
46度暈與22度暈相似,但更寬更淡。成因是陽光穿過六角形冰晶時,[2] 晶體之間90°的夾角使得其色彩分佈比22度暈更為分散。[3]



  1. ^ The 46° halo was first explained as being caused by refractions through ice crystals in 1679 by the French physicist Edmé Mariotte (1620–1684). See: Mariotte, Quatrieme Essay. De la Nature des Couleur (Paris, France: Estienne Michallet, 1681). Sun dogs as well as the 22° and 46° halos are explained in terms of refractions from ice crystals on pages 466 - 524頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館).
  2. ^ 46°-halo. Arbeitskreis Meteore e.V. [2007-04-16]. (原始內容存檔於2007-03-31). 
  3. ^ Les Cowley (?). 46° Halo Formation. Atmospheric Optics. [2007-04-16]. (原始內容存檔於2019-01-19).  (including an illustration and an animation)
