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If you have any questions about the Chinese Wikipedia, please leave a message here. Thank you for visiting!

我是歡迎您的維基人:LUFC~~Marching on Together圓桌會 2010年1月8日 (五) 08:45 (UTC)回覆

Hi JerryA

Hi Jerry, I'm a young child user who develop separated own content wiki, the Phineas and Ferb Official English wiki community, I have seen the history of Phineas and Ferb pages and see you have edit it! I think you are a fan of two Flynn boys and their sister. Now the show is going to develop and rise, that make children and others people become "charmed fan"!. The requirement set forth: an organization must be established for sharing knowledge and comunicating between millions of fans. Can you help develop the Phineas and Ferb wiki for "Zhongwen" language, can you help? The wiki all about all thing related to the show, a Phineas and Ferb encyclopedia for Chinese people and people who know Chinese! That will great because China has a biggest population and I think, more and more children on China love Phineas and Ferb. This wiki's activities just like wikipedia, like syntax, like the source mode for writing, template, mediawiki,... but the different thing that the wiki just mention about Phineas and Ferb. I think you will love it, hope so.

Now We currently have 6 affiliated members are German, Mexico-Spain, Protugue-Brazil, Netherlands, Poland and Vietnam (Yuenan). We are very happy if a Chinese Phineas and Ferb wiki take part in! Please help and free doing on it! I have leave messages to another user who edit Phineas and Ferb page here, I hope so they will agree and you too. Not alone you, I always see after the wiki creation, an big amount of children and teens will come to write and take part in! A bright future!

You can see the wiki on http://phineasandferb.wikia.com to see what is this wiki and how does it work, you will like it and love it if you are a fan! This will make us become biggest Flynn-Fletcher home community ever!

Sorry because I can't contact you by Chinese, but hope you don't mind about that! Thanks.

Phineas Flynn (留言) 2011年5月13日 (五) 06:27 (UTC)回覆


中文翻譯,那不是我亂寫的,如果我真要翻譯逼條,早就每個都寫了。那是最近台灣有重播,也有打出每集的標題。會說重播是因為這居然是兩年前台灣就播過,當時沒看過。這一次看到後,又看到有規劃的表格,自然打上每天播出的內容,每天兩集,您應該可以看出是這樣寫的。對了,順便一說,昨天3和4的部分正好對調,我是真的看到有寫上那標題。還有問題嗎?Worldwide留言2013年2月20日 (三) 07:40 (UTC)回覆

  • 好吧!那個我拿掉,我想應該還是有中文標題。對了!你有錄下來嗎?有錄下來應該可以找的到,因為這集開始標題變得開始就有了的樣子,不像前四集標題在大門後才出現。我以為這次也一樣,結果沒想到一開始就播了,一定有,要不是被黎安的事情給遮蔽了,我一定寫正確,可惜啊!Worldwide留言2013年2月20日 (三) 15:05 (UTC)回覆
  • 補充一下,不能都是我在看啊!您也要看啊!您是看過了應該比較容易進入狀況,我第一次看還不太熟。第5集那部分有出現原文標題,一定有翻譯標題,應該是出現在黎安那句話那裏。因為沒有很注意,所以錯失機會,避免看不到第六集標題,所以下一集一開始就發現標題叫「啦啦隊」。一定是有,您一定也錯過了。Worldwide留言2013年2月20日 (三) 15:20 (UTC)回覆




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