
縫合帶的露頭的寬度從幾百米到若干千米。可以是網狀的糜稜岩剪切區或脆性斷裂區。縫合帶通常是火成岩侵入透鏡狀的英語Lens (geology)構造,在岩石學上屬於從深成岩蛇綠岩組分。


  1. ^ There is a "difference between the geophysical and geological definition of suture zones and terrane boundaries. The geophysical definitions are generally based upon the integration of a physical response over the thickness of the crust, whereas the geological definition is almost always as a line or zone at the Earth's surface." Harris, Anthony L. and Fettes, D. J. (1988) The Caledonian-Appalachian orogen published for the Geological Society by Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, England, page 4, ISBN 978-0-632-01796-6