

二粒小麥鐵殼麥是一種四倍體有芒小麥。[4]馴化種是Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccumTriticum turgidum conv. durum。野生和馴化的主要區別在於,野生二粒小麥成熟的種頭會破碎,並將種子散落在地上,而馴化的二粒小麥的種頭仍保持完整,從而使人類更容易收穫穀物。[5]

科學分類 編輯
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 維管束植物 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 單子葉植物 Monocots
演化支 鴨跖草類植物 Commelinids
目: 禾本目 Poales
科: 禾本科 Poaceae
屬: 小麥屬 Triticum
二粒小麥 T. dicoccum
Triticum dicoccum
  • Spelta amylea (Ser.) Ser.
  • Triticum amyleum Ser.
  • Triticum armeniacum (Stolet.) Nevski
  • Triticum arras Hochst.
  • Triticum atratum Host
  • Triticum cienfuegos Lag.
  • Triticum dicoccum Schrank.[2]
  • Triticum dicoccoides
  • Triticum farrum Bayle-Bar.
  • Triticum gaertnerianum Lag.
  • Triticum immaturatum Flaksb. nom. inval.
  • Triticum ispahanicum Heslot
  • Triticum karamyschevii Nevski
  • Triticum maturatum Flaksb. nom. inval.
  • Triticum palaecocolchicum (Menabde) L.B. Cai
  • Triticum palaeocolchicum Menabde
  • Triticum subspontaneum (Tzvelev) Czerep.
  • Triticum tricoccum Schübl.
  • Triticum volgense (Flaksb.) Nevski

二粒小麥與一粒小麥一樣,是近東地區最早被馴化的作物之一,它在古代世界廣泛種植。然而自8000年前,栽培的二粒小麥偶然與山羊草屬的節節麥(Aegilops tauschii)雜交出普通小麥後,由於普通小麥更為耐寒,環境忍耐性更好,其便取代了二粒小麥成為人類最廣泛栽培且熟悉的小麥。二粒小麥現為歐洲和亞洲山區的遺留作物。



野生二粒小麥原產於中東新月沃土,生長在今以色列伊朗的山地草叢和林地中。野生二粒小麥的原產地被認為是土耳其東南部的卡拉卡達格山區,但學者們沒有達成普遍的共識。1906年,阿龍·阿龍索赫恩發現生長在以色列羅什平納英語Rosh Pinna的野生二粒小麥,在植物學界引起轟動。[6]在考古發掘和古墓中都發現了二粒小麥。二粒小麥在被馴化之前的幾千年裡,一直被獵人採集者從野外採集食用。在Ohalo II發現的野生二粒小麥粒的放射性碳測年為公元前17000年,在Netiv Hagdud英語Netiv Hagdud前陶新石器時代A期英語Pre-Pottery Neolithic A遺址中,野生二粒小麥的年齡為10000-9400年。[7]

最早的二粒小麥馴化遺址的位置還不清楚,還在爭論中。[8]一些最早的遺址可能間接證明了初期前陶新石器時代B期英語Pre-Pottery Neolithic B的二粒小麥馴化。[8]





Minestra di Farro是意大利托斯卡納的一道典型菜



  1. ^ Tropicos.org. [2014-06-30]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-03). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccon. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). USDA. 
  3. ^ The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species. [2014-06-30]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-29). 
  4. ^ Complex Bread Wheat Genome Cracked – Nat Geo Food. 2017-07-17 [2021-01-28]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-05). 
  5. ^ Weiss, Ehud and Zohary, Daniel (October 2011), "The Neolithic Southwest Asian Founder Crops, Current Anthropology, Vo 52, Supplement 4, p. S240
  6. ^ Archived copy. [2008-10-05]. (原始內容存檔於2009-01-07). 
  7. ^ Zohary & Hopf 2000, p. 46
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Weide, Alexander. On the Identification of Domesticated Emmer Wheat, Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccum (Poaceae), in the Aceramic Neolithic of the Fertile Crescent. Archäologische Informationen. 2015. 
  9. ^ Weiss and Zohary, pp. S240-S242
  10. ^ Possehl, Gregory. "The Indus Civilization: An Introduction to Environmental, Subsistence, and Cultural History: (2003)
  11. ^ Jacobsen, Thorkild; Adams, Robert M. Salt and Silt in Ancient Mesopotamian Agriculture. Science. 1958, 128 (3334): 1251–8. Bibcode:1958Sci...128.1251J. PMID 17793690. doi:10.1126/science.128.3334.1251. 
  12. ^ Powell, M. A. (1985) Salt, seed, and yields in Sumerian agriculture. A critique of the theory of progressive salinization. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 75, 7–38.
  13. ^ Jean-Phillipe Lauer, Laurent Taeckholm and E. Aberg, 'Les Plantes Decouvertes dans les Souterrains de l'Enceinte du Roi Zoser a Saqqarah' in Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte, Vol. XXXII, 1949–50, pp. 121–157, and see Plate IV for photo of ears of both wheats recovered from beneath the pyramid.
  14. ^ Daniel Zohary, Maria Hopf. Domestication of plants in the Old World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2000. ISBN 0-19-850356-3. 
  15. ^ C. Michael Hogan. 2008. Volubilis: Ancient settlement in Morocco, The Megalithic Portal, ed. Andy Burnham頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館
  16. ^ Mishnah, Tractate Pesahim 2:5
  17. ^ Hulled wheats. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Hulled Wheats. Promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops 4. Edited by S. Padulosi, K. Hammer, and J. Heller, 1996. Rome: International Plant Genetic Resources Institute.[永久失效連結]
  18. ^ Renaissance alter Brotgetreidesorten – swissinfo. Swissinfo.ch. [2010-11-13] (德語). [失效連結]