
俄亥俄州州徽(英語:Seal of Ohio),是美國俄亥俄州的官方徽章。俄亥俄州的各政府辦公室、機構和法院使用的州印章細節上都略有不同,但都基於一些共同的特徵,即圓形紋章,上面繪有俄亥俄州首個州府奇利科西的日出景色。




俄亥俄州修訂法典(Ohio Revised Code)中定義了州徽的設計,州徽當中的圓形紋章的設計為:[1]








在俄亥俄州建州之前,西北領地政府有自己的徽章。美國國務院為其設計了徽章以用於官方文件[4]徽章上刻有拉丁文銘文Meliorem lapsa locavit,意為種下的樹勝過倒下的樹,用以紀念蠻荒為文明讓路。[5]


俄亥俄州第一部憲法於1802年11月29日通過並於次年3月1日生效,憲法指出要有正式的州徽,但沒有寫明設計方案。[3]時任州務卿小威廉·克賴頓(William Creighton Jr.)在官方文件中使用了其個人徽章。[6]1803年,在俄亥俄州議會的第一屆會議上,根據小威廉·克賴頓的草圖描述了州徽的設計,包括了前景的小麥捆、箭束、背景的山上日出等元素。[7]




1865年,時任州務卿威廉·亨利·史密斯(William Henry Smith)要求對州徽加以規範化,他發現其他州的州徽更大更精美,還刻有格言。1866年4月6日,俄亥俄州共和黨大會提出了州徽新方案,將尺寸從2英寸增加到2.5英寸,左側前景為鐵匠,右側前景為農夫,增加汽船、火車等元素,底部添加格言Imperium in Imperio,意味執政政府。然而在南北戰爭導致州權受影響的背景之下,這條格言是有爭議的。[12]此外更大更複雜的設計也導致了預算超支。1868年俄亥俄州民主黨推翻了共和黨的該設計方案,並重新使用1803年的設計。[3]儘管如此,1866年的州徽依然在美國各地繼續使用了數十年。[13][14]



1967年,辛辛那提的室內設計師Robert Greiwe受委託在俄亥俄州議會大廈圓形大廳頂上繪製州徽,其發現了州徽存在多個版本的問題。於是俄亥俄州眾議院議員Ralph B. Kohnen和Myrl Shoemaker開始推動州徽的標準化。[15][16][17][18]河流和十七道的陽光被加入設計中。






  1. ^ Section 5.04 State coat of arms. Chapter 5 State Insignia; Seals; Holidays. Ohio's Official Online Publication of State Laws and Regulations. [2022-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-14). 
  2. ^ Rotunda. The Ohio Statehouse. Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board. 2005-12-20 [2007-08-04]. (原始內容存檔於2007-09-29). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Sloane, Rush R. The Organization and Admission of Ohio into the Union and the Great Seal of the State. Ohio Centennial Anniversary Celebration at Chillicothe, May 20–21, 1903, under the auspices of the Ohio State Archælogical and Historical Society: complete proceedings. Ohio Centennial Anniversary Celebration. Chillicothe, Ohio: Ohio History Connection: 90–119. 1903. LCCN 04018527. OCLC 855752 –透過Internet Archive. 
  4. ^ Bennett, Pamela J.; January, Alan. Indiana's State Seal—An Overview. Indiana Historical Bureau. January 21, 2005 [2008-05-31]. (原始內容存檔於2009-04-19). 
  5. ^ Reinke, Edgar C. Meliorem Lapsa Locavit: An Intriguing Puzzle Solved. Ohio History: 74. [永久失效連結] says the young tree on the seal is an apple tree, while Summers, Thomas J. History of Marietta. Marietta, Ohio: Leader Publishing. 1903: 115.  says it is a buckeye and perhaps the genesis of Ohio's nickname.
  6. ^ Galbreath, Charles Burleigh. Seals and Ohio flag. Monthly Bulletins of the Ohio State Library (Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Board of Library Commissioners). 1902, 2 (4): 1–5 [2022-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-14) –透過Google Books. 
  7. ^ An act designating the duties of the secretary of state. Acts of the State of Ohio: first session of the General Assembly, held under the Constitution of the State. Norwalk, Ohio: The Lansing Company. 1901: 17–18 [1803] [2022-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-14). 
  8. ^ Johnson, Alan. School kids' fund-raising brings Great Seal back to Statehouse. The Columbus Dispatch. October 4, 1995: 1B. ISSN 1074-097X. ProQuest 394260548. 
  9. ^ Swan, J. R. (編). Secretary of State. Statutes of the State of Ohio, of a general nature, in force, December 7, 1840. Columbus, Ohio: Samuel Medary. 1841: 850 [2022-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-14). 
  10. ^ From A Territory To the State of Ohio: Student Activities to Understand the Transition (PDF). Museums and Interpretation Division, Ohio Historical Society. 2005-08-22 [2010-10-27]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2012-03-13). 
  11. ^ Smith, William Henry. Report of the Secretary of State. Columbus, Ohio. November 25, 1865: 435–441 [2022-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-14). 
  12. ^ Great Seal of Ohio. Ohio History: 392–393. 
  13. ^ Gilkey, Elliot Howard. The Ohio Hundred Year Book: A Hand-book of the Public Men and Public Institutions of Ohio from the Formation of the North-West Territory (1787) to July 1, 1901. Columbus, Ohio: Fred J. Heer, State Printer. 1901: 762. 
  14. ^ Ohio. A Tribute To San Diego County Courts Of The Past. San Diego County Superior Court. [2022-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-30). 
  15. ^ Whipple, Edson. General Assembly Solved Ohio's Great Seal Dispute, Or Did It?. The Blade (Toledo, Ohio). October 15, 1967: A2 [2022-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-14) –透過Google News. 
  16. ^ Card catalog entry頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) for Greiwe Interiors Records, 1888–1975 (bulk 1888–1940, 1965–1968), Mss BC 011, Cincinnati Historical Society, Cincinnati Museum Center. OCLC 35652520.
  17. ^ Dominic, Anthony. Secret Columbus: Insider's Tour of the Ohio Statehouse. Columbus Monthly (Dispatch Printing Company). October 2014 [January 19, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2021-04-22). 
  18. ^ Ohio's Great Seal Still Unofficial. The Daily Reporter (Dover, Ohio). Associated Press. September 12, 1967: 3 [2022-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-14). 
  19. ^ FINAL Legislative Status Sheet - 121st GA (PDF). Ohio Legislative Service Commission. 1996-12-31 [2010-10-17]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2022-07-14). [SB 213] Great Seal/Coat of Arms-change-13 rays 
  20. ^ Sunlight and the seal. editorial. The Cincinnati Post (E. W. Scripps Company). August 24, 1996 [January 11, 2015]. (原始內容 存檔於March 29, 2015) –透過HighBeam Research.