

波利尼西亞三角(英語:Polynesian Triangle)是太平洋的一個區域,它的三個頂點分別是:夏威夷復活節島新西蘭。波利尼西亞三角通常被用作定義波利尼西亞的簡單方法。


在波利尼西亞三角之外,波利尼西亞人的定居痕跡延伸至北方的內克爾島、東方的薩拉戈麥斯島和南方的恩德比島英語Enderby Island。此外,諾福克島克馬德克群島曾經也有波利尼西亞人定居。當歐洲人首次到達時,這些島嶼均已無人居住。



  1. ^ O'Connor, Tom Polynesians in the Southern Ocean: Occupation of the Auckland Islands in Prehistory in New Zealand Geographic 69 (September–October 2004): 6–8
  2. ^ Anderson, Atholl, & O'Regan, Gerard R. (2000). "To the Final Shore: Prehistoric Colonisation of the Subantarctic Islands in South Polynesia". In Australian Archaeologist: Collected Papers in Honour of Jim Allen. Canberra: Australian National University. pp. 440–454.
  3. ^ Anderson, Atholl, & O'Regan, Gerard R. (1999). The Polynesian Archaeology of the Subantarctic Islands: An Initial Report on Enderby Island. Southern Margins Project Report. Dunedin: Ngai Tahu Development Report.
  4. ^ Anderson, Atholl (2005). "Subpolar Settlement in South Polynesia". Antiquity 79.306: pp. 791–800