
)構成的混合陰離子化合物。自然界中常見的氟化磷酸鹽礦物有氟磷灰石(氟化三磷酸五鈣,Ca5(PO4)3F)、氟磷鎂石英語Wagnerite((Mg,Fe)2PO4F)等。人工合成的MIMIIPO4F(MI=Na, Li;MII=Fe, Mn, Co, Ni)可用於電化學的正極材料。[2]




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  4. ^ Brian L. Ellis, W. R. Michael Makahnouk, W. N. Rowan-Weetaluktuk, D. H. Ryan, Linda F. Nazar. Crystal Structure and Electrochemical Properties of A 2 MPO 4 F Fluorophosphates (A = Na, Li; M = Fe, Mn, Co, Ni). Chemistry of Materials. 2010-02-09, 22 (3): 1059–1070 [2022-05-29]. ISSN 0897-4756. doi:10.1021/cm902023h. (原始內容存檔於2022-06-03) (英語). 
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