由Shakiestone在話題請求:確定正式中文名上作出的最新留言:14 年前
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這篇文章自翻譯後擺在這也有一年多了,但始終沒有正式英文名,所以提上來,現行對「Booster Gold」的主要譯名有「布斯特·戈爾德」、「金強人」、「黃金後援」、「金色先鋒」。
附:英文維基百科中該人物的來源,「Carter's nickname as a football player was "Booster", but his chosen 20th century superhero name was "Goldstar". After saving the president, Carter mangles the two names, causing the president (at the time Ronald Reagan) to introduce him as "Booster Gold". The name stuck. There is a running joke with his name throughout the DC Universe where people call him "Buster" instead of "Booster".」 —Shakiestone (留言) 2010年2月2日 (二) 14:00 (UTC)