. Relatively low-cost lead-free alloy for simple applications. Can be used for wave, selective and dip soldering. At high temperatures tends to dissolve copper; copper buildup in the bath has detrimental effect (e.g. increased bridging). Copper content must be maintained between 0.4–0.85%, e.g. by refilling the bath with Sn96.2Ag3.8 alloy (designated e.g. SN96Ce). Nitrogen atmosphere can be used to reduce losses by dross formation. Dull, surface shows formation of dendritic tin crystals. 99 0.3 0.7
Sn97Cu3 227/250[49] 232/332[14] For high-temperature uses. Allows removing insulation from an enameled wire and applying solder coating in a single operation. For radiator repairs, stained glass windows, and potable water plumbing. 97 3
Sn97Cu2.75Ag0.25 228/314[14] High hardness, creep-resistant. For radiators, stained glass windows, and potable water plumbing. Excellent high-strength solder for radiator repairs. Wide range of patina and colors. 97 0.25 2.75
Zn100 419 pure For soldering aluminium. Good wettability of aluminium, relatively good corrosion resistance.[50] 100
Bi100 271 pure Used as a non-superconducting solder in low-temperature physics. Does not wet metals well, forms a mechanically weak joint.[31] 100
Sn91Zn9 199[51] yes KappAloy9 Designed specifically for Aluminum-to-Aluminum and Aluminum-to-Copper soldering. It has good corrosion resistance and tensile strength. Lies between soft solder and silver brazing alloys, thereby avoiding damage to critical electronics and substrate deformation and segregation. Best solder for Aluminum wire to Copper busses or Copper wire to Aluminum busses or contacts.[51] UNS#: L91090 91 9
Sn85Zn15 199/260[51] no KappAloy15 Designed specifically for Aluminum-to-Aluminum and Aluminum-to-Copper soldering. It has good corrosion resistance and tensile strength. Lies between soft solder and silver brazing alloys, thereby avoiding damage to critical electronics and substrate deformation and segregation. Has a wide plastic range this makes it ideal for hand soldering Aluminum plates and parts, allowing manipulation of the parts as the solder cools.[51] 85 15
Zn95Al5 382 yes For soldering aluminium. Good wetting.[50] 95 Al5
Sn91.8Bi4.8Ag3.4 211/213[52] no Do not use on lead-containing metallizations. U.S. Patent 5,439,639 (ICA Licensed Sandia Patent). 91.8 3.4 4.8
Sn70Zn30 199/316[51] no KappAloy30 For soldering of aluminium. Good wetting. Used extensively in spray wire form for capacitors and other electronic parts. Higher temperature and higher tensile strength compared to 85Sn/15Zn and 91Sn/9Zn.[51] 70 30
Sn80Zn20 199/288[51] no KappAloy20 For soldering of aluminium. Good wetting. Used extensively in spray wire form for capacitors and other electronic parts. Higher temperature and higher tensile strength compared to 85Sn/15Zn and 91Sn/9Zn.[51] 80 20
Sn60Zn40 199/343[51] no KappAloy40 For soldering of aluminium. Good wetting. Used extensively in spray wire form for capacitors and other electronic parts. Higher temperature and higher tensile strength compared to 85Sn/15Zn and 91Sn/9Zn.[51] 60 40
Pb63Sn35Sb2 185/243[11] Pb no Sb2 35 63 2
Pb63Sn34Zn3 170/256 Pb no Poor wetting of aluminium. Poor corrosion rating.[38] 34 63 3
Pb92Cd8 310? Pb,Cd ? For soldering aluminium. US patent 1,333,666.[53] 92 8
Sn48Bi32Pb20 140/160[21] Pb no For low-temperature soldering of heat-sensitive parts, and for soldering in the vicinity of already soldered joints without their remelting. 48 20 32
Sn89Zn8Bi3 191–198 Prone to corrosion and oxidation due to its zinc content. On copper surfaces forms a brittle Cu-Zn intermetallic layer, reducing the fatigue resistance of the joint; nickel plating of copper inhibits this.[54] 89 3 8
