
Crop diversification was introduced during the Second Malaysia Plan, phasing out rubber in favour of oil palm.

第二大馬計劃馬來語Rancangan Malaysia Kedua)是一項由馬來西亞政府頒佈,在1971年至1975年期間實施的經濟發展計劃,以貫徹馬來西亞新經濟政策為目標。它的目的是為了「重建」馬來西亞社會,削弱馬來西亞華人及外資在當地經濟中的主導地位,從而提高馬來人的經濟地位[1]。這個計劃是第一大馬計劃的延續,第一大馬計劃也特別注重於解決馬來人的貧困問題。然而,馬來西亞第一個五年計劃收效甚微,這也是引致1969年吉隆坡5·13種族暴亂的因素之一。有人認為第二次五年計劃在令馬來人多參與經濟活動這方面過於熱衷,於是當該計劃截止之際,政府相應地減少對重組經濟的強調。












Several government agencies that had been established prior to the advent of the Second Malaysia Plan increased their participation in the economy during the Second Malaysia Plan. These agencies included the Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MIDA) and Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA). Several more were also established under the plan, including the Perbadanan Nasional (PERNAS, or the National Trading Corporation), State Economic Development Corporation and the Urban Development Authority (UDA).


一些政府機構在馬來西亞第二次五年計劃到來之前已經建立, 在計劃實施過程中它們更加積極地參與到經濟建設中。 這些機構包括馬來西亞工業發展局(MIDA:Malaysian Industrial Development Authority)和人民信託局(MARA:Majlis Amanah Rakyat)。在計劃實施過程中也成立了一些新的機構,其中包括國家企業公司(PERNAS, 或國家外貿公司),州經濟發展局(State Economic Development Corporation)和城市發展局(UDA:Urban Development Authority)。

一些在第二個五年計劃(the Second Malaysia Plan)頒佈之前就已經成立的政府機構,在計劃實施過程中更加積極地參與到經濟事物中。這些機構包括馬來西亞工業發展局(MIDA:Malaysian Industrial Development Authority)和人民信託局(MARA:Majlis Amanah Rakyat)。在計劃實施過程中也成立了一些新的機構,其中包括國家企業公司(PERNAS, 或國家外貿公司),州經濟發展局(State Economic Development Corporation)和城市發展局(UDA:Urban Development Authority)。[6]


PERNAS was established to purchase businesses and participate in joint ventures with private companies, as well as to develop nascent industries to be held in trust until the Malays held sufficient capital to take them over. By the end of the plan's tenure, PERNAS owned 100% of eight companies involved in insurance, trading, construction, properties, engineering, securities, and mining. Joint ventures had also been formed with the private sector to develop the mining, containerisation, tourism and consulting industries.



Parliament passed the Industrial Coordination Act during the Second Malaysia Plan, which required all new manufacturing enterprises with M$100,000, or twenty-five or more workers, to be licensed by the Minister of Trade and Industry. To obtain such a licence, each firm had to meet certain conditions set by the Ministry, which could vary. Malaysian Chinese manufacturers were concerned about the act, as they had operated with minimal control from the government before. Nevertheless, the government stated the act was not meant to be detrimental towards any group, and went ahead with its implementation. Under the act, firms were divided into three categories: firms approved after 1 January 1972, firms approved before then, and firms operating without approval from the Ministry. All firms subject to the act were required to submit a proposal to the Ministry stating how they planned to achieve the long-term target of achieving 30% Malay and 70% non-Malay Malaysian ownership in the company. Proposals that were accepted then became the guidelines for how the relevant company would operate.


