
$ 本使用者根據維基媒體基金會的使用條款,披露其接受GTRACING的報酬,對維基百科做出有償編輯。

GTRACING (www.gtracing.com), is dedicated to produce the most satisfied gaming chairs. Just like GT, the gentle tiger, we are specialized in producing racing-style gaming chairs to support you, encourage you and comfort you. Founded in 2011, gtracing has delivered the extremely cool and comfortable gaming chair to millions of users all over the world. [1] [2] [3] [4]

  1. ^ Chairs FX. Best GTRacing Gaming Chairs reviewed (2021 edition). Chairs FX. 
  2. ^ Chris Coke. GTRacing GT099 Review. IGN. 
  3. ^ Observer Content Studio. The Best Gaming Chairs of 2021: Budget and Quality. observer. 
  4. ^ Jon Martindale. Every Gamer Should Treat Their Butt To Comfort With These 7 Gaming Chairs We Love. forbes.