- 在該計畫的網站中,有段說明如下:
- There are 64,442 latitude and longitude degree intersections in the world (counting each pole as one intersection). After discounting many confluences near the poles, and in the oceans, 16,170 meet the goals of the project, with most of these (14,027) being on land. There are still 12,389 to be found, so as you may guess, we're not worried about running out of confluences.
- 看半天似乎沒看到什麼關於海拔這件事的討論,還有,像尼泊爾這國家全境都是超高海拔,但境內仍規劃了14個匯合點(其中還有一個有人去過),可見這計劃是不考慮海拔問題的,我相信那應該是原翻譯者搞錯英文版的原意,原本應該是高緯度問題(Pole Problem)才對,也就是根據某種計算規則,讓高緯度地區的預計拜訪匯合點逐漸減少。--泅水大象 08:51 2005年3月7日 (UTC)