在第二個五年計劃實施期間,馬來西亞國會通過了工業協調法案(Industrial Coordination Act),該法案規定,凡從事製造業的公司,若股本總額為10萬馬幣,或受僱人員在25人或更多者,均須向貿易暨工業部(簡稱貿工部)申請工業執照。為了得到批准,每個公司必須具備貿工部規定的條件,具體條件可能各不相同。馬來西亞籍華裔製造商十分關注這個法案,此前他們受當地政府限制較小。儘管如此,政府聲明,該法案無意對任何群體不利,並繼續實施。法案將公司分為三類:1972年1月1日之前經貿工部批准的公司,在此之後批准的公司以及未經批准的公司。受制於該法案的所有公司須向工業部上交一份計劃,詳述公司如何計劃實現第二個五年計劃長期目標,即馬來人佔有公司股權的30%。計劃如果被接受,則成為公司運作的指導準則。[7]

Until the Second Malaysia Plan, industry was concentrated on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The plan thus moved to establish new industrial estates on the east coast, in order to curb rural-urban migration—the east coast was considerably less urbanised than the west coast.

第二個五年計劃實施之前,馬來西亞的工業發展集中在馬來西亞半島(Peninsular Malaysia)西海岸地區。該計劃將重點轉移至東海岸,建立了新的工業區,以抑制農村向城市移民——東海岸的城市化進程遠遠落後於西海岸。[8]

By 1975, manufacturing activities constituted 16% of the Malaysian Gross Domestic Product (GDP), one per cent short of the target of the Second Malaysia Plan. Manufacturing grew negligibly in 1975, attributed by the government to the global recession that year. This contrasted with the 15% growth achieved in 1974, which well exceeded the target of 12.5% growth per year during the Second Malaysia Plan. Food, wood products, and chemical products made up the majority of the manufacturing sector. The substantial growth in manufacturing during this period has been attributed to the government's establishment of free trade zones, where any goods brought in would not be subject to customs duties, and goods could be freely exported abroad or transferred to another free trade zone. In 1974, such zones were declared in the states of Penang,Selangor, and Malacca. The industries located in these zones were mostly electronics-, rubber product- and textile-based.




Until the late 1970s, Malaysia was the world's foremost producer of tin, supplying roughly 40% of the non-communist world's tin. Nevertheless, tin reserves were declining; mining's contribution to the GDP was projected to fall 13% over the course of the Second Malaysia Plan, due to the exhaustion of tin and iron reserves. However, bauxite and copper continued to contribute to the mining sector in the early 1970s. Malay participation in the mining sector was minimal, and as much as 70% of the industry remained under foreign control. This was a legacy of the British colonial era; many British firms, which had arrived in the 19th century to exploit Malaysian mineral resources, had not departed yet. Malay participation in the mining sector—especially in tin—was further hampered by the British tendency in the 19th century to bring in cheap Chinese labour; most of those employed in mining were still Chinese as late as 1970.

20世紀70年代晚期以前,馬來西亞一直是世界上最重要的錫礦供應國,非共產主義國家進口的錫礦中大約40%來自馬來西亞。然而,錫礦儲量在不斷減少,加上鐵礦儲量也在減少,礦業對國民生產總值的貢獻在計劃執行期間預計將減少13% 。但是鋁礦和銅礦在20世紀70年代早期還一直推動着礦業發展。馬來人幾乎不怎麼參與採礦業,高達70%的採礦業仍為外國人所控制,這種局面是英國殖民時期的歷史遺留造成的。19世紀從英國來到馬來西亞掠奪當地礦物資源的很多公司到現在還沒有離開。英國傾向於招用中國的廉價勞動力,這愈發限制了馬來人在採礦業——尤其是錫礦的參與度,,因此20世紀70年代採礦業的僱員大部分還都是中國人。

Petroleum or crude oil began to significantly contribute to the Malaysian economy in the 1970s, as new oil rigs and refineries were set up. By 1975, total production of crude oil stood at 90,000 barrels per day (14,000 m3/d), most of it produced by Shell. In 1974, the exclusive right to own, explore and exploit petroleum in Malaysia was vested in the government enterprise of Petronas. The following year, Petronas was granted sole rights over the marketing and distribution of all petroleum products and a provision to control other companies without taking an ownership stake in them, through the issuance of management shares to Petronas.


