模板:England Labelled Map/doc



所有參數都是可選的(可不填),如果不填參數,連結的名稱就是其連結的文章的標題,比如: 「東英格蘭」。注意:默認的連結裏,倫敦就是"倫敦"。如果想要連結到「大倫敦」,就一定要使用{{England Labelled Map|Londonprefix=大}}

英文的連結默認是"West Midlands"。在英文版中要將連結改成"West Midlands (region)",就要使用{{England Labelled Map|WMsuffix=(region)}}。 但在中文版中默認連結就是「西密德蘭」,所以請不要使用該參數只是為了連入西密德蘭。

參數 默認 使用方法
width= 370 整個地圖的寬度,建議不要改。改小了,字會重合,難以辯認。
float= none
  • none:默認參數。地圖單獨成一行。在模板後的文字會在模板下方。
  • left:地圖在左側。與設置為none不同在於,在模板後的文字會在模板右方。
  • right:地圖在右側。文字在左。
ns= 每個連結連到的頁面的命名空間。默認不填則爲條目空間。例如::Category:就會連到分類。必須以冒號開始和結束。
prefix= Text to precede every region name when forming links. E.g. List of rivers in. If this parameter is specified, the word "the" will automatically be appended for the regions "East of England", "West Midlands" and "East Midlands".
suffix= Text to follow every region name when forming links.
Londonprefix= Text to precede "London" when forming the link labelled "London". This overrides prefix if specified. Use this to generate a link including "Greater London".
WMsuffix= Text to follow "West Midlands" when forming its link. This overrides suffix if specified. Use this to generate a link ending in "West Midlands (region)" or "West Midlands region".
UK= If non-empty, this adds 3 links, one each for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.


示例連結 模板使用方法
[[East of England]] {{England Labelled Map|Londonprefix = Greater
|WMsuffix = (region)
This example replicates the behaviour of earlier versions of this template, before 22 April 2012.
[[List of places in the East of England|East of England]] {{England Labelled Map|prefix = List of places in
|WMsuffix = (region)
[[:Category:East of England|East of England.]] {{England Labelled Map|ns = :Category:
|WMsuffix = (region)
[[:Category:People from the East of England|East of England]] {{England Labelled Map|ns = :Category:
|prefix = People from
|WMsuffix = (region)





