

蓝色支柱 (1: 百科全科) 维基百科是线上百科全书 它包含 general 百科全书、 specialized 百科全书年鉴地理志地方志的元素。维基百科不是个人演讲台,不是广告平台,不是自费出版社,不是无政府主义民主的试验场,不是不经筛选的资讯收集处,也不是线上目录。维基百科不是辞典、新闻媒体或文献库;这类内容应该改为贡献至维基媒体姊妹计划
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红色支柱 (5: 忽略所有规则) Wikipedia does not have firm rules. Rules on Wikipedia are not fixed in stone, and the spirit of the rule trumps the letter of the rule. Be bold (but not reckless) in updating articles and do not worry about making mistakes. Your efforts do not need to be perfect; prior versions are saved, so no damage is irreparable.