

CAS號 10102-12-2  checkY
化學式 Se4N4
摩爾質量 371.87 g·mol⁻¹
外觀 亮橙色固體[1]
密度 4.2 [2]
溶解性 難溶於常見溶劑[2]
高壓(~50 atm)下可溶於液氨[3]
pKa 1.70±0.20[4]
若非註明,所有數據均出自標準狀態(25 ℃,100 kPa)下。


四溴化硒中和反應,可以得到四氮化四硒。[5]二氧化硒和Me3SiN=PMe3(Me為甲基)在4 °C時於乙腈中反應,可以結晶出β-Se4N4[6]



Se4N4 → 4 Se + 2 N2




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  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Jander, J.; Doetsch, V. Selenium nitride. Angewandte Chemie, 1958. 70. 704. ISSN: 0044-8249.
  3. ^ Paul F. Kelly, J. Derek Woollins. The reactivity of Se4N4 in liquid ammonia. Polyhedron. 1993-05, 12 (10): 1129–1133 [2020-04-20]. doi:10.1016/S0277-5387(00)88201-7. (原始內容存檔於2020-04-23) (英語). 
  4. ^ Calculated using Advanced Chemistry Development (ACD/Labs) Software V11.02 (© 1994-2020 ACD/Labs). Retrieved from Scifinder. [2020-04-20]
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  6. ^ H. Folkerts, B. Neumueller, K. Dehnicke. ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a New Modification of Tetraselenium Tetranitride, Se4N4.. ChemInform. 2010-08-18, 25 (40): no–no [2020-04-20]. doi:10.1002/chin.199440010 (英語). 
  7. ^ Clegg, William; Dale, Sophie H.; Drennan, Dennis; Kelly, Paul F. The use of the bromosulfimide Ph2S=NBr as nitrogen source in reactions with selenium-based systems. Dalton Transactions. 2005, (19): 3140. ISSN 1477-9226. doi:10.1039/b509382a. 
  8. ^ Adel, Joerg; Dehnicke, Kurt. Synthesis of the chloroselenonitrene molybdenum complex [Cl4Mo=N=SeCl]​2. Chimia, 1988. 42. 12. 413-414. ISSN: 0009-4293
  9. ^ Adel, Joerg; El Kholi, Aida; Willing, Wolfgang; Mueller, Ulrich; Dehnicke, Kurt. Se4N4 as a preparative reagent: the synthesis of chloroselenonitrene complexes of tungsten. Chimia, 1988. 42. 2. 70-71. ISSN: 0009-4293.
  10. ^ Kelly, P.F. and Slawin, A.M.Z., Preparation and crystal structure of [(AlBr3)2(Se2N2)], the first example of a main-group element adduct of diselenium dinitride, Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 1996, pp 4029-4030
  11. ^ Stephen M. Aucott, Dennis Drennan, Sarah L. M. James, Paul F. Kelly, Alexandra M. Z. Slawin. The reaction of [Bu4N]2[Pd2Br6(Se2N2)] with [14]aneS4; an effective source of the diselenium dinitride unit. Chemical Communications. 2007, (29): 3054 [2020-04-20]. ISSN 1359-7345. doi:10.1039/b707450f (英語). 


  • Kelly, P.F. and Woollins, J.D., The Reactivity of Se4N4 in Liquid Ammonia, Polyhedron, 1993, volume 12, pp 1129-1133.
  • Kelly, P.F., Slawin, A.M.Z. and Soriano-Rama, A., Use of Se4N4 and Se(NSO)2 in the preparation of palladium adducts of diselenium dinitride, Se2N2; crystal structure of [PPh4]2[Pd2Br6(Se2N2), Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 1997, pp 559-562