Sn83.6Zn7.6In8.8 181/187[55] no High dross due to zinc. Covered by U.S. Patent #5,242,658. 83.6 8.8 7.6
Sn86.5Zn5.5In4.5Bi3.5 174/186[56] no Lead-free. Corrosion concerns and high drossing due to zinc content. 86.5 3.5 4.5 5.5
Sn86.9In10Ag3.1 204/205[57] Potential use in flip-chip assembly, no issues with tin-indium eutectic phase. 86.9 3.1 10
Sn95Ag3.5Zn1Cu0.5 221L[54] no 95 3.5 0.5 1
Sn95Sb5 235/240[10] 232/240[11] no Sb5, ASTM95TA. The US plumbing industry standard. It displays good resistance to thermal fatigue and good shear strength. Forms coarse dendrites of tin-rich solid solution with SbSn intermetallic dispersed between. Very high room-temperature ductility. Creeps via viscous glide of dislocations by pipe diffusion. More creep-resistant than SnAg3.5. Antimony can be toxic. Used for sealing chip packagings, attaching I/O pins to ceramic substrates, and die attachment; a possible lower-temperature replacement of AuSn.[6] High strength and bright finish. Use in air conditioning, refrigeration, some food containers, and high-temperature applications.[16] Good wettability, good long-term shear strength at 100 °C. Suitable for potable water systems. Used for stained glass, plumbing, and radiator repairs. 95 5
Sn97Sb3 232/238[58] no 97 3
Sn99Sb1 232/235[59] no 99 1
Sn99Ag0.3Cu0.7 99 0.3 0.7
Sn96.2Ag2.5Cu0.8Sb0.5 217–225 217[11] Ag03A. Patented by AIM alliance. 96.2 2.5 0.8 0.5
Sn88In8.0Ag3.5Bi0.5 197–208 Patented by Matsushita/Panasonic. 88 3.5 0.5 8
Bi57Sn42Ag1 137/139 139/140[60] Addition of silver improves mechanical strength. Established history of use. Good thermal fatigue performance. Patented by Motorola. 42 1 57
Bi58Sn42 138[10][13] yes Bi58. Reasonable shear strength and fatigue properties. Combination with lead-tin solder may dramatically lower melting point and lead to joint failure.[24] Low-temperature eutectic solder with high strength.[13] Particularly strong, very brittle.[10] Used extensively in through-hole technology assemblies in IBM mainframe computers where low soldering temperature was required. Can be used as a coating of copper particles to facilitate their bonding under pressure/heat and creating a conductive metallurgical joint.[54] Sensitive to shear rate. Good for electronics. Used in thermoelectric applications. Good thermal fatigue performance.[61] Established history of use. Expands slightly on casting, then undergoes very low further shrinkage or expansion, unlike many other low-temperature alloys which continue changing dimensions for some hours after solidification.[31] 42 58
Bi58Pb42 124/126[62] Pb 42 58
In80Pb15Ag5 142/149[11]


Pb no In80. Compatible with gold, minimum gold-leaching. Resistant to thermal fatigue. Can be used in step soldering. 15 5 80
Pb60In40 195/225[11] Pb no In40. Low gold-leaching. Good thermal fatigue properties. 60 40
Pb70In30 245/260[11] Pb no In30 70 30
Sn37.5Pb37.5In26 134/181[11] Pb no In26 37.5 37.5 26
Sn54Pb26In20 130/154[11] 140/152[64] Pb no In20 54 26 20
Pb81In19 270/280[11] 260/275[65] Pb no In19. Low gold-leaching. Good thermal fatigue properties. 81 19
In52Sn48 118 yes In52. Suitable for the cases where low-temperature soldering is needed. Can be used for glass sealing.[54] Sharp melting point. Good wettability of glass, quartz, and many ceramics. Good low-temperature malleability, can compensate for different thermal expansion coefficients of joined materials. 48 52
Sn52In48 118/131[10] no very low tensile strength 52 48
Sn58In42 118/145[66] no 58 42
Sn51.2Pb30.6Cd18.2 145[67] Pb,Cd yes General-purpose. Maintains creep strength well. Unsuitable for gold. 51.2 30.6 18.2
Sn77.2In20Ag2.8 175/187[68] no Similar mechanical properties with Sn63Pb37, Sn62Pb36Ag2 and Sn60Pb40, suitable lead-free replacement. Contains eutectic Sn-In phase with melting point at 118 °C, avoid use above 100 °C. 77.2 2.8 20
