環保關稅(environmental tariff),亦作綠色關稅(green tariff)或生態關稅(eco-tariff),是一種對國際貿易中有污染行為的保護[1]。透過對從輸入國入口或送輸出往出口國的貨物所徵收的稅款,作為對貨物未能達到稅要求的環境污染控制的補償,以防止「環境方面的惡性競爭」("environmental races to the bottom")及「廢物傾倒」("eco-dumping")[2]。
Since freer trade raises income, it directly contributes to increasing pollution levels via the scale effect. However, it thereby induces the composition (and) technique effects of increased income, both of which tend to reduce pollution levels.
- 出口稅:對國內資源(原材料、初級產品及半成品)徵收;
- 進口稅:對一些污染環境、影響生態環境的進口產品課以進口附加稅,或者限制、禁止,甚至對其進行貿易制裁。
- Section 8002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6982) is amended by adding the following new subsections at the end thereof:
- `(t) The Administrator shall prepare, within one hundred and twenty days of the enactment of this section and yearly thereafter, a pollution control index for each of the top fifty countries identified by the Office of Trade and Investment of the Department of Commerce based on the value of exports to the United States from that country's attainment of pollution control standards in the areas of air, water, hazardous waste and solid waste as compared to the United States. The purpose of this index is to measure the level of compliance within each country with standards comparable to or greater than those in the United States. The Administrator shall analyze, in particular, the level of technology employed and actual costs incurred for pollution control in the major export sectors of each country in formulating the index'."[8]
...seeing it as a threat to their growth and fearing that developed countries would attempt to export their preferences for pollution control or to place 'environmental' tariffs on imports from countries with lower standards.
- ^ 1.0 1.1 賴瓊玲、董健. 西部大開發中環境保護稅收制度淺探 (PDF). 天津商學院學報. 2004年11月, 24 (6).[永久失效連結]
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Kraus, Christiane (2000), Import Tariffs as Environmental Policy Instruments, Springer, ISBN 0792363183, 9780792363187
- ^ 3.0 3.1 陳力. 完善我国环保税收制度的思考. 2009-07-16 [2009-08-13]. (原始內容存檔於2011-11-03).
- ^ 張怡、李靖. 出口退税上调是企业的救命稻草:提高出口退税率的政策效应分析与建议. 湖南有色金屬技術信息網:期貨日報. 2009-06-03.
- ^ Trade, Global Policy, and the Environment, Pg. 56, Fredriksson, World Bank, World Bank Publications, 1999, ISBN 0821344587, 9780821344583
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- ^ International Trade and Climate Change: Economic, Legal, and Institutional Perspectives Pg. 36, World Bank Publications, 2007, ISBN 0821372254, 9780821372258
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