
電子飛行包(英語:electronic flight bag,縮寫EFB)是一種電子信息管理設備,幫助飛行乘員英語Crew(機組)使用更少的紙張,更容易、有效地執行飛行管理任務。它是一種通用計算平台,旨在減少或替代飛行員隨身攜帶的飛行包中常見的紙質參考資料,包括:飛機操作手冊、飛行機組操作手冊、導航圖(包括空中和地面地圖)。此外,電子飛行包可以託管專用目的應用程序,以自動執行通常手動完成的其他功能,例如起飛性能參數計算。

電子飛行包的名稱取自傳統的飛行包英語Flight bag,其通常是飛行員攜帶到駕駛艙的一個文件袋,重量可達40磅/18公斤或更高。電子飛行包以數字形式取代這些文件。典型的電子飛行包重量通常為1至5磅(0.5到2.2公斤),與筆記本電腦的重量大致相同,相比紙質文檔的重量和體積來說非常輕便。使用電子飛行包有許多好處,但具體的益處取決於操作的大小、使用的應用程序類型、現有的內容管理和分發系統,已部署的應用程序類型。一些常見的益處為:取代傳統飛行包以減輕重量,降低成本,減少紙張流程而提高效率等。其他方面還有,可能提升安全性和降低飛行乘員的工作量。

根據FAA的諮詢通告(AC No. 120-76C),電子飛行包是主要用於駕駛艙/飛行甲板客艙使用的電子顯示系統。

軍用變種夜視護目鏡英語Night vision device具有安全數據存儲、兼容照明、環境強化和軍事專用應用和數據。


對於大型和渦輪飛機,FAR 91.503要求在飛機上有導航航圖存在。如果操作者唯一的導航航圖信息源在電子飛行包上,操作者必須證明電子飛行包在整個減壓事件期間和之後能繼續操作,不論高度如何。實現此能力的唯一方法是在密封外殼中使用固態磁盤驅動器或標準旋轉質量驅動器。



最早的電子飛行包源自1990年代初,個別飛行員使用他們的個人筆記本電腦和通用軟件(例如電子表格和文字處理程序)執行重量和平衡計算、填寫操作表等功能。最早和最廣泛的電子飛行包實現之一是,1991年聯邦快遞(FedEx)部署他們的機場性能便攜式計算機,用於在飛機上進行飛機在機場性能計算;它是一個被認為是便攜式的商用成品計算機。此外,FedEx在1990年代中期也開始在飛機上部署飛行員接入終端。之後的設備通常是在飛機上使用普通筆記本電腦連接經認證的塢站(電源和數據接口)。1996年,德國航空公司Aero Lloyd英語Aero Lloyd引進引進兩款筆記本電腦計算性能和訪問文檔。該系統被稱為FMD(Flight Management Desktop,飛行管理桌面),允許Aero Lloyd在Luftfahrt-Bundesamt英語Luftfahrt-Bundesamt(德國民航局)協議下移除駕駛艙內的所有紙質文件和標準起飛重量圖表。包括西南航空在內的其他公司也跟進了「隨身」的性能計算機,但在飛機上仍保留實體物品。捷藍航空採取了不同的方法,它將其所有操作文檔轉換為電子格式,並通過網絡分發到筆記本電腦,發送給飛行員(而不是放在飛機上)。第一個真正的專為取代飛行員整個工具包而設計的電子飛行包(EFB)是1999年由Angela Masson英語Angela Masson取得專利的電子套件包(Electronic Kit Bag,EKB)。[2]

In 2005 the first commercial Class 2 EFB STC (STC No. ST03165AT) was issued that covered the installation of provisions for the deployment of the navAero t•BagC22 EFB computer and touchscreen display system. The installation was performed by Avionics Support Group, Inc.頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) onto a Miami Air頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館波音B737NG. The EFB t•Pad display was deployed using the US Patented (8231081) EFB mounting solution, the cfMount™ . The EFB data was updated using a Terminal Wireless Unit (TWLU) installed at Miami Air's facility, that enabled the EFB to update only the files that had changed on the server. In 2006 MyTravel英語MyTravel Group (a UK charter operation now merged with Thomas Cook英語Thomas Cook airline) became the first to deploy an electronic tech log using GPRS communication, replacing the paper process. Thomas Cook has several years of successful operational experience of an EFB focussed on its UK fleet.