In74Cd26 123[69] Cd yes 74 26
In61.7Bi30.8Cd7.5 62[70] Cd yes 30.8 61.7 7.5
Bi47.5Pb25.4Sn12.6Cd9.5In5 57/65[71] Pb,Cd no 12.6 25.4 47.5 5 9.5
Bi48Pb25.4Sn12.8Cd9.6In4 61/65[72] Pb,Cd no 12.8 25.4 48 9.6
Bi49Pb18Sn15In18 58/69[73] Pb no 15 18 49 18
Bi49Pb18Sn12In21 58 Pb yes Cerrolow 136. Slightly expands on cooling, later shows slight shrinkage in couple hours afterwards. Used as a solder in low-temperature physics.[31] 12 18 49 21
Bi50.5Pb27.8Sn12.4Cd9.3 70/73[74] Pb,Cd no 12.4 27.8 50.5 9.3
Bi50Pb26.7Sn13.3Cd10 70 Pb,Cd yes Cerrobend. Used in low-temperature physics as a solder.[31] 13.3 26.7 50 10
Bi44.7Pb22.6In19.1Cd5.3Sn8.3 47 Cd,Pb yes Cerrolow 117. Used as a solder in low-temperature physics.[31] 8.3 22.6 44.7 19.1 5.3
In60Sn40 113/122[10] no 40 60
In51.0Bi32.5Sn16.5 60.5 yes Field's metal 16.5 32.5 51
Bi49.5Pb27.3Sn13.1Cd10.1 70.9 Pb,Cd yes Lipowitz Metal 13.1 27.3 49.5 10.1
Bi50.0Pb25.0Sn12.5Cd12.5 71 Pb,Cd yes Wood's metal, mostly used for casting. 12.5 25 50 12.5
Bi50.0Pb31.2Sn18.8 97 Pb no Newton's metal 18.8 31.2 50
Bi50Pb28Sn22 109 Pb no Rose's metal. It was used to secure cast iron railings and balusters in pockets in stone bases and steps. Does not contract on cooling. 22 28 50
Cd95Ag5 338/393 [75] Cd no KappTec General purpose solder that will join all solderable metals except Aluminum. High temperature, high strength solder. It is used in applications where alloys melting higher than soft solders are required, but the cost and strength of Silver-brazing alloys is not necessary.[75] 5 95
Cd82.5Zn17.5 265[76] Cd yes Medium temperature alloy that provide strong, corrosion-resistant joints on most metals.[76] Also for soldering aluminium and die-cast zinc alloys.[17] Used in cryogenic physics for ataching electrical potential leads to specimens of metals, as this alloy does not become superconductive at liquid helium temperatures.[31] 17.5 82.5
Cd70Zn30 265/300[76] Cd no Medium temperature alloy that provide strong, corrosion-resistant joints on most metals. Works especially well on Aluminum-to-Aluminum and Aluminum-to-Copper joints, with excellent corrosion resistance and superior strength in high vibration and high stress applications in electronics, lighting and electrical products.[76] 30 70
Cd60Zn40 265/316[76] Cd no Medium temperature alloy that provide strong, corrosion-resistant joints on most metals. Works especially well on Aluminum-to-Aluminum and Aluminum-to-Copper joints, with excellent corrosion resistance and superior strength in high vibration and high stress applications in electronics, lighting and electrical products.[76] 40 60
Cd78Zn17Ag5 249/316[77] Cd no KappTecZ High temperature, high strength solder that may be used on most metals, but works extremely well on Aluminum, Copper and Stainless Steel. It has a high tolerance to vibration and stress, and good elongation for use on dissimilar metals. Above its liquidus of 600 °F, this solder is extremely fluid and will penetrate the closest joints.[77] 5 17 78
Sn40Zn27Cd33 176/260[78] Cd no KappRad[78] Developed specifically to join and repair Aluminum and Aluminum/Copper radiators and heat exchangers. A lower melting point makes delicate repair work easier.[78] 40 27 33
Zn90Cd10 265/399 Cd For soldering aluminium. Good wetting.[50] 90 10
Zn60Cd40 265/335 Cd For soldering aluminium. Very good wetting.[50] 60 40
Cd70Sn30 140/160[11] Cd no Cd70, thermal-free solder. Produces low thermal EMF joints in copper, does not form parasitic thermocouples. Used in low-temperature physics.[31] 29.56 70.44
Sn50Pb32Cd18 145[11] Cd,Pb Cd18 50 32 18
