

遠程性愛(英語:Teledildonics)是一種容許伴侶通過數據連接來傳達觸感和動作的遙距性愛相關技術。此詞亦可用於代指使那些性活動成為可能的遙現技術介面。「Teledildonics」一詞由泰德·尼爾森於其著作《計算機自由/夢想機器英語Computer Lib / Dream Machines》(1975年)中首次提出[1]


現今市面已有可由另一方遠程操縱的性玩具出售[6]。有些玩具會附帶成人動畫和色情電影,並以腳本把兩者動作同步化。此外有些產品符合藍牙遠程性愛(bluedildonics)此一新分類,歸於此類的性玩具皆允許以藍牙連接的方式來遠程控制。2008年的一份報告指出,文字、電子郵件以及網絡攝像機能使每個人對晚上所發生的性行為「在工作期間白熱化」,成為性的「前奏曲」[7]。新技術可以幫助人們以網絡來「聯繫情感」[8]。遠程性愛技術事實上已與成人在線網絡攝像頭服務和某些性玩具融為一體[9]。《衛報》一篇關於大衛·利維的《機器人與性愛》的書評則指出遠程性愛是「技術和社會革命的一個新階段」,機器人將在當中發揮更為重要的作用,它們會以「魔法般的手指來滿足我們的需要」利維認為到了2050年,「跟機器人發生性關係將是一件平常不過的事」[3] 。一些產品已於紐約性博物館上展示[10]






  1. ^ Nelson, Ted. Curriculum Vitae: Theodor Holm Nelson. 
  2. ^ Stein, Joel "Will cybersex be better than real sex?"頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Time magazine, June 19, 2000. Retrieved July 23, 2008
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Stuart Jeffries (reviewer) David Levy (author). Love and Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships (book). The Guardian. 10 May 2008 [2011-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-11). we're in for a cybersexual revolution that will make the pill a negligible historical footnote. 
  4. ^ Grossman, Anna Jane "Single, white with dildo." 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2011-06-06. Salon, July 23, 2008. Retrieved July 23, 2008
  5. ^ David Rothschild. High-tech Sex. Chicago Tribune. September 28, 1993 [2011-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-21). 
  6. ^ Lynn, Regina "Ins and outs of teledildonics."頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Wired, September 24, 2004. Retrieved July 22, 2008
  7. ^ Stuart Jeffries. How has The Joy of Sex changed since 1972?. The Guardian. 9 September 2008 [2011-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-11). ... Text, email, webcams, teledildonics can all be used to wind each other up to fever pitch during the working day prior to extended evening action ... 
  8. ^ Aleks Krotoski. What effect has the internet had on our sex lives?. The Guardian. 6 February 2011 [2011-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-11). And the web is all about helping people establish emotional connections. Throw in some erotic imagery, augmented teledildonics technologies, or a bit of sexting or Skyping, and you have the makings of a rather extraordinary, albeit mediated, relationship. 
  9. ^ Teledildonics and Live Webcams. Webcam Reports. [24 May 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-11). 
  10. ^ For Pleasure. Slate Magazine. 2011-02-08 [2011-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於February 11, 2011). At a small and private teledildonics demonstration on June 1, 2005, sex writer Violet Blue, while in San Francisco, induced two orgasms in her partner, who was riding a custom-made mega-vibrator known as a Thrillhammer at the Museum of Sex in New York City. The event included a few technical hitches: At one point the woman (shown here at a different demonstration) knocked an electrical cord out of the socket. It seems that teledildonics—remote-control vibrator sex via computer—has a long way to go. 
  11. ^ Mike Masnick. Kickstarter Refuses To Settle Or Be Silenced Over Ridiculous 'Teledildonics' Patent Lawsuit. Techdirt. 2015-10-08 [2016-08-15]. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-11). 
  12. ^ Stupid Patent of the Month: Trolls Go After Sex Toy Manufacturers. Electronic Frontier Foundation. 30 July 2015 [22 August 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-11). 