In 2009, Continental Airlines successfully completed the world’s first flight using Jeppesen Airport Surface Area Moving Map (AMM) showing 「own ship」 position on a Class 2 Electronic Flight Bag platform – which was the navAero t•BagC22 EFB system. The AMM application uses a high resolution database to dynamically render maps of the airport. Through the use of GPS technology, the application show pilots their position (「own-ship」) on the airport surface map. The result is much improved positional/situational awareness among flight crews which is a critical safety factor for reducing runway incursions during ground operations especially at busy commercial airports with complex runway and taxiway layouts. The STC underwhich the navAero EFB system was deployed (ST02161LA) also provided for the dual EFB systems to be cross-connected which allowed for the Airport Moving Map to be shared (or 「pushed」) from one EFB system to the other.

從2011年開始, and coinciding with the first anniversary of the release of the Apple iPad, an inventor named Richard Luke Ribich of Maumelle, AR made a number of applications to the USPTO for a series of patents regarding the integration of tablet-style computers with that of transport category (§25) aircraft deployed as EFB devices. The series of patents, which were assigned to ASIG (Avionics & Systems Integration Group of North Little Rock, AR) address the methods and apparatus necessary to successfully and securely integrate consumer tablet-computing devices such as Apple iPad and Microsoft Surface with that of transport category aircraft in both wired and wireless configurations. These patents (US Patent No. 8415925[3][2], Us Patent No. 8581546頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), and US Patent No. 9335796[失效連結]) were issued between April 2013 and May 2016 and address aspects of mounting, device power, aircraft data interfaces and the ability to create custom apps by means of an API library known as a software developers kit (SDK). These patents consider both wired and wireless integration of various tablet computers with that of aircraft power distribution and avionics systems and protect Mr. Ribich's technologies against similar product manufacturing, sale, distribution, use, import/ export and integrated equivalents. Further, in January 2014 the US FAA affirmed these patents as airworthy by issuing ASIG an AML-STC (Approved Model List - Supplemental Type Certificate) for the installation of Class 2 portable EFB provisions for the commercial product known as the flyTab XFB (eXtreme Flight Bag), an ASIG product line, under (STC No. ST11156SC). In June 2014 the Canadian Civil Aviation Authority (TCCA - Transport Canada) issued their own STC for the flyTab XFB (STC No. SA14-51). These patents are currently being enforced throughout the United States and across North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and South America through various treaties and bilateral technology agreements in place between governments.




Both Major Commands (MAJCOMs) pursued independent efforts to ensure continuous Ops for their aircrew.


在2011年將iPad作為電子飛行包試用後,達美航空在2013年8月宣布將向其飛行員推出Microsoft Surface 2設備,取代允許飛行員使用個人平板電腦作為電子飛行包的政策。[4][5]達美計劃在2014年5月將平板電腦推出給所有飛行員[6],在FAA於2月批准後。[7][8][9]


電子飛行包分為三類硬件和三類軟件。參考:FAA諮詢通告AC 120-76D,EASA可接受合規手段AMC 20-25,ICAO文檔10020「電子飛行包手冊」及FAA命令8900.1檢查員手冊(特別是第4卷第15章)了解最新、準確的描述。

注意:隨即將發布的AC 120-76D,電子飛行包硬件分類(如下)將被淘汰。展望未來,電子飛行包將被簡單地歸類為「便攜式」或「安裝式」。便攜式可以考慮為以前的一類和二類區分鞏固,而安裝式等同於三類。這些簡化將減少混淆,並與已經發布的EASA和ICAO指導相協調。