Sn40Pb42Cd18 145[79] Cd,Pb Low melting temperature allows repairing pewter and zinc objects, including die-cast toys. 40 42 18
Zn70Sn30 199/376 no For soldering aluminium. Excellent wetting.[38] Good strength. 30 70
Zn60Sn40 199/341 no For soldering aluminium. Good wetting.[50] 40 60
Zn95Sn5 382 yes? For soldering aluminium. Excellent wetting.[38] 5 95
Sn90Au10 217[80] yes 90 10
Au80Sn20 280 yes Au80. Good wetting, high strength, low creep, high corrosion resistance, high thermal conductivity, high surface tension, zero wetting angle. Suitable for step soldering. The original flux-less alloy, does not need flux. Used for die attachment and attachment of metal lids to semiconductor packages, e.g. kovar lids to ceramic chip carriers. Coefficient of expansion matching many common materials. Due to zero wetting angle requires pressure to form a void-free joint. Alloy of choice for joining gold-plated and gold-alloy plated surfaces. As some gold dissolves from the surfaces during soldering and moves the composition to non-eutectic state (1% increase of Au content can increase melting point by 30 °C), subsequent desoldering requires higher temperature.[81] Forms a mixture of two brittle intermetallic phases, AuSn and Au5Sn.[82] Brittle. Proper wetting achieved usually by using nickel surfaces with gold layer on top on both sides of the joint. Comprehensively tested through military standard environmental conditioning. Good long-term electrical performance, history of reliability.[29] Low vapor pressure, suitable for vacuum work. Generally used in applications that require a melting temperature over 150 °C.[83] Good ductility. Also classified as a braze. 20 80
Au98Si2 370/800[11] Au98. A non-eutectic alloy used for die attachment of silicon dies. Ultrasonic assistance is needed to scrub the chip surface so a eutectic (3.1% Si) is reached at reflow. 98 Si2
Au96.8Si3.2 370[11] 363[84] yes Au97.[81] AuSi3.2 is a eutectic with melting point of 363 °C. AuSi forms a meniscus at the edge of the chip, unlike AuSn, as AuSi reacts with the chip surface. Forms a composite material structure of submicron silicon plates in soft gold matrix. Tough, slow crack propagation.[46] 96.8 Si3.2
Au87.5Ge12.5 361 356[11] yes Au88. Used for die attachment of some chips.[10] The high temperature may be detrimental to the chips and limits reworkability.[29] 87.5 Ge12.5
Au82In18 451/485[11] no Au82. High-temperature, extremely hard, very stiff. 18 82
In100 157 pure In99. Used for die attachment of some chips. More suitable for soldering gold, dissolution rate of gold is 17 times slower than in tin-based solders and up to 20% of gold can be tolerated without significant embrittlement. Good performance at cryogenic temperatures.[85] Wets many surfaces incl. quartz, glass, and many ceramics. Deforms indefinitely under load. Does not become brittle even at low temperatures. Used as a solder in low-temperature physics, will bond to aluminium. Can be used for soldering to thin metal films or glass with an ultrasonic soldering iron.[31] 99.99


  1. ^ Needleman, HL; Schell, A; Bellinger, D; Leviton, A; Allred, EN. The long-term effects of exposure to low doses of lead in childhood. An 11-year follow-up report.. The New England Journal of Medicine. 1990, 322 (2): 83–8. PMID 2294437. doi:10.1056/NEJM199001113220203. 
  2. ^ Joseph R. Davis. Alloying: understanding the basics. ASM International. 2001: 538. ISBN 0-87170-744-6. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Howard H. Manko. Solders and soldering: materials, design, production, and analysis for reliable bonding. McGraw-Hill Professional. 2001: 164. ISBN 0-07-134417-9. 
  4. ^ A. C. Tan. Lead finishing in semiconductor devices: soldering. World Scientific. 1989: 45. ISBN 9971-5-0679-3. 
