

正長花崗岩與正長岩相似,但主要區別在於它的石英含量較高(15-25%),鹼長石較低(45-50%) ,黑雲母比角閃石多,並且具有白雲母金紅石 。一些正長花崗岩含稀有的自形角閃石(Fe-角閃石和 Fe-伊甸石)、黑雲母(暗長石 25%-35%)、斜長石 (An3),以及鉀長石和石英[2]

在巴西的 Sao Jose do Campestre Massif,正長花崗岩是一種粗粒岩石,由微斜長石、石英、角閃石和稀有的單斜輝石(clinopyroxene)以及褐簾石(allanite)組成[3]


  1. ^ Karl V. Evans and Gregory N. Green (2003) 「Geological Map of the Salmon National Forest and Vicinity, East-Central Idaho.」 U.S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
  2. ^ Mafti, Mohammed Rashad H. (2001) "Age, Geochemistry and Origin of the Peraluminous A-Type Granitoids of the Ablah-Shuwas Pluton, Ablah Graben Arabian Shield." Faculty of Earth Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Vol. 42, pp. 5–20.
  3. ^ Bley, Benjamin, Peter Christian Hackspacher, Elton Luizdantas, and William Randall Van Schmus. (1998) "Archean Accretion in the Sao Jose do Campestre Massif, Borborema Province, Northeast Brazil." Revista Brasileirade Geociencias, Vol. 28