福音主义(英语:evangelicalism),源自希腊词εὐαγγέλιον(euangelion),意为福音、好消息,是一个在不同的历史时期有不同历史内涵的神学主张。在宗教改革早期,新教人士将自己的教会称为“福音教会”,以示自身尊重《圣经》、有别于天主教会[1][2],至今主流新教依然使用这一意涵下的“福音主义”一词,例如德国的改革宗、信义宗联合教会德国福音教会与许多称为“福音路德教会”的信义宗教会就并非是现在常说的“福音派”教会。而现代更常说的“(新)福音主义”、“保守福音主义”(new evangelicalism/conservative evangelicalism),一般是指一个肇始于18世纪、成形于二战后的神学运动,[3]在近代往往同于信仰上的保守主义(与自由主义神学相对),一般拥有四大特点:强调个人归信基督(或曰重生);积极地表述和传播福音;强调圣经的权威,坚信圣经无误论(通常不是:圣经无谬论);强调与耶稣复活有关的基督教教义。[4]
- ^ Livingstone, Elizabeth A. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church 3rd ed. rev. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2005: 583. ISBN 0-19-280290-9.
- ^ Gerstner, John H. The Theological Boundaries of Evangelical Faith. David P. Wells (编). The Evangelicals. John D. Woodbridge. Nashville: Abingdon Press. 1975: 21–36. ISBN 0-687-12181-7.
Despite the dominant usage of euangellismos in the New Testament, its derivative, evangelical, was not widely or controversially employed until the Reformation period. Then it came into prominence with Martin Luther precisely because he reasserted Paul's teaching on the euangellismos as the indispensable message of salvation. Its light, he argued, was hidden under a bushel of ecclesiastical authority, tradition, and liturgy. The essence of the saving message for Luther was justification by faith alone, the article by which not only the church stands or falls but each individual as well. Erasmus, Thomas More, and Johannes Eck denigrated those who accepted this view and referred to them as 'evangelicals.'
- ^ Bebbington, D. W. (2008). Evangelicals in Modern Britain: A History from the 1730s to the 1980s, London: Unwin, 1.
- ^ Eskridge, Larry. Defining Evangelicalism. Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals. 1995 [2008-03-04]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-25).