

波蘭人波蘭語Polacy ;單數為Polak)是西斯拉夫的一個民族和種族,具有多個涵義,是指廣泛概念上之稱呼,在各種場合或立場上都有不同的界定。平常來說是一種住在波蘭的人或在波蘭出生的人簡稱波蘭人

 英國估計超過 500,000[1][8]
其他地區1,145,000 (估計)[28]


  • 以「地理」概念界定:出生或居住在波蘭的人。
  • 以「人種」概念界定:主要具有歐洲波蘭民族血統的人,包括其他少數民族。
  • 以「國籍」或「法律」概念界定:只要是波蘭共和國公民都可被認定是波蘭人。



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Świat Polonii, witryna Stowarzyszenia Wspólnota Polska: „Polacy za granicą」 (Polish people abroad as per summary by Świat Polonii, internet portal of the Polish Association Wspólnota Polska)
  2. ^ Excel spreadsheet from Polish Central Statistical Office
  3. ^ 2006 Community Survey
  4. ^ Polish Society in Brazil
  5. ^ Passport thanks to a Polish grandmother, Warsaw at Y-net.co.il, March 16, 2007
  6. ^ (德文) Bevölkerung mit Migrationshintergrund - Ergebnisse des Mikrozensus 2005 Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) (German text about migrants in Germany) 886 KiBPDF.
  7. ^ 加拿大種族起源
  8. ^ (英文) Poles in the UK, Polish Express; source: British Office for National Statistics, see section: "Poles add up to profit for Craig." Retrieved from the Internet Archive, December 9, 2009
    ^ (英文) "UK lets in more Poles than there are in Warsaw", Steve Doughty, Daily Mail; see also: "Record numbers leave Britain as Poles head home - but new arrivals increase to half a million" by James Slack, Daily Mail, 27th November 2009. Please note: British Office for National Statistics recorded the number of Poles who have travelled to the UK in 2006 at over 2,000,000; they are not to be mistaken for permanent residents.
  9. ^ Poles in Argentina
  10. ^ Poles in Belarus
  11. ^ (波蘭文) Michael Pieslak, Polonia na swiecie w liczbach → Francja 參看:Polonia in France英語Polonia#France
  12. ^ www.istat.it/../testo_integrale_20090226
  13. ^ Poles in Lithuania
  14. ^ Poles in Russia
  15. ^ Poles in AustraliaPDF (56.3 KiB)
  16. ^ Poles in Ukraine 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2006-11-26.
  17. ^ Aftenposten.no: - 120.000 polakker i Norge (Innenriks)
  18. ^ http://www.ine.es/prensa/np503.pdf
  19. ^ Poles in Ireland
  20. ^ CIA World Factbook
  21. ^ http://wtd.vlada.cz/files/rvk/rnm/zprava_mensiny_2001_en.pdfPDF (1.41 MiB)
  22. ^ Poles in Mexico[永久失效連結]
  23. ^ [1]PDF (87.2 KiB)
  24. ^ Poles in NetherlandsPDF (162 KiB)
  25. ^ Poles in AustriaPDF
  26. ^ Mannfjöldi eftir fæðingarlandi 1981-2008: Pólland
  27. ^ www.polonezkoy.com 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2007-01-16.
  28. ^ Poles around the World (>polonia > statystyka)