The number of Malays employed in the mining sector soared from 1970 onwards, as the government's restructuring policies came into force. When the Second Malaysia Plan began, less than 200,000 Malays were employed in the mining industry. By 1990, they numbered nearly a million, well ahead of the target numbers originally outlined. Licences for mining operations were specially reserved for Malays as part of the drive to increase their ownership level in the mining industry. The government also ostensibly increased Bumiputra ownership by nationalising several formerly foreign mining companies—by 1989, state corporations controlled 60% of the mining industry. The government was also aided by the fact that petroleum soon eclipsed other minerals in the mining sector—as Petronas was a state-owned corporation, it was also considered a Bumiputra enterprise. However, the government has been criticised for this practice, as it is argued nationalised corporations belong to the public at large, and not only to the Bumiputra.



The Second Malaysia Plan continued the initiatives that previous five year plans, such as the First Malayan Five Year Plan, had taken. Although expenditure on other development increased substantially, by about M$1 million, funding for rural development was also increased. The Second Malaysia Plan focused on diversifying crops grown in Malaysia;the 1974 Green Book Program aimed to make Malaysia self-sufficient in food production by encouraging farmers to grow vegetables, such as long beans, chilies, etc., and rear livestock—the Veterinary Department going as far as to distribute cattle.Fertilisers, seedlings, insecticides and herbicides were subsidised. Double-cropping of rice was encouraged, so farmers could harvest twice in one year and effectively double their output. The Farmers' Organization Authority was established in 1973 with the goal of coordinating agricultural cooperatives, farmers' associations, and government agricultural agencies.


Growth in small-scale agriculture was viewed as crucial to creating jobs and reducing rural poverty, and government agencies such as FELDA (the Federal Land Development Authority) vastly increased the scope and size of their development programs. RISDA (the Rubber Industries Smallholder Development Agency) was given the task of diversifying smallholder estates; RISDA set itself the ambitious goal of developing 150,000 acres (610 km2) during the Second Malaysia Plan. The main aim was to diversify into palm oil through the planting of oil palms. The Malaysian economy relied heavily on rubber at the time—at its peak, Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia) alone produced more than half of the world's rubber.However, the Great Depression, which depressed rubber prices, greatly set back the Malayan economy. The Malaysian government thus aimed to avert another incident by diversifying the agriculture sector. However, RISDA overreached itself in attempting to so quickly reappropriate land; by the end of the Second Malaysia Plan, only 40,000 acres (160 km2) had been developed, with only half this number comprising oil palm estates.


The land development and resettlement policies instituted by the government, however, failed to make an impact on rural poverty. The government managed to resettle only 40,000 people, despite an estimated 535,000 families engaged in agriculture living below the poverty level. Due to inefficiencies in the program, the beneficiaries of resettlement and development were not always those with the greatest need.It was also alleged by some that there had been too much emphasis on the difficult process of resettlement and development of new areas, instead of increasing productivity in existing farms. Matters were complicated by the Constitution, which gave the states much control over land development, and thus requiring the federal government to negotiate with individual state governments. Non-Malay rural families also did not benefit much due to this, as the Constitution reserved portions of land for the Malays, and state governments were not anxious to receive destitute non-Malays.


Although the Second Malaysia Plan greatly modernised the "rice bowl" states of Kedah and Perlis—virtually eliminating the water buffalo by replacing it with tractors—most smallholders and individual farmers did not benefit technology-wise. In the corporate agriculture sector, the Malays held only a 0.3% stake, as opposed to 70.8% held by foreign interests. In the noncorporate sector, the Malays held 47.1%. Due to limited capital, many Malays were still engaged in "lower productivity activities" as the Second Malaysia Plan ended.