  5. ^ Madhav Datta, Tetsuya Ōsaka, Joachim Walter Schultze. Microelectronic packaging. CRC Press. 2005: 196. ISBN 0-415-31190-X. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Karl J. Puttlitz, Kathleen A. Stalter. Handbook of lead-free solder technology for microelectronic assemblies. CRC Press. 2004: 541. ISBN 0-8247-4870-0. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Kapp Alloy. Galvanite. [23 October 2012]. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Kapp Alloy. KappFree. [2 March 2015]. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Kapp Alloy. Kapp Eco Babbitt. [4 April 2013]. 
  10. ^ 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 10.19 10.20 10.21 10.22 10.23 10.24 10.25 10.26 10.27 10.28 Charles A. Harper. Electronic materials and processes. McGraw-Hill Professional. 2003: 5–8. ISBN 0-07-140214-4. 
  11. ^ 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16 11.17 11.18 11.19 11.20 11.21 11.22 11.23 11.24 11.25 11.26 11.27 11.28 11.29 11.30 11.31 11.32 11.33 11.34 11.35 11.36 11.37 Alloy information
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Ganesan and Pecht p. 110
  13. ^ 13.00 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 13.14 13.15 13.16 13.17 13.18 Ray P. Prasad. Surface mount technology: principles and practice. Springer. 1997: 385. ISBN 0-412-12921-3. 
  14. ^ 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 14.11 SOLDER ALLOYS Selection Chart.
  15. ^ http://www.analog.com/library/analogDialogue/archives/39-05/Web_Ch4_final.pdf
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 Madara Ogot, Gul Okudan-Kremer. Engineering design: a practical guide. Trafford Publishing. 2004: 445. ISBN 1-4120-3850-2. 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 Kaushish. Manufacturing Processes. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 2008: 378. ISBN 81-203-3352-7. 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Kapp GalvRepair. Kapp Alloy & Wire, Inc. [23 October 2012].  Authors list列表中的|first1=缺少|last1= (帮助)
  19. ^ 3439-00-577-7594 Solder, Tin Alloy.
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 msl747.
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Pajky_vkladanylist_Cze_ang_2010.indd.
  22. ^ Balver Zinn Solder Sn63Pb37
  23. ^ Balver Zinn Solder Sn63PbP
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 John H. Lau. Solder joint reliability: theory and applications. Springer. 1991: 178. ISBN 0-442-00260-2. 
  25. ^ Indalloy 228 Pb-Sn-Ag Solder Alloy
  26. ^ Indium Corp.
  27. ^ Indalloy 3 In-Ag Solder Alloy
  28. ^ Indalloy 204 In-Pb Solder Alloy
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 Merrill L. Minges. Electronic Materials Handbook: Packaging. ASM International. 1989: 758. ISBN 0-87170-285-1. 
  30. ^ Indalloy 1 Indium-Tin Solder Alloy
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 31.7 31.8 Guy Kendall White; Philip J. Meeson. Experimental techniques in low-temperature physics. Clarendon. 2002: 207– [14 May 2011]. ISBN 978-0-19-851428-2. 
  32. ^ Indalloy 13 Indium Solder Alloy
  33. ^ Indalloy 10 Pb-In Solder Alloy
  34. ^ Indalloy 9 Sn-Pb-In Solder Alloy
  35. ^ 94.5Pb-5.5Ag Lead-Silver Solder, ASTM Class 5.5S; UNS L50180
  36. ^ Indalloy 175 Lead Solder Alloy
  37. ^ 97.5Pb-2.5Ag Lead-Silver Solder, ASTM Class 2.5S UNS L50132
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 Symposium on Solder. ASTM International. 1957: 114. 
  39. ^ Balver Zinn Solder SN97C (SnAg3.0Cu0.5)
  40. ^ Balver Zinn Solder SN96C (SnAg3,8Cu0,7)
  41. ^ Indalloy 252 95.5Sn/3.9Ag/0.6Cu Lead-Free Solder Alloy
  42. ^ Indalloy 246 95.5Sn/4.0Ag/0.5Cu Lead-Free Solder Alloy
  43. ^ Solder selection for photonic packaging,存于互联网档案馆Wayback Machine (archived April 3, 2007)
  44. ^ 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.5 Kapp Alloy. KappZapp. Kapp Alloy & Wire, Inc. [25 October 2012]. 
