

布容尼斯-松山反轉是以伯納德·布容尼斯英語Bernard Brunhes松山基範命名的地質事件。地磁場約於 781,000 年前經歷最近一次的地磁逆轉事件。[1][2]由於逆轉過程歷時的估算眾說紛紜,各方對於確切發生年份的看法存在分歧。有說這逆轉經過了數千年才完成,[3]有說其過程應該更短,[4][5][6]甚至可能在人的一生內發生。[7]

在地球上不同的特定地點,這個逆轉的歷時估算在 1,200 至 10,000 年間。這差異取決於這特定地點處於哪個地磁緯度,而局部地區受地磁的非偶極組件影響所以經歷不同的逆轉過程。[3]

布容尼斯-松山反轉是由國際地層委員會挑選出的一個全球界線層型剖面和點位(GSSP),用以作為更新世早期的卡拉布里亞期英語Calabrian (stage)和中期的千葉期英語Chibanian的分界。[8]可以為一些海洋沉積物岩芯和低空地面噴發火山岩訂定年份。有個高度推論性的研究指出布容尼斯-松山反轉與廣闊的澳亞散佈區有關聯。[9]



  1. ^ Gradstein, Felix M.; Ogg, James G.; Smith, Alan G. (編). A Geological Time Scale 2004 3rd. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge University Press. 2004: 28. ISBN 9780521786737. 
  2. ^ Global chronostratigraphical correlation table for the last 2.7 million years. International Commission on Stratigraphy. [31 March 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2016-06-10). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Bradford M. Clement. Dependence of the duration of geomagnetic polarity reversals on site latitude. Nature. 8 April 2004, 428 (6983): 637–40. Bibcode:2004Natur.428..637C. PMID 15071591. doi:10.1038/nature02459. 
  4. ^ Witze, Alexandra. Geomagnetic field flip-flops in a flash. ScienceNews. Sep 2, 2010 [3 September 2010]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-27). 
  5. ^ Coe, R.S.; Prévot, M.; Camps, P. New evidence for extraordinarily rapid change of the geomagnetic field during a reversal (PDF). Nature. 20 April 1995, 374 (6524): 687. Bibcode:1995Natur.374..687C. doi:10.1038/374687a0. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於31 July 2010). 
  6. ^ Bogue, S. W.; Glen, J. M. G. Very rapid geomagnetic field change recorded by the partial remagnetization of a lava flow. Geophysical Research Letters. 2010, 37: L21308. Bibcode:2010GeoRL..3721308B. doi:10.1029/2010GL044286. 
  7. ^ Leonardo Sagnotti; Giancarlo Scardia; Biagio Giaccio; Joseph C. Liddicoat; Sebastien Nomade; Paul R. Renne; Courtney J. Sprain. Extremely rapid directional change during Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic polarity reversal. Geophys. J. Int. 21 July 2014, 199 (2): 1110–1124. Bibcode:2014GeoJI.199.1110S. doi:10.1093/gji/ggu287. 
  8. ^ Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point. International Commission of Stratigraphy. [31 March 2014]. (原始內容存檔於15 November 2012). 
  9. ^ Glass, B. P., Swincki, M. B., & Zwart, P. A. (1979). "Australasian, Ivory Coast and North American tektite strewnfields - Size, mass and correlation with geomagnetic reversals and other earth events"頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 10th, Houston, Tex., March 19–23, 1979, p. 2535-2545.