  • Class 1 – Standard commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment such as laptops or handheld electronic devices. These devices are used as loose equipment and are typically stowed during critical phases of flight. A Class 1 EFB is considered a Portable Electronic Device (PED). Class 1 EFBs, such as Cockpit iPads, may be used to display Type B applications in critical phases of flight provided that they are 'secured and viewable'.
  • Class 2 – Also Portable Electronic Devices, and range from modified COTS equipment to purpose-built devices. Mounting, power (ship's power as primary) or data connectivity of an EFB typically requires the application of an STC, Type Certificate or Amended Type Certificate. (ref: FAA Order 8900.1)
  • Class 3 – Considered "installed equipment" and subject to airworthiness requirements and, unlike PEDs, they must be under design control. The hardware is subject to a limited number of RTCA DO-160E requirements (for non-essential equipment—typical crash safety and Conducted and Radiated Emissions testing). Class 3 EFBs are typically installed under STC or other airworthiness approval.


電子飛行包可以託管廣泛的應用程序,分為三個軟件類別(參考經修正的AC 120-76,實際範例列表):

  • A類
    • 靜態應用程序,例如文檔查看器(PDFHTMLXML格式);
    • 飛行機組操作手冊及其他印刷文件,例如機場NOTAM
  • B類
    • 靜態或動態電子「航圖」,包括(但不要求)平移、滾動和縮放;(AC120-76(),附錄B)
  • C類


注意:隨着即將發布的AC 120-76D,對C類應用程序的引用將被移除,它們的功能將不再被識別為電子飛行包功能。




根據對FAA諮詢通告AC 120-76A的意圖澄清,新的檢查員手冊指南草案包含下列要求:

  • 在一類或二類配置中使用的PED(便攜式電子設備)必須滿足RTCA DO-160E標準的快速減壓測試要求。
  • 在一類或二類配置中使用的便攜式電子設備與飛機系統的任何數據連接應當根據補充型號證書、型號證書或改裝型號證書執行。
  • 在一類或二類配置中使用的任何便攜式電子設備的安裝或附件應當根據補充型號證書、型號證書或修訂型號證書執行。
  • 電子航圖軟件:在地面上顯示本載具的位置必須滿足AC 20-159和/或TSO C-165的要求。
  • 電子航圖軟件:在一類或二類配置上禁止顯示自己的飛行位置。


  1. ^ 电子飞行包市场. [2017-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-18). 
  2. ^ USPTO Patents # 17,974,775頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Masson; Angela Electronic kit bag; and, # 27,970,531頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Masson; Angela Electronic kit bag
  3. ^ Method and apparatus for supplying power to a portable electronic device in an aircraft. US Government. [14 September 2016]. 
  4. ^ Delta Airlines to distribute Surface 2 to pilots after iPad trial. AppleInsider.com. 27 September 2013 [30 September 2013]. (原始內容存檔於2013-09-30). 
  5. ^ Delta Airlines to equip pilots with Surface 2 tablets. Neowin. 27 September 2013 [15 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  6. ^ Here's The Microsoft Surface 2 Tablet Delta Bought 11,000 Pilots Instead Of IPads. Allure Media. 10 January 2014 [15 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-13). 
  7. ^ Microsoft's Surface 2 cleared for takeoff in cockpit. CBS Interactive. 11 February 2014 [15 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-18). 
  8. ^ FAA clears Surface for takeoff in US cockpits. AOL Tech. 11 February 2014 [15 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-16). 
  9. ^ Microsoft Surface 2 approved by FAA for use in airline cockpits. Neowin. 11 February 2014 [15 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-16). 
  10. ^ FAA: EFB operational authorization and airworthiness/certification requirements (PDF). [2017-01-12]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2017-01-28). 


  • FAA Order 8900.1(在FSIMS找到),關鍵詞搜索EFB,日期2009年2月(最新與準確的指導)
  • FAA Advisory Circular 120-76C
  • JAA Temporary Guidance Leaflet 36