The Second Malaysia Plan continued past initiatives in raising nutritional levels through a number of programs. These included incentives to grow nutritious food, instruction in nutrition and menu planning, and provision of food for groups with the highest rates of malnutrition. However, these programs were hindered by a lack of trained medical personnel. 第二次馬來西亞計劃繼續着以前的計劃,即通過一些項目來提高人們的營養水平。這些項目包括鼓勵生產有營養食物,教授營養和食物搭配方法,向最缺乏營養的人群提供食物。然後,這些項目因缺乏訓練有素的醫療人員而受到阻礙。

Although family planning was established as a national goal in 1964, efforts during the Second Malaysia Plan to promote it were hampered by government neglect. Much of the success achieved by the National Family Planning Board occurred during the years of the First Malaysia Plan (1966–1970). The Second Malaysia Plan hoped to add 600,000 new users of family planning techniques, but the facilities and personnel provided were inadequate. The topic was viewed as rather sensitive by the government, and thus family planning was mostly ignored. Ironically, in 1984 Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad effectively eliminated family planning as a government policy by announcing the National Population Policy, which targeted a 70 million population by 2100—up from 12.6 million in 1984.



Although education was mostly sidelined in favour of socieconomic restructuring programs during the Second Malaysia Plan, some important initiatives were taken during its tenure. In 1970, Malay, the national language, became the major medium of instruction from primary to tertiary level, replacingEnglish. British standardised examinations were replaced with local ones, and new Malay-language textbooks were introduced. By the end of the plan, most formerly English-based schools had converted the first four years of instruction entirely to the new Malay-medium curriculum.

儘管在馬來西亞第二個五年計劃實施期間,教育出於支持社會經濟改革的目的而基本處於邊緣化了,但政府仍然採取了一些重要行動來規範教育。1970年,馬來語作為官方語言,取代英語成為小學至大學階段的教學用語。英國統一標準考試由本國統一標準考試所取代,採用新馬來語教科書。 在計劃結束之際 ,大多數原來用英語教學的學校已經將前四年教育徹底轉變成為新馬來語教學課程。

In 1973, the Curriculum Development Centre was established. Its goal was to coordinate projects to reform the curriculum that had previously been handled by varying government departments. It also began revamping the curriculum for science and mathematics , and began a new program to review the various social science curricula.


The Second Malaysia Plan also hoped to increase the availability of vocational and technical training. Despite some attempts, little progress was made in improving the curriculum, which focused on providing a general education and made little room for vocational or technical training. Several new technical and vocational schools were built under the Second Malaysia Plan, with seven institutions alone completed in 1975. It was hoped this would alleviate the problem of unemployment, especially among the youth.



The Second Malaysia Plan aimed to modernise Malaysian railroads, which the government regarded as crucial to development and industry. All trains were converted to use the more efficient diesel fuel, and the government increased allocations for maintenance and modernisation of the rail infrastructure. In particular, emphasis was placed on upgrading existing rolling stock, roadbeds, and repair facilities.


Air service was expanded under the plan, which paid for the purchase of all-weather and night traffic control equipment, as well as the training of staff to handle the equipment. The Second Malaysia Plan also saw Malaysia-Singapore Airlines split into the Malaysia Airline System (MAS) and Singapore Airlines(SIA).


The Second Malaysia Plan also saw the introduction of containerisation in Malaysia to better facilitate transportation. The plan called for the establishment of a national haulage company to handle inland transport; in August 1971, Kontena Nasional Berhad (National Containers Limited) was established by the government. In December, M.V. Benavon became the first container vessel to dock in Malaysia, at the North Terminal of Port Klang in Selangor.

馬來西亞第二次五年計劃引進了集裝箱運輸,很好地促進了交通運輸。該計劃呼籲建立國際運輸公司處理內陸運輸;1971年8月,政府建立了國家集裝箱運輸公司。12月, M.V. Benavon成為停靠在馬來西亞碼頭的第一艘集裝箱船,他們的停靠地點是雪萊莪州的巴生港北端。

At the time of the Second Malaysia Plan, there were only two sea ports in Malaysia; one in Penang, and one in Klang. The plan called for the construction of two new ports, both in peninsular Malaysia; one would be in Johor, and another would be in Kuantan, a major town in Pahang. The two main objectives of these projects were to meet increasing demand for sea transportation of freight, and to bring development to underdeveloped states. Johor Port was completed in 1977, while Kuantan Port began full operations in 1984.



