
敲屋頂希伯來語הקש בגג‎)或敲屋頂戰術[1]以色列國防軍的一種作戰策略,他們在準備轟炸巴勒斯坦的軍事目標前會事先向目標周圍民宅的屋頂投擲非爆炸性或低當量裝置,警告當地居民不久後以色列軍方會發動襲擊,以便於居民有時間逃離現場[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]。以色列國防軍在2008年加沙戰爭雲柱行動2014年以巴衝突中準備轟炸哈馬斯目標前都有使用過敲屋頂戰術[10]


  1. ^ עזה: בכיר חמאס חוסל, כ-26 נהרגו בתקיפות. Ynet. [2009-01-18]. (原始內容存檔於2010-05-15) (希伯來語). 
  2. ^ UN report finds: Israel's 'roof-knock' warning no way to prevent civilian casualties - Jerusalem Vivendi. haaretz.com. [2016-11-04]. (原始內容存檔於2017-03-14). 
  3. ^ IDF phones Gaza residents to warn them of imminent strikes.. Haaretz.com (Haaretz). 2009-01-04 [2009-01-09]. (原始內容存檔於2009-01-04). 
  4. ^ Harel, Amos; Yoav Stern. IDF targets senior Hamas figures. Haaretz.com (Haaretz). 2009-01-04 [2009-01-09]. (原始內容存檔於2009-01-22). 
  5. ^ McGregor-Wood, Simon; Miguel Marquez. Bush: U.S. Calls for Monitored Cease-fire Pact. abcNews (ABCNews Internet Ventures). 2009-01-02 [2009-01-04]. (原始內容存檔於2009-01-03). 
  6. ^ Schweber, Howard. Israel and Hamas: Two to Tango. The Huffington Post (HuffingtonPost.com, Inc). 2009-01-04 [2009-01-10]. (原始內容存檔於2009-01-29). 
  7. ^ Stone, Jeff. Israel 'Roof Knocking' Video Raises Question: Warning Or Human Rights Violation?. International Business Times. July 15, 2014 [24 July 2014]. (原始內容存檔於17 July 2014). 
  8. ^ Erlanger, Steven. A Gaza War Full of Traps and Trickery. The New York Times. 2009-01-10 [2009-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2014-07-16). 
  9. ^ Rabinovich, Abraham. Nuclear fear drives Israel's hard line. The Australian (News Limited). 2009-01-03 [2009-01-09]. (原始內容存檔於2009-02-03). 
  10. ^ Hasian, Marouf. Forensic Rhetorics and Satellite Surveillance: The Visualization of War Crimes and Human Rights Violations. Lanham: Lexington Books. 2016: 214. ISBN 978-1-4985-3591-5.