  45. ^ SolderDirect. KappZapp7. SolderDirect.com. [25 October 2012]. 
  46. ^ 46.0 46.1 Ganesan and Pecht p. 404
  47. ^ The Fluidity of the Ni-Modified Sn-Cu Eutectic Lead Free Solder,存于互联网档案馆Wayback Machine (archived October 16, 2006)
  48. ^ Balver Zinn Solder SCA (SnCu0.7Ag0.3)
  49. ^ Balver Zinn Solder Sn97Cu3
  50. ^ 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 50.4 Howard H. Manko. Solders and soldering: materials, design, production, and analysis for reliable bonding. McGraw-Hill Professional. 8 February 2001: 396– [17 April 2011]. ISBN 978-0-07-134417-3. 
  51. ^ 51.00 51.01 51.02 51.03 51.04 51.05 51.06 51.07 51.08 51.09 KappAloy. Kapp Alloy & Wire, Inc. [23 October 2012].  Authors list列表中的|first1=缺少|last1= (帮助)
  52. ^ Indalloy 249 91.8Sn/3.4Ag/4.8Bi Lead-Free Solder Alloy
  53. ^ Composition And Physical Properties Of Alloys.
  54. ^ 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.3 Karl J. Puttlitz, Kathleen A. Stalter. Handbook of lead-free solder technology for microelectronic assemblies. CRC Press. 2004. ISBN 0-8247-4870-0. 
  55. ^ Indalloy 226 Tin Solder Alloy
  56. ^ Indalloy 231 Sn-Zn-In-Bi Solder Alloy
  57. ^ Indalloy 254 86.9Sn/10.0In/3.1Ag Lead-Free Solder Alloy
  58. ^ Indalloy 131 97Sn/3Sb Lead-Free Solder Alloy
  59. ^ Indalloy 129 99Sn/1Sb Lead-Free Solder Alloy
  60. ^ Indalloy 282 57Bi/42Sn/1Ag Lead-Free Solder Alloy
  61. ^ Indalloy 281 Bi-Sn Solder Alloy
  62. ^ Indalloy 67 Bismuth-Lead Solder Alloy
  63. ^ Indalloy 2 In-Pb-Ag Solder Alloy
  64. ^ Indalloy 532 Tin Solder Alloy
  65. ^ Indalloy 150 Pb-In Solder Alloy
  66. ^ Indalloy 87 Indium-Tin Solder Alloy
  67. ^ Indalloy 181 Sn-Pb-Cd Solder Alloy
  68. ^ Indalloy 227 Sn-In-Ag Solder Alloy
  69. ^ Indalloy 253 Indium Solder Alloy
  70. ^ Indalloy 18 Indium Solder Alloy
  71. ^ Indalloy 140 Bismuth Solder Alloy
  72. ^ Indalloy 147 Bismuth Solder Alloy
  73. ^ Indalloy 21 Bismuth Solder Alloy
  74. ^ Indalloy 22 Bismuth Solder Alloy
  75. ^ 75.0 75.1 Kapp Alloy. KappTec. Kapp Alloy & Wire, Inc. [23 October 2012]. 
  76. ^ 76.0 76.1 76.2 76.3 76.4 76.5 Kapp Alloy. Kapp Cad/Zinc. Kapp Alloy & Wire, Inc. [23 October 2012]. 
  77. ^ 77.0 77.1 Kapp Alloy. KappTecZ. Kapp Alloy & Wire, Inc. [25 October 2012]. 
  78. ^ 78.0 78.1 78.2 Kapp Alloy. KappRad. Kapp Alloy & Wire, Inc. [25 October 2012]. 
  79. ^ Soft Solders. www.cupalloys.co.uk (2009-01-20).
  80. ^ Indalloy 238 Sn-Au Solder Alloy
  81. ^ 81.0 81.1 Gold Tin – The Unique Eutectic Solder Alloy
  82. ^ Chip Scale Review Magazine. Chipscalereview.com. 2004-04-20 [2010-03-31]. 
  83. ^ Indalloy 182 Gold-Tin Solder Paste.
  84. ^ Indalloy 184 Gold Solder Alloy
  85. ^ T.Q. Collier. Choosing the best bumb for the buck. Advanced Packaging. May–Jun 2008, 17 (4): 24. ISSN 1065-0555.