At the end of the Second Malaysia Plan, the poverty rate was found to have declined from 49% to 43%. Unemployment improved slightly, decreasing from 7.5% to 7.4%. Great strides were made in increasing Bumiputra involvement in the private sector, however; the employment rate of Bumiputra in the manufacturing sector increased from 29% to 33%, and from 24% to 34% in the commercial sector. Bumiputra equity ownership more than doubled from 3% to 7.8%.


However, this was considered unsatisfactory by many, especially as much of the progress had been made by government enterprises holding the equity in trust. Although the plan had initially targeted a GDP growth rate of 12.5% a year, only an average of 11% was managed. The growth was extremely uneven; while in 1973 GDP grew by 27%, in 1975, it grew a paltry 3% due to the global recession at the time.


Despite the government's efforts to tackle unemployment, creating 600,000 new jobs during the Second Malaysia Plan, the number of unemployed actually increased between 1970 and 1975; in 1970, there were 275,000 unemployed, but by 1975, the number stood at 324,000.


The Second Malaysia Plan was also forced to confront an unexpected problem: inflation. Between 1972 and 1975, the consumer price index (CPI) unexpectedly increased by 40%. In 1974, the inflation rate averaged 18%, although it was reduced to 7% by 1975. This new conundrum was therefore considered by the government when it set out the Third Malaysia Plan (1976–1980). 馬來西亞第二次五年計劃也被迫面臨一個意想不到的問題:通貨膨脹。1972年到1975年間,消費者價格指數出人意料的增長了40%。1974年平均通貨膨脹率曾高達18%,儘管在1975年下降到7%。因此在制定馬來西亞第三個五年計劃(1976-1980)時政府將這一因素考慮在內。

Another overarching consequence of the Second Malaysia Plan was its efforts in crop diversification. Despite RISDA failing to meet its targets, the palm oil industry in Malaysia continued to grow. By 1998, palm oil was the second-largest contributor towards Malaysia's GDP, second only to electronicsproducts.[46] 馬來西亞第二個五年計劃的另一個重要結果表現在其對作物多樣化做出的努力。儘管橡膠產業小農發展局沒有實現預期目標,但是馬來西亞棕櫚油產業繼續發展。1998年,棕櫚油成為對馬來西亞GDP貢獻最大的第二產業,僅次於電子產品。

Overall, the Second Malaysia Plan made much more substantial progress towards reducing the inequity in the economy than its predecessor had. However, the emphasis on improving the lot of the Malays greatly worried the non-Malays, and when the Third Malaysia Plan was launched, the government toned down its rhetoric on affirmative action and emphasised greater economic growth, which would benefit all.




  1. ^ Shuid, Mahdi & Yunus, Mohd. Fauzi (2001). Malaysian Studies, p. 85. Longman. ISBN 983-74-2024-3.
  2. ^ Henderson et al. 1977,第323頁.
  3. ^ Means 1991,第7–9頁.
  4. ^ Means 1991,第24頁.
  5. ^ Henderson et al. 1977,第294頁.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Henderson, et al., p. 322.
  7. ^ Henderson, et al., pp. 323, 325.
  8. ^ Henderson, et al., p. 325.
  9. ^ Henderson, et al., pp. 331–332, 339.


  • Henderson, John William; Vreeland, Nena; Dana, Glenn B.; Hurwitz, Geoffrey B; Just, Peter; Moeller, Philip W.; Shinn, R.S. Area Handbook for Malaysia. Foreign Area Studies. Washington D.C.: American University. 1977. LCCN 77001294. 
  • Means, Gordon P. Malaysian Politics: The Second Generation. South-East Asian Social Science Monograp Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1991. ISBN 0-19-588988-6. 


  • MIDA=大馬投資發展機構
  • MARA=人民信託基金會/人民信託局
  • PERNAS=國民企業公司
  • SEDC=州經濟發展局
  • UDA=城市發展局
  • FELDA=聯邦土地發展局
  • RISDA=橡膠小園主發展局
  • Kontena Nasional Berhad=國家貨櫃有限公司
  • Curriculum Development Centre=(教育部)課程發展中心