
膀胱输尿管返流(Vesicoureteral Reflux、VUR)是尿膀胱输尿管的异常地反向性地流动。尿液的正常运行是从肾脏进经由输尿管到膀胱。

(Vesicoureteral Reflux)
类型ureteral disease[*]疾病



新生儿可能昏昏欲睡(Lethargy)乏力地成长,而婴幼儿及年幼的孩子呈现的典型症状为发热尿痛(dysuria)、多尿症、恶臭尿(malodorous urine)及消化作用(GIT)等症状,但只有当尿路感染才会呈现VUR的初期症状。



哈尔迪卡尔氏综合征(Hardikar syndrome)具有膀胱输尿管返流、肾积水唇颚裂肠梗阻(Bowel obstruction)及其它的症状。[1]



Insufficient submucosal length of the ureter relative to its diameter causes inadequacy of the valvular mechanism. This is precipitated by a congenital defect/lack of longitudinal muscle of the intravesical ureter resulting in an ureterovesicular junction (UVJ) anomaly.



In this category the valvular mechanism is intact and healthy to start with but becomes overwhelmed by raised vesicular pressures associated with obstruction, which distorts the ureterovesical junction. The obstructions may be anatomical or functional. Secondary VUR can be further divided into anatomical and functional groups as follows:

解剖性:后尿道瓣膜;尿道、或"尿道外口狭窄"(meatal stenosis)。




Urinary tract infections may cause reflux due to the elevated pressures associated with inflammation.[2]

Resolution of functional VUR will usually occur if the precipitating cause is treated and resolved. Medical and/or surgical treatment may be indicated.


  • 第I级 - 回流到非扩张的输尿管。
  • 第II级 – 无扩张的回流入肾盂肾盏。
  • 第III级 – mild/moderate dilatation of the ureter, renal pelvis and calyces with minimal blunting of the fornices
  • 第IV级 – dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces with moderate ureteral tortuosity
  • 第V级 – gross dilatation of the ureter, pelvis and calyces; ureteral tortuosity; loss of papillary impressions

The younger the age of the patient and the lower the grade at presentation the higher the chance of spontaneous resolution. Most (approx. 85%) of grade I & II cases of VUR will resolve spontaneously. Approximately 50% of grade III cases and a lower percentage of higher grades will also resolve spontaneously.





An abdominal ultrasound might suggest the presence of VUR if ureteral dilatation is present; however, in many circumstances of VUR of low to moderate severity, the sonogram may be completely normal, thus providing insufficient utility as a single diagnostic test in the evaluation of children suspected of having VUR, such as those presenting with prenatal hydronephrosis or urinary tract infection (UTI).

VCUG is the method of choice for grading and initial workup, while RNC is preferred for subsequent evaluations as there is less exposure to radiation. A high index of suspicion should be attached to any case a where a child presents with a urinary tract infection, and anatomical causes should be excluded. A VCUG and abdominal ultrasound should be performed in these cases

Early diagnosis in children is crucial as studies have shown that the children with VUR who present with a UTI and associated acute pyelonephritis are more likely to develop permanent renal cortical scarring than those children without VUR, with an odds ratio of 2.8.[3] Thus VUR not only increases the frequency of UTI's, but also the risk of damage to upper urinary structures.



The goal of treatment is to minimize infections, as it is infections that cause renal scarring and not the vesicoureteral reflux.[4] Minimizing infections is primarily done by prophylactic antibiotics in newborns and infants who are not potty trained. However in children who are older, physicians and parents should focus on bowel and bladder management. Children who hold their bladder or who are constipated have a greater number of infections than children who void on a regular schedule. When medical management fails to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections, or if the kidneys show progressive renal scaring then surgical interventions may be necessary. Medical management is recommended in children with Grade I-III VUR as most cases will resolve spontaneously. A trial of medical treatment is indicated in patients with Grade IV VUR especially in younger patients or those with unilateral disease. Of the patients with Grade V VUR only infants are trialled on a medical approach before surgery is indicated, in older patients surgery is the only option.-->



Endoscopic injection involves applying a gel around the ureteral opening to create a valve function and stop urine from flowing back up the ureter. The gel consists of two types of sugar-based molecules called dextranomer and hyaluronic acid. Trade names for this combination include Deflux and Zuidex. Both constituents are well-known from previous uses in medicine. They are also biocompatible, which means that they do not cause significant reactions within the body. In fact, hyaluronic acid is produced and found naturally within the body.



Medical treatment entails low dose antibiotic prophylaxis until resolution of VUR occurs. Antibiotics are administered nightly at half the normal therapeutic dose. The specific antibiotics used differ with the age of the patient and include:



Urine cultures are performed 3 monthly to exclude breakthrough infection. Annual radiological investigations are likewise indicated. Good perineal hygiene, and timed and double voiding are also important aspects of medical treatment. Bladder dysfunction is treated with the administration of anticholinergics.



A surgical approach is necessary in cases where a breakthrough infection results despite prophylaxis, or there is non-compliance with the prophylaxis. Similarly if the VUR is severe (Grade IV & V), there are pyelonephritic changes or congenital abnormalities. Other reasons necessitating surgical intervention are failure of renal growth, formation of new scars, renal deterioration and VUR in girls approaching puberty.

There are three types of surgical procedure available for the treatment of VUR: endoscopic (STING/HIT procedures); laparoscopic; and open procedures (Cohen procedure, Leadbetter-Politano procedure).



Younger children are more prone to VUR because of the relative shortness of the submucosal ureters. This susceptibility decreases with age as the length of the ureters increases as the children grow. In children under the age of 1 year with a urinary tract infection, 70% will have VUR. This number decreases to 15% by the age of 12. Although VUR is more common in males antenatally, in later life there is a definite female preponderance with 85% of cases being female.


美国泌尿协会(American Urological Association)建议持续监测膀胱输尿管返流的患儿、直至异常解决或不再有临床显著病征。

The recommendations are for annual evaluation of blood pressure, height, weight, analysis of the urine, and kidney ultrasound.[3]


  1. ^ Hardikar syndrome symptoms. [2015-01-01]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-24). 
  2. ^ Institute of Urology & Nephrology, London, UK, The cellular basis of bladder instability页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) UJUS 2009, Retrieved 4-20-2010
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Craig A. Peters; Steven J. Skoog; Billy S. Arant; Hillary L. Copp; Jack S. Elder; R. Guy Hudson; Antoine E. Khoury; Armando J. Lorenzo; Hans G. Pohl; Ellen Shapiro; Warren T. Snodgrass; Mireya Diaz. Summary of the AUA Guideline on Management of Primary Vesicoureteral Reflux in Children.. The Journal of Urology. September 2010, 184 (3): 1134–44. PMID 20650499. doi:10.1016/j.juro.2010.05.065. 
  4. ^ Tekgül, S; Riedmiller, H; Hoebeke, P; Kočvara, R; Nijman, RJ; Radmayr, C; Stein, R; Dogan, HS; European Association of, Urology. EAU guidelines on vesicoureteral reflux in children.. European Urology. September 2012, 62 (3): 534–42. PMID 22698573. doi:10.1016/j.eururo.2012.05.059.