
Wikipedia:日本专题/Navbox This page is a glossary of Japanese film credit terms translated into English. Translation of credits requires knowledge of the terminology used by both the American and 日本电影产业, including live action and anime. This article provides a useful translation guide for those wishing to do help out this project and its descendants in this way.


Terms are listed alphabetically according to romanization.

Japanese 中文 English Notes
アフレコ 录音/配音 dubbing from "after recording"(后录)
アニメーション 动画 animation  
アニメーション监督 动画导演 animation director  
アニメーション协力 动画协力 animation assistance/support  
アニメーション制作 动画制作 animation production  
アニメーション制作协力 动画制作协力 animation production assistance/support  
アテレコ 配音 dubbing from to lay down a voice声をあてる,koe wo ateru)
美术监督 美术指导 art director  
美术设定 美术设定 background artists
art design
refers to the major backgrounds, usually used for individual artists
文芸担当 剧本指导;场记;剧本监制 script supervisor
动画 动画 in-between/clean-up animation  
动画チェック 动画检查 animation check  
动画検查 动画检查 in-between animation check
In-between animation supervisor
动画协力 动画外包(公司) supporting animation (studios) usually used to list outside studios which assisted with some of the animation
絵コンテ 分镜 storyboard lit. picture continuity
演出 enshutsu production
episode director
usually used in combination with something else (e.g., "audio director")
演出助手 enshutsu joshu production assistant
assistant to the director
演奏 ensō musical performance
performed by
フィルム 底片/胶卷 film  
原案 原案 original planning
original development
原案协力 原案外包 original planning assistance/support
original development assistance/support
原画 原画(师) key animation  
原画补 原画助理 key animation assistance  
现像 显影 film developer  
背景 背景 backgrounds
usually used for studios or groups that produced the backgrounds, sets or scenery, esp. in animation
配给 出品 distribution company that distributed the film
ハーモニィ処理 调和处理 harmony treatment  
编集 剪辑(师) editor  
色指定 色彩设计/色指定 color design  
助监督 jokantoku assistant director  
カメラ 摄影师 camera operator  
监督 导演 director  
企画 企划 planning  
企画协力 企划外包 planning coordinator/support  
记录 记录 recorder, production diary/journal  
広报 宣传/公关 publicity
public relations
公开日 上映日 release date  
构成 kōsei organization (as in "series organization")
脚本 编剧 script
キャラクター设定 人物设计 initial character design
character design
协力 外包 coordination
音楽 音乐/作曲 music
音楽监督 ongaku kantoku music director  
音响 onkyō sound  
音响监督 音效指导 sound director
audio director
音响效果 音效 sound effects  
音响プロデューサー 音效制片人 sound producer  
音响制作 音效制作 sound production  
プロデューサー 制片人/执行制作人 producer
executive producer
连络デスク renraku desuku communications desk
response desk
录音 录音/录制声音 sound
录音演出 录音指导 sound director/production
audio director/production
recording director/production
作画 作画 animation
key animation
作画监督 作画监制 animation director
key animation director
撮影 摄影 photography
撮影监督 摄影指导 photography director
camera director
撮影协力 摄影外包 camera support  
撮影制作 摄影操作 photography
camera operator
制作 执行制作/总策划 production
executive producer
制作 动画制作 production
制作委员会 集体制片 production committee  
制作管理 制片主任/动画制片制作管理 production manager  
制作协力 动画制作外包 production assistance/support  
制作进行 动画制作助理 production assistant  
制作担当 制作指导 executive producer
associate producer
production manager
宣伝 宣传/行销 advertising/promotion/marketing  
宣伝プロデューサー 宣传制片人 advertising/promotion/marketing producer  
选曲 选曲 theme song
music selection
仕上 上色/完稿 ink & paint
digital paint
finish animation
touch-up animation
仕上検查 上色检查/完稿检查 digital paint check
finish animation check
touch-up animation check
ink & paint check
check the clean-up work to make sure the animation cels look good
仕上协力 上色外包/完稿外包 ink & paint assistance/support
digital paint assistance/support
finish animation assistance/support
touch-up animation assistance/support
usually refers to outside studios which assisted in the ink and paint processes
色彩设计 色彩设计 color design  
照明 灯光 lighting  
照明监督 灯光指导 lighting director  
主题歌 主题歌 theme song  
This can appear before any title
総监督 总导演 general director
chief director
series director
挿入歌 插入歌 insert song
background song
song used during the movie, usually in the background (i.e., in a cafe)
総作画监督 总作画监督 general animation director
chief animation director
タイトル 标题 titles
the credits (basically who picked the font and designed the opening and ending credit rolls)
特殊效果 特效 special effects  
usually refers to who is singing the song
