
宮頸舉痛(英語:cervical motion tenderness)或宮頸刺激cervical excitation),是一類婦科盆腔檢查症狀。它通常都病發於盆腔炎宮外孕中,並用於區分盆腔炎和闌尾炎[1]。它也被口語稱之為吊燈症狀chandelier sign),因為它在雙手骨盆檢查(bimanual pelvic exam)中會給病人帶來一種牽制狀劇痛,如同「抓着天花板上的吊燈」[2]


  1. ^ Bongard F, Landers DV, Lewis F. Differential diagnosis of appendicitis and pelvic inflammatory disease. A prospective analysis. Am. J. Surg. 1985, 150 (1): 90–6. PMID 3160252. doi:10.1016/0002-9610(85)90015-7. 
  2. ^ Gomella LG, Haist SA. Chapter 13. Bedside Procedures. Clinician's Pocket Reference: The Scut Monkey 11. McGraw-Hill. 2007.